General Discussion

General DiscussionQoP Roam

QoP Roam in General Discussion

    ^It's what the title says




        I'm a scrub I think like a scrub so I don't know anything unusual on roaming qop


          I remember proposing a Natures Prophet offlane and almost 100% disagrees some is doubtful then it suddenly become a thing a few months later hmm must be nice having high mmr when a low tier proposes an idea most people thinks it's dumb but when high mmr played that idea people are praising

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            Spirit Breaker is god of pos 4 right now


              then my dear, grind to 8k with roam qop if it's such a perfect idea.

              Natures used to be an offlane recently due to his base damage being increased to infinity


                the only change in damage is 7.05 and he always have a nice damage and what people think it's bad because he's squishy doesn't really have disable and flagged as useless in team fights compared to other offlaners


                  qop is at least a bit better than bh in early gank stage


                    Oh nvm we don't really need to argue rather I have no right to argue you're 5.6 meanwhile I'm still stuck at 3.8 thats like 1.8k mmr difference a huge skill advantage you even made guides for poor plebs like me


                      when was NP ever bad in the offlane? u make it seem like it's awful and your idea was some new meta brilliant stuff.

                      but not as genius as when i suggested support weaver here and cuki flamed it luul


                        Welp it really wasn't that bad or that good I just hate how they look down on low tier players when they themselves are bellow others too when some low tier came up an idea it's immediately flagged as stupid and such welp we all come up of ideas theory craftimg tho seems clever might work


                          I actually never lose on a qop roaming tho I was playing it for fun now I'm thinking of making it a thing the shadow strike damage and slow is too good and wand,urn and arcanes as an item and later you can buy viel, solar crest and greaves welp I'm 3.8k this may work on my bracket


                            it's not that bad actually

                            dagger is super good

                              Questo commento è stato rimosso da un moderatore
                              Potato Marshal

                                Having a blink and 15 second slow is good, but two of your abilities do nothing except damage, so you really fall off during the mid-game compared to other roamers because you provide nothing but a slow.

                                1-IceTea 🌟

                                  I can play a jungle qop better then your roaming qop.


                                    welp you do but in my bracket I'm at least above average on roaming and jungle you can't compare us both mmr says our skill difference if I were to play at your bracket I'd surely fall off but if we play of each on their own bracket I'd be labeled the same as you did in your bracket

                                    Mlada i Luda

                                      it works 100%


                                        @Potato Marshal yup I've thought of that so QoP would most likely to fall of as a roamer she could be considered as roamer/support that could be transitioned into core at mid game

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                                          how many roamers out there without a lock down or at least a mini stun


                                            Uh? Riki but there's silence but it's not a lock down riki only relies on oov slow and bit of smokescreen


                                              Yep, you're getting it. Im proud of you !! To add on to that, Which one is better, riki's smoke or QoP's dagger

                                              So next, this is a bit harder.. ready?? >>> what is the common thing that every roamer shares, in term of their skills and levels.

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                                                  Qop cant scout like riki
                                                  And riki smoke is retarded. So huge so annoying


                                                    riki scales much better with less items and levels, which is also kind of the answer to fattys question


                                                      Damn you guys, I'm trying to let him analyze things by himself !!! He seems to be quite arrogant with his idea, so letting him figuring things out by himself should be the best way to help him :)


                                                        cuki when talking with low mmr, ur idea is shit, normal. skill etc.
                                                        cuki when talking with high mmr player, u dont need to be skill in football to be a coach, i coach better than those high mmr. hmmm thinking


                                                          I am not defending cuki but your english so hard to understand

                                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                                            Zero utility other than slow.


                                                              Much better if you jungle as QoP