General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat went wrong

What went wrong in General Discussion

    I need advice.
    This is not the first time I have trouble with AM finishing game. pushing high ground was just not possible. Here are the reasons I couldn't carry:

    in team fights, LC duel was something to be aware of, so I had to wait for him to duel in then jump in. couldn't use Manta because I had to save it for Silencer Ulti. and as soon as I blinked in Omniknight's ulti would make me literally useless. and their stun and burst would never end making me want to blink back as soon as i blinked in. teammates would disappear within seconds thanks to enemy AOE damage. I had a major lead in net worth but just couldn't carry (feelsbadman).

    Thanks in advance to people kind enough to point out where i went wrong and how I could've done it differently.

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      Try hitting buildings
      Try reevaluating your itemization
      Try hitting people
      Scroll down and read the long essay I wrote about split pushing

      chicken spook,,,,

        Too passive.


          Thx for the reply.
          You just looked at the stats and saw my low BLD and DMG and concluded. Reason my BLD damage wasn't high was because I'd just cut next wave hit tower few times and blink away since LC was after me most of the times. I believe I did take most of the tier 1 & 2 towers down.
          and DMG wasnt that high because by the time AM comes online I had the problems i mentioned.

          I have already read that post of yours and it was very helpful, But I believe I know how to split push well and I do use the hints in your post . but split pushing isn't easy when enemy is defending high ground and your team isn't pushing at all.

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            @FattyDevil : Try watching the replay and then help the poor chap


              so judging by your excuses, you didnt buy linkens that game?


                Linken did cross my mind, but I was successful in evading LC most of the time and we were about to 5 man into their base so one linken pop didn't sound like a lot of help in a teamfight (so i prefered BKB). oh and the heart was so I could survive their high burst.
                maybe I should've gotten linken and just blinked to other lanes tier 3 and blinked back as soon as it popped and repeated it....


                  Bkb wont help you versus duel

                  chicken spook,,,,

                    You do know starving the enemy team is a thing, right


                      yes but helps against enemy burst downs (although i admit even with it I would take heavy damage).

                      @HIME HIME:
                      yes I know but as you can see in last hits i was literally the only one pushing. i don't think 1 hero alone can starve the enemy team. (team was more focused on hero kills and the 4 of them were always in enemy jungle waiting for Pudge hooks)

                      Fee Too Pee

                        Heart is a bad item after abysal , u really do not have any damage


                          Always take the +20 damage over the hp. AM benefits from farming more early, and that +20 damage is more impactful.
                          For being killed only 4 times, your farm + tower damage + KDA is terrible. AT LEAST one of them should be amazing.

                          Your itemization is kinda bad. That game, I would have gotten Vlad's after BF, then basher.
                          6 slotted that game should be: Treads (BoT), Battlefury, Manta, A-Blade, Buttefly, Agh's, and consumed moon shard.
                          Especially in a 50 minute game and AFK farming.

                          You can blame your team for not getting Linken's, Lotus Orb's, and Glimmer Capes, but thats all I can tell from there. In a game like that, you are best off giving suggestions... "Hey, Pudge, can you get a Lotus Orb for Silencer?"

                          Want to learn the art of 1v5?
                          Also had a Vlad's but ended up selling after Slardar got one for the team.

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                            You should realize that Agility items (like that Manta, and a Butterfly) are almost always more beneficial to AM's health pool than raw HP items (like Heart). The Armor makes your already tanky self (usually ~2500 with the build I put) tankier.

                            Also, get a BKB and backpack it after you use it. This allows you to keep Vlad's as a really reliable sustain item (meaning right clicks = MOAR HP). That game, if you didn't have a Vlads, someone on your team should have gotten it.

                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                              i think after bf i wud go manta linkens abyssal butterfly
                              their burst shudnt matter too much u have anal amounts of magic resist
                              once u get linkens that legion that was driving u away when u split pushed wouldnt be a problem, u can split push all u want with linkens
                              also this wasnt a bad aghs game but linkens is better, because even tho u aghs duel legion u dont want to be dueled at all when u split push, cuz its still lockdown

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                                i wud even consider diffusal for that omni problem
                                bkb was ok but imo not necessary


                                  @Road, that's why I recommended Vlads. Vlads is a great anti-LC item. Also, so long as you aren't autistic you can dodge the LC with Manta when he goes on you - especially since he didn't get SB.


                                    Thank you for the replies. I should've itemized more offensively I suppose.

                                    Oh and diffusal on Antimage? ....


                                      terrible antimage, no contribution only that. u should not pick carry anymore

                                      Potato Marshal

                                        In a 50+ minute game, an AM should not be in the bottom in terms of hero damage. The only people who did less damage than you in that match were an Omniknight, Ogre, and a struggling Centaur with 264 XPM (and you only barely did more damage than him).


                                          how can you loss to a legion with an item build like that?


                                            i think you should have picked a linkens sphere , i had check your profile and your am is very slow farm. 24 mins bf? u should get it like 14-16 mins .


