win the trading game and know when you can commit for a kill
be aware of support rotations from both teams
Honestly as a support player who is currently trying to learn to carry your laning stage depends almost solely on your support pulling and zoning out the enemy. Ask your support to babysit you.
no they stand in lane leeching XP/nuking the creepwave ("im harrassing bro!") and as soon as the offlaner with 2 lvls advantage starts overpowering you they ragequit the lane "report carry noob" and then TP offlane where they instantly die.
5/10 games are like this for me, thats why i stopped playing carry.
your laning stage depends almost solely on your support pulling and zoning out the enemy. Ask your support to babysit you.
No, no, no, no, no, NO.
Yes playing safelane core triggers you real hard but that doesn't mean you have to rely on your support to win the lane. And this is coming from a near full time safelaner who doesn't know how to lane.
yes you do rely on your support to farm safe lane in most cases.
Without someone zoning the offlaner out, most safe lane hcs (PA spec sven etc) will have a hard time against offlaners like axe, tide, pitlord etc. exceptions are long ranged hcs.
You're a void safelaning against a necro
Your Cm is jungling. Your pudge is "roaming" mid 0-2 in 4 mins.
Yea you suck at laning. uninstall pl0x.
and then you have pms 2x tangos and ferry one salve, and buy talon morbid and transition to jungle. when you hit 6 you kill mid with chrono
i mean uh, ur team must be holding you back! those darn 4ks, so bad except for when theyre on the enemy team and rape you in 1v1s
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How not to get raped in lane?