General Discussion

General DiscussionCan someone tell me how im meant to think in NS rank games?

Can someone tell me how im meant to think in NS rank games? in General Discussion

    Me still being stuck with normal skill habits and skills, hesitates to search for a 2.35k rank match. But I tell myself it's to see how good I am. I get into the game, pick my hero etc. I have 110% motivation and hype. Lets cut the crap for fucks sake.

    I find out my team is a bunch of retards. I know I don't have the skills to 1v5 yet. So I try getting my team together. This takes up alot of my energy btw. We win a few fights while we're 35-26 down ( objective wise aswell). Then I tell them to " PUSH GOGOGOGO". From there we mostly get the enemy to concede megas etc. But at times the toxicity is too high that I give up on getting the team together. I was playing support omni at first till I knew my team was retarded. So I turned into a carry. We won that game. The games I win are very close.

    What do I do right now? I know how to last hit ( cookie challenge product quality) and how to split push etc. but sometimes I am just not good enough. How do I improve as a NS player without being a bitch and annoying cookie to post his guide? Any VHS player willing to coach me for ingame items like Arcanas etc? I lose interest in dota from realising how much of a scrub NS player I am. Thanks Again Guys :)


      the only way you should think is how to gain those 1v5 skills.

      trying to get teamplay in low mmr is really bad, just 1v5 everything

      ignore team and just play solo, completely.


      5v5 only after 4k+.

      I could teach you how to 1v5 and how to outplay your opponents, but i can't guarantee you'll learn it, not everyone is smart enough to think deeply about anything.

      Like i can show you my method, but that's all i can do for you, you're gonna have to do all the tedious thinking by yourself.

      and believe me, my method is not simple, it goes 2 levels deep into predictions

      Only a small % of players ever managed to learn my prediction methods, but if they did then their mmr skyrocketed.

      In short it goes like this:

      *use your favorite X hero*

      1. construct a perfect game for hero Y

      2. Now counter everything you've mentioned in step 1 with your X hero

      3. Now re-cunstruct that perfect game for hero Y considering that he knows what you're planning to do to him.

      4. Now counter everything you've mentioned in step 3 with your X hero

      do this for every hero in the game against your hero X

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        learn 1 v 5 from cuki


          im just going to point out something op, you're not the only one is thinking they have to play 1v5. your teammates think you're as stupid as how you think of them. and i think everybody at lower mmr's end up playing like utter trash because they think of each other as utter trash and hence attempt to play the game in a rather stupid way trying to do things like playing 1v5

          every so often, a person succeeds and further sets the story of "to get more mmr i need to 1v5"

          and here's the thing, you guys aren't good enough to 1v5. im pretty sure a majority of people who climb in mmr over time did not get there by playing 1v5. nobody magically becomes able to 1v5 at a skill level they're supposed to be playing at. thinking of your teammates as trash is a dumb way to play the game.

          and most of all, i don't think its fun to play dota like that

          play by adjusting to your team. if you feel the need to push, you can prompt it. but if nobody pushes, you don't go tilted and rage and end up playing bad by going alone or dying while typing. stop thinking of everyone as 'bad', profile your teammates so you can predict what they might or might not be open to.

          and enjoy the game instead of focusing on the mmr, enjoy it if you see yourself doing a good play or improving in knowledge and skill

          once you hit your streak, you'll see a gradual but very satisfying rise of true mmr and not an inflated one by being a 1trickpony. i was stuck at 3.8k for 3 years and peaked at 5.5k within a month just by stopping being toxic

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                  well, ill tell you how i think. i just play the game but try to be more efficient than everyone else and lane better. because every1 is so bad at it theres so much room to improve by just focusing on these.

                  then try to understand small power spikes and advantages even if u still dont know the game that well. this should inform when to be aggressive in lane, etc. it should also inform you on where you can be on the map. most ppl dont think about this. e.g., if you are farming where should you farm. if you want to push, which tower, etc.

                  slowly improve by being more efficient in all your actions, e.g., when u can hit the tower 5 times more instead of backing off after 2. when you can go for a dive, when you can;t, whether yu should farm that one more creepwave, or just back off.

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                    End of Thread. Im not reading any futher comments. Thanks for the info. I read enough.


                      you dont want advice you want to hear that your team is bad


                        Yo cookie how do I get past step 4....serious about this


                          This only details 2 levels of countering, i don't think it's humanly possible to go 3 levels of countering, so step 4 is the final step.

                          Unless you're insane and have some trick to go past it.

                          that'd leave too many uncontrollable variables

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                            No no I meant how do I perform step do I learn how to do it


                              you do all of this outside a match, with a lot of thinking, if you can't do ti by yourself just grab a replay with those 2 heroes against each other from a 6k+ game


                                Communication and playing support, or offlane is most reliable way to gain MMR.

                                Laning mid requires your supports to be active around the map (with vision and ganks, counter-ganks).
                                Laning in the safe requires impeccable harass and last hitting skills (even without a support).
                                Jungling is plain retarded.

                                Edit: Take it from a guy who's played a lot of mid (despite sucking ass compared to other 3kers), and ground tons in the offlane.

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