General Discussion

General DiscussionI feel like I am facing alot of scripting pudges am I paranoid or is ...

I feel like I am facing alot of scripting pudges am I paranoid or is this a real thing. in General Discussion

    Here are the things I noticed. First off once they are 6. Any time they hook a hero it is instantly dismembered yet times where it might be wise to rot a bit and then dismember. I understand that sometimes people panic and just hit all the buttons but when the entire game is hook instant dismember without fail it comes into question.
    2nd thing is they buy dagon or silence. Not that I am questioning the item build but the problem comes with the moment you are within range it is instantly casted on you. Most of the time it isnt even the right choice and no human would think to waste it. After I noticed it a few times I tested it out I would run within range and of course instantly casted on me.
    3rd thing is they seem to always hit the hooks even surrounded by creeps and somethings hooking the wrong person when another clearly better target is available. There was 1 fight where I was full hp and there was an ally running away. He could have hit that hook easy and his hero turned around and hooked me who was between 2 creeps and he instantly bit me.
    The last thing I noticed is he would drop items for mana. I understand this is a pro move and efficient but The speed at which he does this is insane. I know I cant drop and pick it up that fast I even practiced in lobby. Maybe he is that fast. But to constantly do it non stop for the entire game? Even if I can do it that fast I will probably forget or not constantly do it. I will certainly not do it if I see enemy on my screen.

    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

      Stop smoking low quality weed. I recommend XJ-13. Best strain to exist. Sativa > Indica

      gl hf, sir.


        Shift queue????

        [-LC-] MrSoda

          Shift queue is the answer!


            What item silences ?


              orchid, Yes I understand the existence of shift q. But there is human element of playing and the robotic element. A human will probably shift q but during an entire game there are mistakes sometimes he misses the combo, sometimes he just doesnt do it. Then there is a robotic element where every single hook is "shift q" when that happens it gets suspicious. The same with meepo poofing. Yes some people, in fact alot of people can shift q meepo but to do it every single time without mistake over a course of 60 mins that is something else going on. Also the fact each time it looks the same. I have a friend that plays meepo I see him in real life playing it. Even at the fastest meepo do not poof in at the same time. There is a small delay like .05 sec of each meepo coming in. A scriptor will have all 4 coming in at the same time every single time.


                Orchid malevolence


                  If ur scripting u might as well playing tinker with insta hex or skywrath.


                    I feel like i am facing alot afk jungler these day

                    And of course as my team. Theres not only one, its TWO...TWO FC**NG afk junglers on my team


                      there is a trick to playing with 2 afk junglers. You pick offlane type heroes for the safe lane. Say there is a jungler engima and a jungler lc. You want a mid like qop or puck. Safe lane should be clockwerk or centaur or bb. Offlane whatever. If you follow this type of line up you will for sure outfarm then and win mid game.

                      mom said it's my turn to ...

                        item dropping whole game as pudge? I ALWAYS do item drops as tinker and I think with enough muscle memory you would be able to pull it off

                        queueing- this isn't necessary all the time. I'd bet it was more button spamming than fluid queueing of commands. I personally know a pudge player who spam-presses dismember in the middle of hook animation like a madman. That was BEFORE the hook speed nerf. Pretty sure you can do that with items too.

                        Also, wasn't there a huge wave of VAC bans just a few weeks ago?

                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                          Pudge buys orchids? Is it good?


                            you're paranoid


                              I did some google searches online. I found this video

                              This looks alot like what I saw in my game. What are your thoughts?

                              [SNRA]King Dave

                                None of those hooks are hacks. Git gud


                                  Skywrath script is more legit than pudge script

                                  very good csgo player

                                    Remember kids. Weed is fine.. Just don't do crack!