General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat sort of things are included in "other stuffs" when people say pi...

What sort of things are included in "other stuffs" when people say pick easy heroes? in General Discussion

    I've read and hear people saying "When you're new to the game, try using easy heroes so you don't have to focus on mechanics and focus on other stuffs instead".

    I know there's like last hitting, map awareness, positioning, skill/item usage, skill/item build, rotation. But that's probably all i know :/

    So, what other stuffs should i focus on improving when playing?

    P.S : Sorry if this is a bad or poorly thought out question. I'm not sure how to make one :/

    Potato Marshal

      Pulling, stacking, skill shots, microing, roaming etc.

      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf



          basically just focus on whatever you mentioned.


            and pushing. u cant win games witout pushing


              ^ all of the above,

              I would add split pushing, farming patter, creep aggro, creep equilibrium, power spike of each hero, item and playstyle adjustment (Ex. you're playing slark going for SB, but your team really needs someone who can jump in to the enemy's back line supports and the game is very teamfight oriented, so you change to dagger instead.)

              Personally, I would say if you're below very high skill, just try easy/straight forward hero first or even better if you can spam one of them. Ex. Jugg, Lifestealer, TB for carry; OD, Lina, SF for mid.

              Questo commento è stato modificato

                Basically if you can master all of these skills everyone mentioned, you could've easily become 5k++++++

                Riguma Borusu

                  The idea is that instead of focusing on the hero's inherent complexity, you instead focus on learning the game itself because the hero itself is easy to play.

                  But yes, everything everyone has said here boils down to "get better at the game, not at the hero". Getting good at the hero is something that's really useful only once you've got the game's basics down.


                    @FattyDevil : How to become 5k plus?


                      Step1 Earn yourself $40
                      Step2 Go to epicnpc
                      Step3 Find one account that you like
                      Step4 You're now 5k


                        Step5 Show 5k on your profile and never queue ranked again
                        Step6 (THE MOST IMPORTANT) Play pubs with comfort and when feeding respond to all haters with s t f u 4k/3k/2k trash


                          Wraith King is a good hero to play and learn the basic aspects of the game

                          Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                            Buying the correct item to adjust according to enemy heroes.


                              ^^^ Step 5 and 6 are very important, take note!!


                                Thanks for the replies guys! For now i'm working on farming patterns. Currently watching the Kiev IG vs OG game 2. Any other replays that i could watch to improve it?

                                From that replay, i also notice burning's "3 man gank" escape at around 6.30 was because he saw mk's icon on the minimap. 2 question :

                                1. I watched the replay from burning's player perspective with fog dire only. How did he managed to see jerax icon even though there's no sentry around him? Is it a replay bug which means burning just have a great intuition, or was it something else?

                                2. Any other replays i can watch which shows how a pro would survive/turn around a gank where scrubs like me wouldn't?


                                  1. Didn't watch, cannot help, sorry

                                  2. BSJ, watch his coaching session/gameleaps video. Basically, the idea behind it is to analyze the heroes and situations of the game, figure out which heroes in the enemy's team can kill you, some solo kills you while some needs +1 to kill you, and play aggressively whenever you see those heroes far from you, and try to hide if they're missing until they show up somewhere.

                                  This is pretty much what how to survive ganks is all about, it's just how good can you be at it, the better your sense is the less you die; resulting in more space you created for the team.


                                    I think i've seen that video. I'll look for more i guess. Btw, what if every enemy have a kill potential on you? like enemy picked somthing like troll,riki,pa,nyx,pudge or somthing (1K stuffs) What do you do if you're in that position? (I know it's unlikely to happen in 5k +, so i guess someting like distruptor,mk,nyx,invo,troll or smth in 5K+)


                                      I'm talking about spend your time watching as many of these videos as you can; there's no magical video/guide that can boost your skill merely by watching it, you need to watch a lot, learn from it, play a lot.

                                      It depends on your hero, plus, those heroes you mentioned don't have solo kill potential on most carry (unless you're really far behind). For an example, if you're AM you just need to becareful of nyx+1, riki+1, pudge with dagger+1; which means if these heroes are missing while their teammates are 4 man pushing somewhere else, you don't need to be scared cos they will need someone to help.

                                      Try guessing which heroes are threatening you in each game, you could be guessing wrong and end up feeding in the first 10-20 games but learn from it, so you can improve.

                                      However, there are very few cases where sometimes you literally cannot show up in the map because every single hero in the enemy team can solo kill you, in that case, you will have to group up with your team, no choice.

                                      Hope this helps :)


                                        if ure new to the game you just need basic laning and learn what do all the heroes and items do and spend some time with not buying crap items

                                        like even with how many guides people make, some guy asked me that he might try dota seeing me playing it and it just made me think how much information do you need to learn to play on basic level



                                          Firstly, sorry if i sounded rude in here. English is not my first language

                                          From my intrepretation,i think that you think that i will just look for every video about dota once until i see the "ultimate super boosting 1K-100K MMR guide"
                                          Sorry if i didn't worded it properly. I meant that i've watched the video you mentioned so i'll look for more video on the topic so i can compare their viewpoints, and learn from it.

