General Discussion

General DiscussionMmr Estimator Site

Mmr Estimator Site in General Discussion

    Hi guys, do u know any other site other than opendota that estimates mmr?
    Opendota sucks and very inaccurate.


      your mmr will be 2k

      HANNA  E

        What arr your basis for saying i'm at 2k sir? Appreciate it if u could help me out sir


          u have 50% winrate in normall your stats i think you're mid 2k

          Potato Marshal

            You're most likely 2k. Since you're in normal skill, at most you can get is 3.2k. Why do you think Opendota's estimation of your MMR is wrong?

            rain markcawat


              HANNA  E

                Opendota estimates my mmy to be 3300-3500. But i stuck at NS that is why i said opendota is inaccurate.

                Potato Marshal


                  I just looked at your Opendota and it says 3141, so it's most likely close to that.

                  HANNA  E

                    How accurate is that for u sir?

                    Potato Marshal

                      It's only off by 71 points.

                      doom & gloom

                        Opendota just gets the average mmr of people dota matches you with, so really it's just getting what dota thinks you are, obviously it doesn't have everyones mmr though, so it won't be perfectly accurate.


                          And Yess opendota can be bit off as it predicts your MMR based on average MMR of team. Can anyone predict mine.


                            If you check mine it estimates my mmr is 3140, when actually it is 3339. While on siffers it estimates my mmr is 3800. To give you a clear perspective.


                              And for the record I was 1700 mmr a couple of months ago, maybe thats why it predicts I have a lower mmr

                              chicken spook,,,,

                                Why would people even want their mmr to be predicted in the first place


                                  because they are 1k and hope to get VERI HAI SKEEL

                                  clearly visible with this guy buying the same items every game in the same order, on a hero like centaur that can build tons of different items. most important ofc BLADEMAIL, 1ks favourite item

                                  aghs? na. orb? na. halberd? na. Bkb? na. ALWAYS blademail best item in the game 111!!!

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                                    Lul. Mine was estimated to:
                                    Predicted MMR: 3887.11


                                      Mmr estimates can be off by a thousand. That alone should tell u not to trust it


                                        2k?????? you're definitely 1k or worse

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