General Discussion

General DiscussionGood Game AM

Good Game AM in General Discussion
Friendly player

    Look at this AM

    He was flaming me most of the time just because i didn't place wards. Its actually funny because 1. Im 100% sure nobody looks at the mini map and 2. they blink in somewhere where we don't have any vision. So its just their fault. And then he tells me that im the useless one in the team even though i had almost 30k dmg, the only stun/root which led my team to kill opponents a lot easier. But look at AM, the blamer himself. 300gpm in 50min game, blade fury in 30min and 16k dmg. In my logic he was the most useless one there, so how do you think?

    Questa Discussione è stata modificata

      Nobody cares about what retards do in the trench and you shouldn't too


        err... i dont think people care about 3 digits game


          If this was 4k+ rating I would've said something about it, 208 LH 55 minutes AM Bfury but then you see it's 350 mmr average game and everything becomes very clear.

          Potato Marshal

            Somehow, you can always tell a match is low MMR when you see who bought a heart.

            Friendly player

              Well im trying to get out of here and doing well so far. All i have to do is pick jugg, build manta and butterfly, ez +25 ;D


                If there's an am in the game and you lost it's definitely AMs fault. This is true for all MMRs


                  fuck u jacked


                    Well im trying to get out of here and doing well so far. All i have to do is pick jugg, build manta and butterfly, ez +25 ;D

                    Lmfao dude like this is my theory, if you're a decent human being and you're new to a game and you just calibrated you get between 1.5k-2.5k (I got 2021) If you're below 1000 then it's not that you're bad or new to the game but it's because you have problems with your head and can't think straight.

                    死の恐怖 Haseo

                      If there's an am in the game and you lost it's definitely AMs fault. This is true for all MMRs

                      meteor hammer

                        useless ams are common

                        Friendly player

                          H^ You're so pathetic. I would appreciate it if your gonna stop posting the same thing on my topics. Thanks


                            You're playing sub 500 mmr games and you think any1 cares about the absolute trench where the lowest of the lowest players play.


                              my spec and am not useless i gona get 5k with soon

                              AND MY TINKER BETER THAN UR US PLAYRR GTFO


                                I care man. Trench is a fucking interesting place. I try and study their patterns and learn something like and anthropologist studying savages


                                  I cant belive how dumb people are and cant learn basic dota.Just play like normal human and you are 4k automatic.Why do you pick support in the first place ? Check builds from dotabuff and go play carry,and you will win all games in 389 mmr.OMFG


                                    4k is like top 10% of players and most would have spent thousands of games/hours getting to 4k. Remind me again why your statement is so fucking ignorant?

                                    Questo commento è stato modificato
                                    win condition

                                      am is awesome, you are trash!


                                        I reached 5k for 900 hours.I cant belive some people are 2k with 5k hours.Its so easy.

                                        Président® Salted Butter

                                          Just spam jungle axe roflmao


                                            Only by looking at your items I can judge that you didint do almost any supporting this game.

                                            Président® Salted Butter

                                              Btw cm agh's :thinking:


                                                no battlefury am best am

                                                Friendly player

                                                  Lex yeah sure, got glimmer cape just to sit there right? Stacked some camps just for fun right? Sounds like you don't even know what supporting means.

                                                  Friendly player

                                                    Del Monte Well my team didn't have any lockdown so getting aghanims was actually a good idea.

                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                      How do you see the mmr of the match?


                                                        can u win unfair bot ?? my number 1 question to all real <1k mmr


                                                          can u win unfair bot ?? my number 1 question to all real <2.5k mmr

                                                          Story Time

                                                            can u win unfair bot ?? my number 1 question to all real unfair bots

                                                            Friendly player

                                                              What does unfair bot means?


                                                                What does unfair bot means?

                                                                this is a joke, right?


                                                                  just look at my last 2 game they are party q with bunch of lossers rofl i did not even try to win the enemy team are just way 2 stupid

                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                    Somehow, you can always tell a match is low MMR when you see who bought a heart.