                                          Regarding the solo kill potential heroes. Since you said that, i just realized that i really need to improve my farming pattern and positioning since i guess if they (the heroes you said need one more to kill me) are able to solo kill me, there's something wrong with either my positioning or my items or both.

                                          Because grouping up in 1K is pretty much nonexistant unless the team have ursa/troll to do rosh, i guess if every enemy can kill me, then my pick is horrible. Is that correct?

                                          Btw, I just watched Blitz's new video about good farm or bad farm. Basically, he said that when farming, always try to advance the game in the same time (like farm the lane wave to pressure/defend tower, create space,etc). My question is, since pretty much everyone here plays carry, when enemy who can kill me is missing, do i contest their jungle farm, or go for the riskier ones by trying to splitpush? if i'm not using heroes that have reliable escape (i think i'm pretty good at splitpushing. Once won a game against a fed SF just by outpushing enemies as AM)

                                          PS :
                                          (i'm not gonna support since everyone here is stupid. I know that i will make mistakes that for skilled players seems stupid myself. But i feel like every time i try and support someone, they always did stupid descisions such as, going afk jungle for 10 mins because they're afraid to get harrased even though i picked healing supports)

                                          @diva of despair

                                          I'm not really new to the game (been almost a year). Even though i've improved. I'm feeling that i'm still lacking on basic stuffs (probably because i play around too much early). So i'm going back and try to build my skill back from the basics.

                                          Thank you very much for the help guys. It is very much appriciated! :D

                                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                                            Try to do cuki challenge. I see that ur not into dota and you look for alternative way to get instantly better lmao


                                              after you do the cookie lasthit challenges, you need to start applying it to real games. therefore it's kind of important to splitpush while monitoring the minimap (if you know the enemy is coming for you, you either prepare to fight and kill them, or you run depending on what and how many enemies are coming for you), even using scan, that way you can really increase your farming efficiency while putting pressure on the enemy team (and their objectives) as well as not dieing.

                                              it can be really useful like enemy is 5 man trying to break your hg while your team is depushing (assuming thy are able to depush, this is not a proper dota thing but something that happens very often in normal skill and is highly abusable), you splitpush to the enmies highground and push it, if you see an enemy core TP, you just tp back yourself and kill the enemy at your hg 4v5. if they don't tp you break the high ground yourself. or if you can solo kill the TPing core, you just do it and force buyback/take hg and tp back.

                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                If you don't mind watching long videos Purge has a series where he coaches Day9. Watch the lesson videos, they're pretty helpful.

                                                If every hero can kill you easily, then your hero was probably wrong for the game, but that doesn't mean there's no hope. You can itemize against most enemies in the game. As a support, Force staff, Ghost sceptre and Glimmer cape are all items that will massively boost your survivability in game. As a core items like linkens, Lotus orb, bkb and hurricane pike are often viable options if you need to not die.

                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                  Heroes and item interactions



                                                    Finished it. Though barely. Made a couple of mistakes. Anyway to record lobby games so i can look for more mistakes?

                                                    And i dont get what you mean by not into dota.


                                                    Been pretty good at splitpushing. I think i already know the basics of split pushing though that only happens when i play AM lmao. I think i only died 1 of 15 times when splitpushing using AM. The problem is obvious though, i need to learn splitpushing using other heroes. Then the other problem of not being efficient with farming while splitpushing. I still need to adress that.


                                                    Been planning to watch it for quite some time. Havent found the motivation to do it. Probably soon though. Thanks!

                                                    @HIME HIME

                                                    Such as sb allowing slark to keep his passive near enemy?
                                                    or Refraction enables blink while getting hit?
                                                    something like that?

                                                    And again, thanks for the replies guys!


                                                      Other stuff =
                                                      Items, what they do, how much they cost, and is it worth it?
                                                      Heroes, what they do (how abilities work), how difficult they are to play, and who they are good with / against.

                                                      The map; where to juke, where to ward, where to be.


                                                        @KUNDALINI This is a little bit long, but take some times to read. If you don't understand any part you can ask more.

                                                        Sorry for misunderstanding you then. Still,The best way to improve is by watching those videos (whoever you enjoy watching, the basic ideas are all the same) and try it out again and again until you get a grasp on it.

