and crit is a piece of shit. Until the end picked and played like garbage. Kick that useless stuck up loser
Why is everybody talking about EG picking WW twice though? WW is really good against Sven.
WW is really bad against aa and pick offs in general when you don't have vision to back it up.Also Sh1t's play was disappointing.
@sam really good to pop his linkens after leaving him alone for 25 min in jungle. Profit
@sia can be hes efficient cary but i think he lost due to bad pick .Pl carry soul ring vs sven cleave farm, give me a break, plus pl cant deal much dmg to sven in short perios of time
The drafts were just so awful. First one wasn't quite as bad on eg's part as it was good drafting by empire cus they picked sven and ember after pl. But why the fuck do you pick pl into earthshaker in the first place? Plus pl is not a top tier carry this patch anyway. They could've just gone lycan there and done mom armlet bkb build since ES.
Second game wtf, first pick your mid? That was a panic pick since empire was banning it I'm sure they wanted sumail on it early but then empire gets the ez counter pick with nyx. That's why you don't pick your mid in first phase. Then enigma doesn't make it through, but maybe they should've picked enigma in that first phase and built around that. And TB into sven yup that's dumb.
Wyvern pick was ok but crit played terrible.
In retrospect and the casters pointed this out too, until the last fight the gold was dead even. EG was a lot closer than it looked, but resolution completely outplayed them those last two teamfights. They stopped hitting him when he was close to dead, so he retreated and blinked back in to finish people off. Crit wiffed all his ults in those fights.
It's just sad they never picked clinkz or storm. I really wanted to see rtz and sumail on those. Idk why storm isn't getting picked at all, he is good and godly late.
Very disapointing to me they never picked rtz clinkz at any time.
Dude I don't think u understand the first pick puck
Although they shud have banned out nyx for sure, eg was first picking puck for ages, cuz if he gets a bad matchup they just run universe on it offlane. It's a big flex pick for them. For a month almost every team first phase banned puck against eg. I don't first pick enigma unless u want to get silencered and lose. The wyvern pick wasnt that good, but the play was worse. Their drafts were inferior, but I think it had a lot to do with empire out drafting them and some really dumb picks from eg. Keep in mind tho that the whole team is there and they practices these strats and shit together so idk why everyone is 100% blaming crit and shit. He is for sure a good player, just how OG's players were still good even after they got knocked out of TI6 by TNC.
That makes a lot more sense, still letting sven through 2nd time and last picking tb were bad.
Wyvern pick was fine I thought they just didn't play it well, no impactful ults. With a sven on the team you ought to get at least one ult off where he slaughters someone and drops another to half hp with cleaves. But of course empire is going to play around that. It's not as easy as it sounds.
We're not just bagging on crit from this loss, it seems in general support play has been the issue with eg the past year at least to me.
Zai usually plays rlly well but he had a bad game that series
And wyvern into their lineup needs to play perfectly cuz if u commit cold embrace improperly then that person is dead.
Tb isn't even that bad against Sven, cuz the hero gets rlly tanky with that armor and with skadi u can kite him, but rtz went butterfly first
If they had only physical it wud be ok but mirana got mkb rlly fast and he didn't have hp for the aa and Veno dmg
Tbh like purge said eg probably wudve won if they won the bot fight where sumail got the late 3 man dream coil, cuz they wudve gotten a 16 min rax.
I think them not banning Sven is fine, their bans make a lot of sense, u don't want to play ns against lycan, and void is another big reso hero that wud combo perfectly with aa and Veno.
I think they were backed into a corner tbh
They just needed to ban nyx cuz the hero counters sumails entire hero pool.
TB wasn't bad. Even ppd said that he liked the pick. I didn't watch the games, but I'm sure EG got outplayed.
^they did
Ghostik bat was a god
Crit wyvern always getting picked off
Rodjer nyx setting up huge combos
It was just close cause empire kept failing. Gold means nothing. Yeah, they had around the same, so what? They actually couldn't take teamfights and the ones they won or didn't lose badly were just luck. Game was always hard for EG to come back from even with an even gold distribution between cores.
Empire played rlly well
Their only big mistake was reso's death top but even then eg fucked it up and it got messy
@feelsbadman And for the record, NO, they wouldn't have won, Purge has no fucking idea what he's talking about - like always
Why shud I believe someone who builds bf on pa and necronomicon on enigma
ban nyx, ban sven, completely different game.
Reason I think TB is bad vs sven is cleave annihilates his clones and TB is physical dmg and sven has warcry. It's not the most direct counter but it doesn't seem great.
Well TB pick wasn't the issue anyway.
Tb kites Sven ideally and has high armor
I wud go manta diffusal bkb pike skadi against Sven
Diffusal was needed imo
TB is a bad pick. He's a static hero. It might make you think it's an rtz hero but it isn't. Hmmm, how to explain it to noobs (crit included)...TB is an EE hero, do you think rtz plays like EE?
A better strategy was sending the furion to carry for rtz, the puck offlane for universe and ta mid for sumail but that shit crit was more afraid of the veno on ta than nyx on puck somehow. Second/third item bkb furion gg wp with an overfarmed ta. A necro furion strat would've fucked them over but nooooo let's go with tb... same shit ee did with that shit pick arc warden
Ta is ass against their heroes, especially after Veno
She handles nyx well but after Veno she is out of the question
Rtz doesn't play furion dude why wud u put him on it? U want him on comfortable heroes. His tb isn't like EE or anything but he still plays it for sure. Necro is also bad against nyx, and doesn't lane well against Veno.
Tb isn't a static hero, he pushes towers, which fits well with furion.
I think Sven shud have been banned especially cuz u picked furion and Sven deals rlly well with him. The aa Sven lane is also super strong, too strong for furion. They also shud have banned nyx. Those 2 things wud have made their draft better. The big problem is that empire had more options, cuz they banned Sven instead of void they wud run reso void, which was also a super strong pick. Eg was backed into a corner and empire had too many good options to pick that at least for reso they cudnt ban em all. The biggest blunder was no nyx ban imo.
uh rtz isn't static? What do you mean by static, afk farm? Or non playmaker heroes? Rtz used to play the crap out of sf. Name me a more static hero than that.
Guys you have no clue what are you talking about i watched both games and from what i have understood Empire won the games because Cr1t drafted really bad he don't gave fuck about the counter pickings and they lost because of that
TB v.s Sven = Rip skill 2
Puck v.s Nyx ? Single mana burn is enough to overhelm you and your spike stuns puck when he sending his illusory orb to you
WW = Good idea v.s Sven but what about AA?
Mirana v.s NP = If she get aghanim's scepter she can completely counter push you by just using her starstorm plus that she's strong at nuking TB's illusion with her starstorm, even sven were getting additional gold from treants lol
so if you think deeply you will understand there's lot of things to mention about how badly Cr1t failed at drafting obviously you can't win the game by ignoring your counter picks in the game there was lot of pressure on rtz same shit happened on sumail because they don't had good early start rtz just started farming effectively after like 7~9 minutes but sumail still was behind of the net worth while the radiant cores were farming incredibly good thanks to Cr1t for drafting awfully and allowing Empire to destroy the last chance of EG lmfao anyway if EG has some plans for next ti they won't get shit while Cr1t is the captain...
universe will go to secret then return after a few months. you read it here first. i'm from the future.
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