General Discussion

General DiscussionEarth Spirit NEEDS BUFF!!

Earth Spirit NEEDS BUFF!! in General Discussion

    Seriously this hero needs to be buff at some point, maybe in the next update. So many changes in one hero

    Pale Mannie

      his first buff will come at patch 7.77 where gambler gets released

      Pale Mannie

        good luck convincing icefrog to do it earlier


          Playing earth spirit is so fucking hard when you have 300-500 ping

          chicken spook,,,,

            Playing dota is hard with 300 ping


              Earth spirit is cancer fuck that shit. hes fine


                Earth spirit needs skill, same like io, they are hard heroes to play, and i cant play them myself, but in right hands they do not look weak at all




                    Im an ES Spammer btw. and i see the struggle of this hero everytime he gets nerf'd he gets more useless most of the time maybe it's time to stop nerfing this and start working on some buffs.


                      I believe Earth spirit is fine, the only thing he needs is a better talent to lv 25 and rolling boulder slow duration buff.
                      his disable at lv1 is too weak right now


                        I'm pretty sure es is fine


                          maybe there's a reason why he's still picked pretty frequently in comp/high mmr games.


                            Earth spirit does need some skill, but that's not what makes that hero hard to play these days. He needs a buff. Almost completely stopped playing it myself.

                            Erase Humanity

                              Blame Chinese teams with their imitation culture. They spam certain heroes like leeches until that hero is super nerfed/dead.


                                Earth spirit has been nerfed recently, but I don't think his unplayable. He just requires skill and coordination. Expect to see more nerfs since the meta really favors ES tho. Sad.