                                                        >> Regarding the solo kill potential items or both.
                                                        I believe it all falls down to the problem of your lacked of knowledge and understanding of the game. For an example, (since you focus your question only on AM and split-pushing, I'll talk about your most recent AM game this game the only threat to you was Axe and Lina after she got SB *, this means before 34 mins mark, you can farm the entire map avoiding only Axe. Your job is to look for axe, right after you see him on the map, run to another side of the map ** and keep pushing lanes, do not scare of anyone it is not Axe or Lina. Once you get your manta you can farm even faster, send your illusions to push the lane when it's already risky (like all of them missing / axe missing / etc.), monitor those illusions to farm in risky lane that you could not farm before having manta***

                                                        >> Because grouping up in 1K.......Is that correct?
                                                        Pretty much, yes. But sometimes getting a defensive item can make you become unkilleable by them. For example, you're playing slark against Necro, LC, Lion, Kunkka, BB; in this game (assuming no teammate is available to help you for some reasons) you would have to group up with your team or farm on the only safety zone in early game Or try to find Lion when he's alone before he hexes you. However, just by purchasing a linken, you wouldn't need to scare LC Necro Lion Kunkka anymore, you'll just need to watch out for these heroes+1, like if LC is missing alone cannot kill you, but if necro is also missing, you'll need to back of.

                                                        So basically, it's mostly because of the pick and situation of the game, but sometimes a defensive item can help you out to play more aggressive in the map.

                                                        >> Btw, I just watched Blitz's.......enemies as AM)z
                                                        You don't split push when enemy who can kill you is missing, you split push when you know where they are, so you can push peacefully. For example, while you're split pushing with your AM, you saw that Axe has been missing for like a minute or so, and last time you saw him was on the another side of the map, this means there's a possibility for him to walk or tp to your lane waiting for you to show up, so now you have 2 possibilities: 1. Hide in the trees waiting for him to show up on the map 2. If he does show up on your lane, you TP away, wasting his time and you can peacefully push out other lanes without him since you already know where he is.
                                                        Contesting the enemy farm is riskier than hiding of course, so you do it only when you know which way the enemy is likely to come. For example, you're playing AM on dire side, pushing btm lane toward enemy's tier2, if the entire enemy team is missing, you have no choice but to hide inside the trees. But if the enemy shows 3-4 heroes on the map and you know that Axe is possibly walking from base since 1 minute ago you saw him TP back home, so now you can farm Radiant's middle medium camp, safelane small camp, and safelane big camp. Or if you saw him farming midlane and he walked inside the jungle toward you, you can farm only on Radiant's safelane small camp, and safelane big camp.

                                                        Basically, you only contest enemy's jungle when you can predict which way the enemy is coming, which makes you safe to farm those camps. But if you cannot predict where they're coming, you hide in the trees, and wait for them to show up.

                                                        Good that you have your strength on split-pushing, if you're split-pushing very effectively you can easily win up to 3k-4k because people below this level don't know how to split-push or how to deal with it. Since split-pushing is also farming and creating space for your team at the same time, if you do it effectively enough, you will end up having 10-20k networth above every players in the same bracket, and you will just win the game because you outfarmed them and possibly solo kill some of them that solo react to your push without considering whether they can fight you or not.

                                                        * (I'm assuming you know that if you time it properly you can dodge Lina's Eul+stun by Manta, Or even if you didn't know she still wasn't a big threat to you since you can position yourself properly to avoid her from using Eul from the Fog)

                                                        ** Try to use tread switching and blink across the map instead of using TP because if you TP to a lane to push, then axe or 3-4 enemies react to your push and TP to gank you, you would be stuck in that lane and forced to run all the way to other lane which waste more time, and they could easily follow you around. So to avoid that happening, you run to the lane that pushes in to your tower, push all the way back to their tower, applying pressure while waiting for their reactions, force them to come as many as you can (you're not scared of luna LS NP, so force more than 1 to come), TP away... now those that TP-ed to react to your push cannot disturb you for another 1min 20sec.

                                                        *** Try controling manta illusions to kill range creep first to push faster since it dies faster and it deals more damage to our creeps than melee creeps, and control these illusions to get CS in lane because your hero is already farming in a safety zone like NC, so you will be safe and get all the gold from the camp anyway, don't need to watch yourself hitting creeps.

                                                        Hope this helps :)

                                                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                          This is a Normal Skill game of my smurf Keep in mind that my Timbersaw is like trash tier level, I didn't win because I used my skills properly and killed all of them, but I won because I was so farmed that they couldn't even 5v1 me, all I did was farming, split-pushing, and at 20mins I got so much farmed that I just need to randomly throw my skills hoping to hit them and suddenly all of them died.... This is not for bragging purpose or anything, I just want to say that farming and split-pushing is all you need to climb to >3k and if you're really good at it, there would be nothing stopping you from steadily climbing.

                                                          No offense with this friendly reminder>> Please don't build up the mindset that you're already good at something because you will not learn from it any further. Even right now, my split pushing is still very bad comparing to 6k 7k. SO don't stop yourself from improving by thinking that you're already good at it.


