General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to calibrate3k plus

How to calibrate3k plus in General Discussion

    Can someone help me how to calibrate 3k plus


      Go mid, get 650+ gpm and xpm, have a high kda in all 10 games.


        Bro pay me I'll teach u how


          41% wr in normal skill xd. There's no hope for you bruh


            kill throne


              Spam legion commander, go to jungle and rush midas, trust me, the game will end @20 mins

              chicken spook,,,,

                Play high skillcap heroes like visage, io, chen, etc
                They'll kick you to VHS no matter what


                  ^i really wish that was true, here i am stuck in "high" skill bracket XD even though i spam them and stomp using them in the early to mid game

                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                    ruin~ half of your calibration games


                      ruin~ half of your calibration games

                      tried that and calibrated 1k

                      True North

                        Get this thread removed.


                          Better safe than sorry, BAN injoker every game, to prevent cancers from first picking it and fail mid so hard

                          chicken spook,,,,

                            You ruined it.


                              "Can someone help me how to calibrate 3k plus"

                              Yeah, sure. Suck at the game in every possible way but suck slightly less than a 2k or 1k player.


                                Just play as good as you can from the first game. If you are 3k you will be there in other case you just ask how to be better player not how to trick sistem. if you have normal games in normal bracket you aren`t 3k+ if you have all in VHS than you will be 3,5 k cause it`s max if you in hihg and normal than you are around 3k. Simply, don` tstart calibration before enter HS adn stay there.