General Discussion

General DiscussionLearning about draft

Learning about draft in General Discussion
i just wanna have fun

    as the title say,currently im trying to learn how to draft.Can you guys give some opinion on my draft(im dire)


      Learn about heroes, timinga, roles versatility etc. Drafting then comes naturally

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        Your draft is extremely greedy, has no lockdown and you just picked all the global heroes for the sake of it.

        1-IceTea 🌟

          3K need no draft,you can spam 1 hero to 7K

          Draft only start there,anything before that is heavily depends on how good you can play your hero.

          If you suck at game mechanic and can't even play your hero to at least half potential (which even 4-5K does) you are wasting your time because you will have no idea what a specific hero can do.


            Wow, no offense, but I can't believe that's a draft from 3.9k.

            I guess the best way is to understand the game more, if you really need to draft for your team, try with basic structure: Pick offlane+support > carry > mid > support

            Try to make your first 2 picks ambiguous in term of laning. For example, pick something like SK, Clock, Void, BB, Puck etc. Carry / mid / support are changeable in orders if the enemy reveals their role first. For example, if they pick SF on their 3rd pick, you can pick mid before carry since you already know what hero your mid is against. I personally like leaving support at last pick so that I can counterpick or turn the draft around with a support

            And keep in mind what Sebastian said while drafting >> Learn about heroes, timinga, roles versatility etc.

            Questo commento è stato modificato

              ^this only works when multiple players can actually play heroes in different positions
              if ur offlane player doesn't rlly know how to play puck there isn't a point in picking puck as a flex pick.
              here is a draft I did
              note some of my picks were designed to better fit the players using that hero

              Questo commento è stato modificato

                I learn a lot from professional player on their dotabuff haha


                  ^ That's why I mentioned other heroes too not just puck... And I'm assuming he's drafting for his team which he probably knows their hero pools. Plus, drafting order is actually depends on drafter's preference.

                  And I don't know why you chose that game as an example, I'm pretty sure you lost the draft, armor lineup is supposed to do nothing to slark+storm, but you dominated them in skills and communication (you were 4stack, they were 2+2+1). The enemy's draft was kinda greedy, but they could've changed the pace of the game by putting silencer mid to help out storm and force one of your supports to come mid inorder to open up a lane for either slark/tide.

                  chicken spook,,,,

                    Open up with flexible heroes
                    Instapick distinct counters to enemy lineup before they get banned
                    Consider lineup synergy, weaknesses, etc of both team

                    chicken spook,,,,

                      Storm????? Where???????

                      Mlada i Luda

                        i dont think puppey have an acc in dotabuff. try to find the answer somewhere else lol


                          Unless you're playing with a team, of any skill bracket, I don't see the need to learn how to draft. I only learned how to draft because my friends and I attended a few local tournaments for a while, and they made me captain.
                          Don't play captain's mode on ranked soloq. Terrible idea.


                            fx told me he wanted weaver or jugg so I decided to try out the lineup after that
                            better to go all in on the strat than start drafting and changing halfway
                            I even picked venge in case I wanted to swtch her to core

                            yung griphook

                              The things sebatian said are all the keys however it takes a long time to truly get to that point