General Discussion

General DiscussionAbility draft to better understand skills

Ability draft to better understand skills in General Discussion

    So in general late at night or whatever, i've been finding Ability draft a nice change of pace.
    I'm honestly learning a significant amount on each match, while having OP as Fk builds is class and good fun there can be alot to learn about stand alone skills.

    eg. Brain sap with aghs can carry a game. Burrowstrike is god tier, Flack cannon is rediculously strong etc as 'Stand alone' skills.

    I just played a Game with Voodoo restoration and 27k healing with it, Its very rare for me to max the skill on WD but seeing its potential in a game like that, it opens up quite alot of possibilities to playing WD.
    Its not that i 'underated' the skill, its more that i find WD's other skills to be insanely strong stand alone skills. Given a trilane situation i'll probably prioritise Voodoo rest over Maeladict.

    Sometimes changing your perspective can help your dota progression.


      Ad helps a lot with itemizing around ur skills tbh