                                                            I know there's like last hitting, map awareness, positioning, skill/item usage, skill/item build, rotation. But that's probably all i know :/

                                                            aight here's the thing. what u know here is the concept, that what last hitting is and what it gives u, but can u actually get an available cs under most circumstances?
                                                            u know what map awareness is and maybe u know how u can use it to ur advantage which i dont think new players do know that. even if u do, chances are u arent looking at the minimap constantly to gather info and u still go to places where enemy was seen 20 secs ago and now is missing.

                                                            so basically i would say start with first understanding how to utilize the things u said urself then try USING THEM IN ACTUAL GAMES BY CONSTANTLY REMINDING URSELF OF THEM IN REAL GAMES U PLAY UNTIL IT'S IMPLEMENTED IN U AND U DONT NEED TO MAKE CONSCIOUS EFFORT TO DO IT


                                                              perhaps a small thing, but i think nobody has mentioned it yet. it's understand YOUR OWN kill potential. when you watch boosters play, they will have 20+ kills every single game and snowball completely out of control.


                                                                please someone help!! my brother wanted to play dota and items so we bought a battle pass in a absolutely new acc but sadly his international rank is not open ...he has 0 games now... will it open later i mean after some normal games? please describe someone


                                                                  perhaps a small thing, but i think nobody has mentioned it yet. it's understand YOUR OWN kill potential. when you watch boosters play, they will have 20+ kills every single game and snowball completely out of control.

                                                                  yeah that's really important but kinda hard to obtain by anything but playing the game and getting that kind of "game sense" inside you, also a lot more concepts come into this like knowing what heroes can kill you and if they're in your vicinity or can come to countergank in <3 seconds, keeping in mind enemy cooldowns etc

                                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                    ^^^ I did >> and you will just win the game because you outfarmed them and possibly solo kill some of them that solo react to your push without considering whether they can fight you or not.

                                                                    But thanks for pointing it out though, maybe I should have emphasized it to make it clearer.

                                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                      please reply me sir once.. m really worried..sorry that i am commenting here



                                                                        I still need to work on the item part, Hero's pretty good (though i probably should learn more about using skills like psi blades etc)
                                                                        The map though... probably really bad unless im playing elusive heroes. Gonna really need to improve that


                                                                        No, it's my bad for wording it badly. My apologies as well.

                                                                        Regarding watching videos, I just watched a video by Qwasar77 about itemization. He talks about a lot of stuffs that's pretty new to me. The one i'm most confused about is that he said that Aquila is bad on ember because it delays his veil. Is it really bad? If so, the best way to regen mana would be either bottle cour, or do the remnant tp, right? Or, just grabbing runes every 2 mins should be enough (considering each rune cycles every spawn, so no 2 regens in a row,etc). I just remembered about clarity. But is it worth it on a melee mid hero? considering it will be easily canceled.

                                                                        >>I believe it all falls down.....before having manta***
                                                                        Nothing to ask here. Learned a lot from it. Thank you very much for the added tips.

                                                                        >>Pretty much, yes. .....more aggressive in the map.
                                                                        I got it. So, i guess it would also be acceptable to get a defensive item that appropriate on a core item reliant heroes? (like am with bf, jug with manta, troll with sny, drow with dragon lance,etc). Like getting vanguard on am and jug before bf and manta because they would get abbysal anyway, getting sange before yasha on troll, getting force staff first on drow,etc

                                                                        >> You don't split push....safelane big camp.
                                                                        I usually just go and fight whoever defending since most of the time people here wont bother tping to defend, especially when they're pushing. So i can 1v1 or even 1v2 pretty fine.

                                                                        Sorry, i was stupid, don't know what i was thinking about at the time. What i meant by "their jungle farm" was my teammate's. I dont know why i put their instead of my jungle or something. I still learn a lot though. Need to get better at map awareness since i sometimes still got those "WTF" moments where an axe just blinks out of nowhere and i'm confused while dying (lul). Which i realized by reading your reply could be avoided had i been more aware of his (or other solo kill potential heroes) position on the map. Thanks!

                                                                        Btw, from my game that you mentioned. I only managed to get a 19 mins BF. But i got 672 GPM is the gpm good enough? What would be your tips on getting a faster BF (my average is about 17-20 min BF)? When would you start jungling/ rotating between jungle and lane? Is pulling small camps while sacrificing 2-3 LH worth it? (since no one knows how to pull in here, i have to do it myself which lead to me missing CS)

                                                                        >>This is a Normal Skill.....steadily climbing.
                                                                        I also managed to do that once with timber, thought that was when i was like 400 MMR or something lol. I guess i'll get back to ranked once i've managed to get perfect cs in solo lobby consistenly.

                                                                        >>No offense with this friendly.....good at it.
                                                                        I'm not easily offended. You can scold me for all my stupidity as long as i can learn from it, i'm perfectly fine with it. Yeah, i dont and never think i'm already good at anything unless i can consistenly do it perfectly. I always think that i always have something more to learn, even from the basics, that's why i created this thread in the first place.

