General Discussion

General DiscussionCurious about Troll

Curious about Troll in General Discussion

    Disclaimer: despite having way too many hours played, I suck at DOTA.

    That said, Troll Warlord feels pretty OP right now. Maybe it's just because I seem to get 1st hit bashed every fight, or maybe I just suck. Curious what other people think.


      He was slightly op awhile back. Not sure about now. But yea good hero to first pick everygame

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        Very good hero, best carry right now imo.

        Story Time

          what i like about troll is that he a real danger to the enemy towers/baracks when we win the fight. Basically he finshes enemy base way too fast, and it is better than killing enemy heros


            and he's damn tanky against physical dmg


              trolls still good?

              i mean the nerf didnt really mean much but he felt more underwhelming for some reason regardless of higher cd on ult


                he is no longer as good in higher mmr if u look at the meta statistics.

                Dire Wolf

                  He's not op, he is fairly easy to counter, but no one in pubs will counter him. I spam troll ranked. He's a perfect carry to spam cus:

                  -He's strong in lane. Even if lane is a super bitch you can just go ranged form and last hit and play passive. Whirling axes miss chance + pms lets you run at any hero and take no dmg.
                  -He's super fast. So you can run around map and farm.
                  -He farms really well. This is very important in pubs cus sometimes your lane is shitty and you need to just clear jungle. Troll can start taking stacks even without lifesteal because of whirling axes miss chance.
                  -He pushes well with axes and does a ton of tower dmg
                  -He's good early and mid game and good enough late game. He's not really a late game carry, other carries will out shine him late, but he's good enough to still win if you play smart.
                  -He has a standard build. This is important in pubs. I want to buy almost the same items every game so it's automatic. I don't want a ton of variance because it increases chances of picking the wrong items and wastes brainpower thinking about what to buy. Troll can build pms, phase, aquila, morbid mask, s&y every single game as an opener. From there if you need bkb you get it, else you can get mkb or daedulus, then finish satanic. Skadi is another option. And that's pretty much it. Very occasionally butterfly. You don't need silver edge unless vs bb, you don't need blink. It's pretty braindead item build.

                  For counters you just get a shit ton of blade mails cus he will have to stop hitting you and switch targets and lose all his fervor stacks. Axe is really good vs troll. You can make his lane hard at beginning of game as well like vs any carry, but don't concede the jungle. Make sure carries get mkb asap so they have a chance during man fights. That's a huge mistake most carries make. Troll will absolutely destroy anyone 1v1 if they don't have truestrike. For supports ghost scepters and force staffs fuck him over so badly cus again he will get kited, or go ranged and be less effective or switch targets. And magic dmg. Cus he has a lot of armor. So really just pick the right stuff, a team like axe, sand king, zeus, lion, spectre should have no issues with troll.


                    i duno why i hate morbid + aquila on troll (biased cuz i only lose with that). i prefer straight up vlads

                    Dire Wolf

                      vlads is fine but aquila is a ton of dmg for price and I wouldn't want to skip it and vlads doesn't upgrade to satanic later, plus troll is a lot of +dmg items unless you get skadi and butterfly so he won't use the aura as much. I do go vlads if it helps team.


                        I fucking love blink on troll

                        Dire Wolf

                          I find blink very unnecessary with his speed and he doesn't have a blink stun like sven or wk so you're blinking and slowing, praying for a bash. Just running up to them seems to work as well for me.


                            Shadow blade is good

                            Dire Wolf

                              Silver edge is really good, good stats for troll, but it's hard to make a build that's end game worthy with silver edge and s&y and I just won't give up the maim and move speed of s&y.


                                - hes impossible to run from unless you have some kind of built in escape mechanism
                                - permabash
                                - he reaches max attack speed easily
                                - the only carry that I can think of that's overall even slightly better is ck
                                - he can farm ancients at like 10 minutes or even less
                                - satanic + bkb = u can't die
                                - he's nearly impossible to man fight
                                - his only lategame hard counter is axe, mass blademail, or both

                                Dire Wolf

                                  That's so not true, you can kite him late especially when bkb is down to 6 seconds.

                                  No way ck is as good, he can't farm for shit.


                                    I meant once he gets actual items
                                    Troll can outfarm ck easily, but a ck with three or four dedicated carry items is better than a troll with three or four dedicated carry items, simply by virtue of his god-tier DPS with his illusions and Manta.
                                    ^ my opinion, anyway


                                      Troll is super kitable lategame which is why I love blink
                                      Lategame u can use blink to guarantee an initiation on a hero and delete them.


                                        i think the reason for that is you just suck

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          Well yes duh, CK is possibly the best carry in the entire game 6 slotted, only countered by some mega illusion killing shit like OD orbs, maybe earthshaker, but even then he probably rift 1 shots you before you get anything off. But farming matters, which is why troll is so good overall.

                                          And no, troll is not god tier 6 slotted late game. His peak is mid game. Late game he is kited, he needs to ramp up his dmg, he is still plenty fine late cus his ult is for whole team and he kills towers fast, but he's not on the level of spectre, medusa, ck, naga, morphling, slark even, or sven in right hands. I'd probably even want a 6 slotted sniper and TB over 6 slotted troll. All those guys carry harder than troll in end game but troll can out farm them all (except for naga, TB and amazing morphlings) and comes online waaay sooner. Only sven is that comparable in timings.