General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to win?????

How to win????? in General Discussion

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    I srsly don't get how I'm carrying the team but we lose the game. Like if my team gets the kills, shouldn't we slowly get momentum to win the game?

    P.S I srsly need help on how to become better at this game. Can you guys examine my matches and see what do I do wrong and what I'm well? Thank you.


      you have too low gpm


        What do you mean too low of a GPM, like overall as a mid core I have low GPM?


          Ur items are low in number compared to ur gpm. Other team carry have more items to fight u with so u lose


            Have you tried destroying the enemy ancient?

            supp0rt picker

              ur bad luck. that all .


                You should have ended both games much earlier instead of looking for ganks and thinking kills matter more than taking objectives. You must have gotten so many kills early game that lost the focus on what the real objective is: destroying that ancient before the enemy teams, with better late game in both games, come back.

                In the QOP game you were already playing basically as 4vs5 due to the Techies pick, that also did nothing but feed according to his stats, your Abaddon failed too. Also late game you weren't able to handle a Troll that outfarmed your Sven by a lot and you got countered by Leshrac's orchid, BB's blademail and Riki's smoke+diffusal. Where was your bkb or at least linken's? You preferred to go for a full, greedy and totally unnecessary bloodthorn when you could have kept a simple orchid to disable, since your team wasn't lacking damage from rightclicks with Sven and a fast quas-wex Voker, and go for at least one defensive item. There was no one to tank the damage for the entire duration of the fights either, since like I said Abaddon failed. The fact that you got to minute 45 with a bottle in your inventory is a sign that a lot of things went wrong in that game.

                In the Alchemist game, again, despite having a good hard carry you probably forgot the enemies had 3 hard carries + a carry + an annoying 8 seconds shackle Shaman with refresher, so a much better late game than you. Your team had great potential too, with so many good combos and ultis, but the problem with these lineups is that are easily counterable by 1) Naga's ulti if she's smart enough to stay back and just counter-initiate with her ulti whenever you attempt at pulling off a combo 2) split-pushing in general, in this case: Shaman + refresher + aghs, AM and Naga with manta+radiance+octarine. I bet after minute 25-30 every time you were trying to push as 5, relying on combos, someone was taking down your towers uncontested and you were forced to go back defending. Again 0 bkbs vs so many disables, Magnus getting terrasque when he could have gone for much better items, Warlock rushing an every-three-minutes item that was useless out of fights. Your lineup was so unbalanced that they smartly played around it, "you wanna set up huge 5v5 teamfights? We're gonna split push", and you let them do it by not pushing earlier. Last thing that I notice is the total lack of armor vs their 4 carries. You still had armlet 45 minutes in with an Alchemist, when by minute 30 you should already be able to replace it with AC/Shiva's. You went for mkb to counter Naga's radiance but forgot much more basic items, not to mention they had 2 blademails. Another thing. Your stats and farm compared to those of your teammates make me think you were too selfish. You're an Alchemist so you have to farm, sure, but what do you do when your team gets constantly team-wiped for being forced to play 4v5 while you're busy farming? Hope that's enough and that this can help you analyze your games from another perspective.

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                  n0T 3N0uGH L4sT hiTs


                    134 last hits as QoP in a 40 minute game. Whut. I have to be AFK to do that.


                      Game 1: both had mega's lol, late game decision making or someone got picked off without bb and you lose. late game dota

                      Game 2: tbh need to know who picked 1st you or invoker. You had a offline support invoker with 38 last hits in a 46min game.
                      if you need help to understand this match then only god can help you. Item choice in this game where bad

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                        I think cookies onto something


                          @ slq perfect analysis ....well said and this is the problem I face playing as a support in 2k Carries once start getting farm are so reluctant to push . I have lost game on shaman after taking 6 towers by 25 mins . Just because carries thought they are not farmed enough .

                          Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                            (alchemist match) Not a proper build against those carrys, you're a piece of paper, shivas should fit better instead of MKB, cuiras, and even skadi, and yeah, low gpm , considering that you have a "farming" build
                            (Qop match) aghanim useless item, linken, bkb, Veil are better options.
                            You focus too much on killing people instead of taking objetives at least in the qop match. You only have 560 of damage in Towers in 46 min match..I mean, you builded Aghanim so you can push waves really fast, and you didnt try to push,

                            Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                              my comment is something like a TL;DR from SQL xD


                                @wisp spammer trust me that happens in 4k too. Last game I had an Invoker 2nd pick into AM. He did well in lane but instead of pushing he went jungling, not even split pushing, JUNGLING vs his own late game counter. My LC and PA also jungling 40 minutes in with aegis, I don't even know. But yeah 2k is even worse, if you like playing support then the only thing you can do is adjust to your trash kids and pick supports that scale well in the late game, not Shaman and stuff. There was a semi-serious video by Slacks on how to escape the 3k hell and low brackets as a support, you should check it out. 'The 5 retards in the other team will pick 5 carries, so what are you gonna do, go for 5 carries? No no no, you're gonna pick support. You're gonna be the captain of the stupidity boat and you're gonna keep your idiots alive' :D he climbed by spamming Omni in fact.


                                  @-vztA- hahahaha but ho.. how did you manage to keep your post shorter than 97 pages? What magic is this? :O

                                  ♡.::[ Ray_KZOR ]::.♡

                                    You lose because of the item build. (on alchemist)
                                    Try--- power treads / solar crest / blink dagger / sange & yasha / assault cuirass / shadow blade / moonshard


                                      ^ the above build is very bad
                                      dont do it

                                      ♡.::[ Ray_KZOR ]::.♡

                                        Excuse me?

                                        Are u against dota godz?


                                          is that even a question ?