                                                                        Thanks! I know there's still a lot of room for improvement on all aspects. For now i decided that i should focus on last hitting since my LH on 10 mins is usually atrocious. But yeah, as i've said in my reply to FattyDevil, i'll spam a training until i can consistently do it perfectly.

                                                                        And that. I need to stop hesistating when using my skill. Thanks for the reminder.

                                                                        @satax love you all
                                                                        Your acc need to be lvl 20 first, And please make a new thread when asking for something not related the the thread.

                                                                        @hanna and FattyDevil's last reply
                                                                        So, i guess for now i'll just play flashfarm heroes so i don't need to think about kill potential and counterganks for now. I will definetly expand my pool once i've got the hang of everything regarding to farming.

                                                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                                                          Playing good core is about being as agressive as possible without getting your arse killed without losing much farm, not farming fast
                                                                          Kicking the offlane out matters
                                                                          Utilizing your gold properly matters
                                                                          Utilizing your spell and items properly matters
                                                                          Contributing as much as you can in teamfight matters
                                                                          Positioning matters
                                                                          Punishing mistakes matters
                                                                          Knowing when to fight and when not to matters
                                                                          If you actually want to become a good core player scrap away "hao to ferm fest" mentality because it's very simple and basic which can simply be learned by experience and a bit of thinking


                                                                            First of all, I respect the effort that you really want to improve, I wish I had that much effort when I started playing Dota2 xd
                                                                            I'll come back and answer your questions at night, since it will take some times and I have to go outside very soon.


                                                                              @KUNDALINI This is even longer than the last one lmao

                                                                              >> Regarding watching will be easily canceled.

                                                                              I'm not an Ember player so I can't say for sure, but Yes, I believe Aquila shouldn't be an item on Ember most games (I would say you get Aquila on like 20% of the game, when your teammates are willing to push very early or can push very early, and your carry is not an Aquila builder. Normally people buy Aquila for the stats, mana regen, and armor aura, but what most people forget is that it gives you an extra 10 damage+9 from agi stats which helps you in trading right clicks; however, double nulls also give Ember the very same stats, and even better suited for him. It gives 6+6 damage which is only 7 less than Aquila but with higher Str and Int for you which is what Ember wants since most damage from Ember in laning phase comes from his Flame Guard ans Searing Chains, which costs a lot of mana that increasing raw mana pool by double nulls is much better. )

                                                                              You can put your bottle into your teammates that TP from base to refill it. Definitely Yes, clarity is only 50 gold (1 creep worth of gold) but gives you 100+ mana (assuming cannot protect it until full duration), so basically whenever your mana is around half, fly yourself a clarity or 2 with your items to increase your mana. What you have to do before hand is to pull the creep wave back before your clarity comes, so it can extend your clarity duration more, and while using clarity is playing a little bit defensive, use creep aggro to pull the creeps to your side*

                                                                              *You have 2 ways to pull the lane back: 1. Use creep aggro, pull enemy's melee creeps toward your range creep to kill the range creep first, so that the lane pushes back to your lane. 2. If your lane is already pushed up on the enemy's high ground, use your flameguard to push the creeps even further, what's going to happen is that, your current creep wave will be pushed in to the enemy's tower, meeting the new enemy's creep wave under tower and die, your next coming creep wave will come in and fight the enemy's creep wave under the enemy's tower range, and will die very fast. Eventually, after your creeps die, the enemy's creep wave will then push you back to your high ground and meet your new creep wave under your tower. This will also reset your creep equilibrium as well.

                                                                              >> I got it. So, i guess........first on drow,etc

                                                                              95% of the game you don't have to do that. You get a proper defensive item when it's needed at a specific time of the game.
                                                                              (Concerning the timing and power spike of each hero) For example, a slark doesn't have to get linken first item just because he's against LC, since LC will probably get his dagger around 13 mins+, and even that he's still not able to solo kill you (unless they have invoker's SS, but that is not solo kill anyway), you will have to get linken after SB, since LC mostly get his blademail around 17-18 mins.

                                                                              As for your question of getting those stats and defensive items on carry, I would say it's very unlikely, unless you're really in a bad situation because getting those defensive items also mean slowing down your farming progress as well. So this is where your game sense plays a huge role on itemization, if you get defensive item when it's not needed, your farm will be slowed down. If you don't get defensive item when it's needed, you will keep dying and can't farm. Basically, you'll need to buy those defensive items first ONLY under all these conditions : 1. when you're dying to every single hero in their side 2. When you literally cannot farm because the enemy keeps coming into your jungle and your team cannot do anything about it, and contesting enemy's farm is not an option since you cannot man fight with enemy's carry. 3. Your team is willingly to group up and fight/smoke, then you will need those extra survivability to take fights early on.

