General Discussion

General DiscussionAny way I could have won this?

Any way I could have won this? in General Discussion
    And please don't say "get good" or something similar, I already know that.

    also jdf8

      they have swm huskar and luna, u have no push staff. fascinatingly, you also have no way to save people from duel or abyssal am

      a movespeed aura is not useful against blink stuns and huge physical damage sadly

      aghs is pretty bad and also you saw they had 3 bkbs and an antimage, then still bought it smh



        you can't save people from duel once lc gets agh's, and i got drums because i knew the only way we would win is by split pushing the hell out of them, but its hard to push hg against a legion who had 900+ damage, BoTs, and scepter

        I got scepter because i couldn't come up with another way to frostbite multiple people at once, which seemed to be what I needed.

        and you don't need to apologize, I want to know what I did wrong.

        casual gamer

          still better items. force is great against am and luna but excepting that its an amazing game for solar crest and the aghs money is 4k wasted imo unless they are so bad that it beggars belief

          hell for that money u could just eb lycan when hes dueled and then he would have at least a chance of living

          but its easier to recover a game like that with better early game play than better late game play, the further behind you are the harder it is to come back

          Potato Marshal

            Wow, a 5 minute dagger on LC. This is probably one of the few times I'll say that I don't think you could've done anything to win, when you have a carry like Sven who has no idea on what items to build.


              no u cant win a game when your team sux.

              chicken spook,,,,

                ^I wonder how I got out of 1k


                  ^ how did i get out of 1k with 100% winrate luna then :thinking:

                  chicken spook,,,,

                    Ur team was good..... u lucky..... i always not lucky... always bad team.... drop from 3.8 to 1.2...... now create new account to avoid play with noobs....

                    1-IceTea 🌟

                      Your teammate is so noob and why your item so slow?You should jungling betwewn roam (if you do)
                      or if not improve your gank skill.

                      In short - Git Gud

                      If you don't want to hear this,go jump off a cliff and start a new life or quit Dota


                        This is probably one of the few times I'll say that I don't think you could've done anything to win, when you have a carry like Sven who has no idea on what items to build.

                        I actually hadn't looked at sven's items until now, and my God, no wonder we lost...


                          i have no idea how you actually lost this


                            2hard carry,2 carry and 1 supp... and u pick cm? i understand if u go first pick
                            but with cm u can literally gank enemy team after u got tranquil and that lycan doesnt need your help at all
                            i feel like that mid more need your help than your lycan lul


                              ^ I'm pretty sure i was first pick cm


                                Force staff and euls were a must that game. No point of going aghs that late in the game as well


                                  I understand in 1k everyone rush aghs on support heroes. But let's introduce you to the idea of utility.


                                    They had skywrath and no one even bought force staff or euls??? Ez mystic flare


                                      ^ the skywrath was so terrible that he couldn't land mystic flare to save his life
                                      I didn't get hit by flare once that entire game, and I don't think it killed anyone