                                              Latest I've gotten BF on AM was 18, and that was a 1v2 lane, where I was left alone. Tower constantly pushed, constant harass. Only way I got it that early was by not feeding.
                                              Hal is right. Do better early.


                                                tango,salve 2 slippers 1 faerie fire 0mins -> Quelling,PMS,Treads 5mins -> Perseverance 8-9mins -> bf 14-15mins -> manta 20-25mins -> abyssal 29-34 mins , then any thing that is a counter build or offensive items like butterfly,cuirass or mkb



                                                  If i may ask, what would be the use of silver edge in your game? I dont see any passives worth breaking.

                                                  Sorry, i'm trying to itemize better so currently trying to see and understand why this build this, that build that,etc


                                                    wheres ur linkens


                                                      Sorry, but I'm not going to spend time helping a guy who can't even throw away his ego before asking for helps.
                                                      I mean I'm not saying he can't argue but I'm doing this for free, and explaining point by point to his arguements does take time
                                                      So, what I'm looking for is not excuses from him, but the efforts that he tries to apply the advices I've given and that willingness that he really wants to improve. @KUNDALINI is a good example of a guy I would spent time on helping.

                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                                        You can starve people solo, it's not like AM can't shove 2 waves
                                                        Honestly tho, just get yourself some high mmr AM replays and analyze them
                                                        People here can be quite misleading


                                                          So your excuse for not playing like a proper antimage is that there's a legion in the game. And your excuse for not buying linkes is because you can avoid LC by not playing like an antimage. Lol


                                                            The biggest passive to break that game was Sniper.
                                                            The bigger point of the Silver Edge was another way of initiating. The whole enemy team had been sitting around the ancient - further than I could blink. Also, I could initiate with a Break, then Blink to save myself, or reposition if they Force Staffed the hero I was focusing (sniper, and occasionally Ember).

                                                            Also, seeing as the game was super late, I could go Invis, Swap items, with say, BKB (or the Vlads, before I sold it), and have more to bring to the fight.

                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                              Lul. Frankie posting AM games where he doesn't even get treads before BF. What a joke of a high MMR player. >.>

                                                              Edit: not Frankie. Frankie wannabe.

                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                              chicken spook,,,,

                                                                Frankie only plays riki m8

                                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                                  Lmao SE lategame for invis swap seems alright thanks for the idea

                                                                  Potato Marshal

                                                                    I don't know how people fuck up somebody with as straight forward of an item build as AM's. There's a reason why if you look at the trending guide, literally everybody goes treads then battlefury.



                                                                      Thanks for the answer! Noted.


                                                                        @Snu , u think im frank ? lmao ez jebaited kappa , what wrong with bf before tread ? oh i know it , u have fixed mind sorry ill not argue with fixed mind ,It’s hard to win an argument with a smart person, but it’s damn near impossible to win an argument with a fool person.


                                                                          people posting their good AM matches and telling me to learn from it are so lovable xd. check my other AM games I have ones better than your crappy ones (mostly first pick as well). and I'd rather just watch highest level replays like the ones Jacked posted.

                                                                          @Hal: I do agree with you I need to work on my last hitting I usually miss some last hits when my mind is considering other stuff like avoiding harass or sometimes a unit gets left behind when aggroing creeps. overall the stuff that makes me normal skill. And I got my manta at minute 24. But I don't think we lost that game because of my slow start.

                                                                          @FattyDevil: I believe I did ask for advice in the humblest way possible, But I just don't take anyone's word for it when all they do is look at the match stats, see low DMG and say "Try hitting people". It's no better than Cookie's "Have you tried destroying enemy ancient?"
                                                                          anyways I didn't expect anyone to actually watch my replay that's why i tried to explain as much details about the match as i did.

                                                                          I think I (sort of) got the answer I was looking for (Thank you for your comments and criticizes). Next time in a draft like this one I'll get linken and split push instead of trying to 5man a bunch of teamfight heroes. I will try to be more agressive when I have a lead, and I should work on my early last hits. believe it or not I have succeeded in almost all cookie challenges (yes, even the 100) but I can't focus when there's a harasser around.

                                                                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                            I'm not saying you're not humble, I'm saying you're not ready to throw away your ego to actually improve.

                                                                            Why do you think Cookie answered to some people in detailed but replied to most people by "Have you tried destroying enemy ancient", why do you think I answered some people in detailed but not you... Why....

                                                                            I always start my advice with obvious and general stuff, I did that to many posts, I did that to KUNDALINI. He then showed me his effort and contribution of wanting to improve and showed humbleness in himself. I then showed him respect by answering all his questions in detailed as well, spent like hours writing stuff for him... Why..... but why not you.....

                                                                            Throw your ego away before you ask for advice, you keep making excuses everywhere "I believe I know how to split push well" "Don't just look at stats, I'm actually so gooooood but my team rejected to push" xddddddd