                                                                              >> I usually just.......which lead to me missing CS)

                                                                              I believe everybody still have those WTF moments lmao. I cannot give a specific amount of time; since each game is different, and I want you to focus on what impacts have you given to the team (like creating space by split pushing, stealing the enemy's farm, cutting creep wave when enemy tries to push, etc.), but considering you were against Axe + Luna, you seemed to have a bad lane, which getting 19 mins BF and 672 GPM are already good. Maybe you could try predicting your lane before the game starts, and customize your starting items for it. For example, this game you can predict that you might be laning against axe/np +1 since they have no support, so does laning against axe/np +1 going to be in your favor? Obviously no, so starting with only a set of tango just confirmed you to lose the lane. When you predict that your lane is going to get pressure very hard, get more healing items, maybe you could start with 2 sets of tango or 1 tango + 1 salve, you can always buy quelling blade from the side shop, but you cannot buy tango/salve from there, and stealing cour from mid can sometimes lose him the lane. So to avoid that, get more regen items from the base, so you can sustain longer in the lane, which will sometimes make your lane a lot better because the enemy will run out of regen before you.

                                                                              Roaming/Jungling is also depend on the situation of the game, if your lane is easy, you keep staying on it, and keep applying pressure to the tower. Leave the lane to other lanes when you're strong enough to bully the enemy's carry (For example, you're having a good lane, and already destroyed tier 1 tower, suddenly your team makes a fight with the enemy in midlane, you then have 3 choices: 1. Keep pushing the lane toward tier2 if you cannot bully the enemy's safelane 2. TP to your offlane to bully enemy's safelaner if you can 3. TP to join fight, ONLY if you're pushing toward enemy's tier 2, and you see that the fight is going very well, but if you TP in you can turn the fight to your side right away.).
                                                                              However, if your lane is horrible like the game we're talking about, it's sometimes better to just leave the lane as soon as the enemy is strong enough to dive your tower OR if you see that you can gain more from jungle/other lanes (like the enemy keeps pulling big camp toward their creep wave to deny it from you). In this case, you will have to leave the lane, and maybe go to top or mid which can pressure you less.

                                                                              Assuming you're all alone in the lane against an Axe+Luna, it is worth pulling the small camp. Here's what's going to happen when you single pull the small camp: Normally your creep wave will be meeting the enemy's in the middle of the lane, but if that happens, you cannot even go in to the XP range because you cannot fight Axe+Luna. So your only choice is to single pull the small camp the drag your creep into the jungle, letting enemy's creep push inside your tower. Last hitting creeps under tower is not preferable for a carry, but if there's no choice, it's better to last hit under tower than getting literally nothing, not even XP.

                                                                              I don't know how long have you been playing Dota2, but if you're still new (<2 years, I would say) you might not be able to understand and execute all of these tips I've been talking about (Or even if you do, you might not be able to apply them all in real games), but at least try them out one by one, these little things will definitely boost your skill up comparing to other players in the same level.

                                                                              Hope this helps :) and feel free to ask more questions

                                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                pretty good advice from fatty devil !
                                                                                i wish i can remember it and do it in my game !


                                                                                  Sorry I just replied got a bit of work to do

                                                                                  @addicted to loli hentai
                                                                                  "Playing good core is about being as agressive as possible without getting your arse killed without losing much farm, not farming fast"
                                                                                  Then i'm a terrible core :/. Still trying to tone down my aggresiveness :/

                                                                                  "Kicking the offlane out matters"
                                                                                  Does it still apply when against duel lane necro + axe or other annoying things like that?

                                                                                  "Knowing when to fight and when not to matters"
                                                                                  Such as, take fight whenever you get a big item?

                                                                                  For the other stuffs that i didn't quote it's because i don't have any question on it. Thanks for the help. I'll try to remember it one by one.

                                                                                  Lol, thank you for your kind words.

                                                                                  I don't mind text wall. I like reading anyway. Though being able to remember everything is another matter lol.

                                                                                  >>I'm not an Ember player....equilibrium as well.
                                                                                  Is the "rule" of get aquila if you want to push very early only applies to certain heroes or every heroes?

                                                                                  Other than that, nothing more to ask. Learned a lot, especially on the 2nd creep managing trick. Thanks.

                                                                                  >>95% of the game you....take fights early on.
                                                                                  This is still kinda related since your example of LC can kinda snowball. How do you deal with snowballing heroes in the other lanes that managed to snowball from their lanes (and able to solo kill because of that) and keep ganking you? (like snowball reaaaaalllyy bad, i'm talking about 100 duel dmg LC on 10 mins, or 10 mins bloodstone lina, 12 mins diffusal riki,etc)

                                                                                  Other than that, i think i get what you're saying. Thanks!

                                                                                  >>I believe everybody....will run out of regen before you.
                                                                                  At least that makes me feel not as stupid as i think i am lol. Predicting lanes in here is hard. There could be axe jungle,np jungle, ls jungle, even luna jungle. Hell, i've met a jungle invoker without midas. Though i should peobably get 2 sets of regen anyway considering almost every enemy heroes in that game can be aggresive on me early on. Thanks for the tips.