                                                                    I don't know
                                                                    what you mean

                                                                    meteor hammer

                                                                      it really shows how fucking useless heart is when it gets a huge buff and is still not built by almost any hero

                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                        The worst part is that even if all HP was converted to strength, sven would still have better items to purchase, since he really doesn't need the HP.


                                                                          I feel the New Heart is pretty good actually


                                                                            Sounds like you don't even know what supporting means.


                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                              You dont support at 300 MMR, you pick another carry and farm the lane, get proper items, push and fiinish.

                                                                              There is no reason to lose in 300 MMR except for just being unfathomably bad at the game.

                                                                              I mean even all sub 5k people are shit at dota, 300 MMR is on a completely different level. A 3k player that is also shit would basically have 100% winrate at your "trench".


                                                                                Heart only legit on Centaur right ? Ck sometimes maybe ?

                                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato


                                                                                  Potato Marshal

                                                                                    Heart is good on CK, Spec, Centaur, AM. Situationally good as a fifth or sixth item on some heroes like BB and PL, there's a few other exceptions too, but a lot of low MMR players love getting it as their second or third item on every strength hero that don't even need or want it like Kunkka, SB, and DK.


                                                                                      if you want to get out of there, stop playing supports... these idiots are not worth supporting, and you can see from his farm. In lower mmr like yours you could pick another core and have same farm, bcs they dont know how to farm. Even wagamama when smurfing on 2-3k mmr goes for very greedy items when playing supports (midas,aghs etc)

                                                                                      Story Time

                                                                                        offlane is a way to get out of the trench... sadly no one gives mid or safelane on the basis of their self-confidence, but offlane is a good chacne to screw the carry of enemy

                                                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                                                          The general problem with heart is:
                                                                                          Skadi is often just a better option for a lot of agi carries. Though since the buffs to heart, it gives almost 2x as much HP as skadi and crazy regenerative capabilities which is insane actually.
                                                                                          Heart gives HP to str heroes, who would ideally want to have a BKB and more armor. More often than not, their HP pool is not the actual issue.
                                                                                          So heart ends up being an item that only really benefits select few heroes, or you might get it on illusion heroes who don't go BKB, because BKB + armor (whether from agi stacking or from items like AC) is a better idea most of the time.

                                                                                          Heart is something you buy on an agi carry only when it fixes a major issue with the hero like AM's garbage health pool, but even then I have seen more and more people go skadi on AM, because just surviving isn't something that makes the hero strong a lot of the time, even though "blink out at 400 hp, come back at full hp in 10 seconds" isn't something to be underestimated at all.

                                                                                          The regen might be really handy sometimes, though, and in some cases you might run some meme strats with pugna heart, people have done it in the competitive, even.

                                                                                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                            lol what was the am doing btw? 1k tower damage, 17k hero damage and 300 cs. it's like, he was running around the map to get to the creep waves then missed half the cs then walked all the way to next lane? lol

                                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                                              Being unable to understand how a low MMR player can have such low stats is the opposite side of dunning kruger - you are too good to understand how someone can be that bad, and what he'd have to do.

                                                                                              Now, being too good for someone who is sub 1k isn't hard by any means.

                                                                                              meteor hammer

                                                                                                man i lost a 3k game with this fucking hero


                                                                                                lich is my buddy and had to leave at -20 mins, then i microed him so no afk abandon

                                                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                  you lost to a 2 daedalus sven

                                                                                                  I've had worse losses tho

                                                                                                  meteor hammer

                                                                                                    i needed abyssal before butter because the sven was stopping my split anyway, i let invoker rax bot for free like a tard too

                                                                                                    mb shouldve aghs over linkens but i dont think its mke a huge difference either way


                                                                                                      Situationally good as a fifth or sixth item on some heroes like BB and PL,

                                                                                                      fighting a pl that has heart is literally the worst thing