General Discussion

General DiscussionAt which point do you just realize that it doesnt work?

At which point do you just realize that it doesnt work? in General Discussion

    134 LC games, 26% winrate, most games in jungle


      lmao thats sad


        Chances are its a "I cant play the role/position/hero I want so I'll jungle LC." People find it fun. I know fun is a weird concept to a lot of dota players but hitting creeps/getting items and trying to duel people is funner to *some* people then whatever else they "should" be doing. I hope this helps and I hope one day you too have fun in dota.

        Questo commento è stato modificato
        Potato Marshal


          If I didn't know any better, I would've thought he was feeding on purpose whenever he went jungle LC.

          Potato Marshal

            I've seen a few assholes before who don't mark their lanes or what hero they want, and just wait till last pick, then get jungle LC when they realized that nobody has picked support. I feel like those are the only times I still see people jungle LC.


              I saw someone mark off lane legion on my team, but then this shit head picks legion before him and goes jungle. what an asshole.


                Just as people feed using Io, some people throw using lc

                rain markcawat

                  Giff me Wingman

                    he still doesnt get it xD

                    basement :)

                      We need IceTea’s expert opinion.

                      white boy summer

                        jungling as lycan is the best thing ever, no one knows riki is an invisible hero that can steal your farm or at very least your xp