                                                                                  >>Roaming/Jungling is also.....pressure you less.
                                                                                  I believe this one is directed at the question "When would you start jungling/ rotating between jungle and lane?" If that were the case, I guess i made another misunderstanding lmao. If not, i'm still grateful for the bonus tips lmao. What i meant was, since an efficient carry would farm the jungle inbetween creep waves, after what item do you think AM can do this? (i personally do it after RoH + Threads dont know if i can do it sooner than that).

                                                                                  Oh, and one more question. I don't understand what you mean by "TP to join fight, ONLY if you're pushing toward enemy's tier 2, and you see that the fight is going very well, but if you TP in you can turn the fight to your side right away.)." I don't get what you mean by "ONLY if you're pushing enemy's tier 2". So like, i'm pushing T2, doesn't matter how many hp it got left, then i TP to the fight? Then i dont get the other part as well. Like, The fight is already going well (for my team i guess?) then i TP to seal the deal or something? Wouldn't it be better if i just take the T2? Or my tp is to ensure as little casualties from my team as possible?

                                                                                  But thanks again. Never thought about pressuring the enemy carry before i get my 1st core item.

                                                                                  >>Assuming you're....getting literally nothing, not even XP.
                                                                                  Nothing to ask. Thanks for the advice.

                                                                                  I've played for almost a year (started after last year TI). And yeah, i'm still having trouble remembering all the stuffs let alone applying it in real games lmao.

                                                                                  Another problem i just realized from my last game. I think i keep overestimating my enemies. And because of that, i kept being either too defensive (not taking chances to trade hits with them), or too aggresive (usually in teamfights where i think "Sht, if we don't kill him now, we're fcked").

                                                                                  If you don't mind, can we play some games together? (probably unranked.... definetly unranked lmao) Not like coaching, just help me point out my glaringly stupid mistakes i made in the game. (it's probably considered coaching,idk) And just have fun together. And also for anyone who reads this i guess. I mean, it's not like i'm even decent. You'll be the one stressed looking at my play lmao.

                                                                                  @ZA WARUDO
                                                                                  (IS THAT A JOJO REFRENCE!?) Nevermind what i said.

                                                                                  We're on the same boat. And the destination is Improvement! (Yay!?)

                                                                                  Thanks for the answer guys!



                                                                                    Practice makes perfect !! I believe you can do it as long as you still have those effort and keep practicing in the right way.

                                                                                    >> Is the "rule" of get aquila if you want to push very early only applies to certain heroes or every heroes?
                                                                                    It applies to most Agi heroes; the only few exceptions are Ember since his damage early game comes from his skills; Bloodseeker because he already has an overwhelming damage from his Q and Passive (I personally would buy it on him anyway); Bounty Hunter because he's not going to hit people anyway, his job is to scout around, track, and slow down the target with his passive and OoV; AM because his perseverance is enough to sustain him in early game (I personally would buy it on him too, lol).

                                                                                    The item is so powerful, it's only 985 gold but it gives you everything an Agi hero needs, so basically just buy it on every Agi hero you play.... The only situation I don't buy it on Agi hero is when the situation is so bad and I really my core item to turn the game around. For example, a slark who has a really bad early game, and the entire team is struggling, the only one who can turn the game around is Slark getting his SB and find some pick off, that's the only type of situation I skip Aquila.

                                                                                    >> This is still kinda related.........12 mins diffusal riki,etc)

                                                                                    It's super rare ( nearly impossible) for those situations to happen tho lol, but if it does happen the best you can do is what I told you before, get defensive items, group up with your team, ready to go all in gank/fight. And in this case I'm talking about most of the enemies are snowballing and you literally cannot stay alone at all; however, if it's only 1 hero snowballing, you just need to avoid him and do the split pushing that we talked about.

                                                                                    >> I believe this one it sooner than that).

                                                                                    After you get PMS, QB, Treads is enough, this will accelerate your RoH timing as well. Just to make sure you're understand it properly, you only farm jungle in between waves when you cannot push tower, like the enemy offlane is still quite strong and he's not going anywhere. If the lane is all free, you prioritize pushing tower.
                                                                                    An extra tip that I want you to try is if you're against an offlaner 1v1, and he's not capable of clearing stacks/tanking creeps (Axe, Timber, Tide, DS, etc.) you can always stack and side pull the big camp at every 53 sec, and leave your creeps there while you walk out and clear the enemy's creep wave, this is to deny your creep wave while stacking for more farm. But make sure you don't stack it too much that your hero cannot take the stack. As an AM you should only double stack the camp, and when you want to clear it, pull your creep wave in, let them tank for you, and clear the stack.

                                                                                    >> Oh, and one more as possible?

                                                                                    Sorry for my mistakes on that part (I don't even understand myself lol), I was very tired since I'd been writing my college report for so long and I took my break time to answer you xdd

                                                                                    Okay, so this is what you have to think before you TP to join fights. If you TP in, what can you do in the fight (For example, you're an AM with just a Battlefury pushing tier 2 tower, it's very obvious that your main objective is to get the tower, but if your team is NOT doing well, you now have to analyze whether you will be helpful in the fight or not. Like if you see that the enemy is really low even though your team is losing, and if you TP in and use your ult you can take down their core and turn the fight around)
                                                                                    If the answer is you cannot do anything... then keep pushing, let your team dies, it's better than you TP in and die together with them. Or if you TP in when your team is already wiping the enemy, you're wasting your time.

                                                                                    >> Another problem.......we're fcked").
                                                                                    This is a reaaaallllyyy huge mistake in my opinion!!! I would say the best way to learn in Dota2 and in anything else is from your own mistakes. If you want to improve fast, you just yolo it, play as much aggressive as you can. You will die, you will be feeding, obviously xd, BUT you MUST learn from those mistakes and don't do it again.

                                                                                    You will learn from mistakes that you get directly punished on faster than your mistakes that get indirectly punished. Like you mentioned that you overestimated your enemy and played defensively; how are you going to know when is your defensive plays are unnecessary if you're not getting a direct punishment from it. On the other hand, if you're playing so aggressive, and die from it, you will now learn that.. okay, maybe AM is kill-able by a CK with these items, etc.

                                                                                    >>If you don't my play lmao.
                                                                                    Sure, but I'm not playing often these days, I have piles of report to do. You can add me on steam, I'll be playing very often starting next month (Fucking summer break!!! Yeahhh!!!)

                                                                                    Hope this helps :)
                                                                                    Feel free to ask more questions or anything you don't understand



                                                                                      Thank you very much for the encouragement!

                                                                                      This time i'm out of questions lmao. So this time i'll just quote parts that are not clear yet to me else it would be just a "Nothing to ask here. Thank you for the answer" parade

                                                                                      >>It's super rare....we talked about.
                                                                                      It's pretty common here. a few days ago i got wrecked by desolator daedalus bounty >_>. Even i'm embarassed at myself >_>. Btw, what do you do if the snowballing hero is either invisible or able to tp around the map?(sb legion,sb lina,riki,tinker, np,etc) if considering they're not stupid (tinker tping in the next creepwave not the one i'm clearing then waiting for me to pass him). Do you continue split pushing while taking the risk (bring sentry around?) or do something else?

                                                                                      >>Sorry for my mistakes on that part (I don't even understand myself lol), I was very tired since I'd been writing my college report for so long and I took my break time to answer you xdd

                                                                                      No problem lol I (kinda) know how that feels like. Take your time. It's not like it's a super emergency thing lmao.

                                                                                      and thank you for the clarification!

                                                                                      >>Sure, but I'm not playing often these days, I have piles of report to do. You can add me on steam, I'll be playing very often starting next month (Fucking summer break!!! Yeahhh!!!)

                                                                                      Lmao. Funny thing is, my holiday will be over next week lmao. But i'll still be able to play regularly every weekends.

                                                                                      All in all, Thank you very much for the massive amount of help!

                                                                                      And thank you everyone for your help. It is very much appriciated!

                                                                                      I'll try to read all the comments again from the top and try to fully understand them one by one.

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                                                                                        In the case of LC Lina Riki, if they get snowballing really hard, while you have nothing; you just have to stick with your team; since if you're alone you will be dead. So keep sticking with your team until you see the chance to split push (like seeing their location/killing them)

                                                                                        In case of Tinker and NP, these heroes take quite long time to become a threat, but if they somehow did snowball from the lane, NP is a little bit easier as he cannot TP here and there all the time like tinker, so you can pingping your team to come gank, if not stay away from him (if he goes top, you go btm). Tinker is quite similar but he can manage to hold every lane at the same time, so all you can do is to jungle somewhere near the tower you wanna push, while waiting for him to go back or defend other lanes.

                                                                                        Basically you don't take the risk to push when you have high chances of dying (remember when we talked about hero how has killing potential on you?), if the hero who can kill you can go invisible, you play defensively, either hiding in trees or stick with friends, same idea with normal cases when you're split pushing, but heroes like riki who invis all the time, you might have to play more defensive since you never know when he's going to be on top of you.

                                                                                        No problem :D
                                                                                        Try to apply all of these things one by one, if you try to apply everything at once, you won't learn anythin because you wouldn't know what goes wrong with your mistakes; since there are too many factors, so practice one at a time, be patient and you shall improve.

                                                                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                          Remember guys, tinker can't just stay in the trees safely when pushing the midlane, or at least, not as safe as sidelane shoves


                                                                                            Thanks you for the answers!

                                                                                            Well, i think since i've ran out of questions for now, the thread is (unofficially) closed lol.

                                                                                            I'll probably make a new thread if i have a new question (kinda depends on the time though i guess)

                                                                                            P.S : I've added you, @FattyDevil. I'm looking forward for the games!