General Discussion

General DiscussionHuskar guardian greaves, new meta?

Huskar guardian greaves, new meta? in General Discussion

    Have you seen D.Bowie's new way of playing huskar? Is guardian greaves reasonable for him? Here is the link on his huskar guide


      Thats bs, you can rush bkb and rape the enemies if you have a dazzle/omni/oracle in your is a waste of gold imo


        omg this guy is getting more and more autistic by the nanosecond

        Riguma Borusu

          why would a hero that thrives on value items buy a 5k+ gold item that solves none of his problems

          more so for 700 gold more you can have a fucking satanic and for a bit more you can have an AC

          why the fuck would anyone buy freaking greaves

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            I quit looking at his videos a while ago when i found out it was all shit


              That D.Bowie's guy is in the 2k bracket, he's playing normal skill games, anything on any hero can be considered good if we're talking about 2k mmr games although greaves on huskar is the most retarded thing I've ever heard.


                Lul then you have retards like this guy

                It sounds 'reasonable' as if he actually has experience with greaves on huskar and done it before but then he says he isn't a huskar player lmfao.

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                  The level of retardness I read in this thread is slowly but surely killing me



                    Fee Too Pee

                      at paper , its good. its also can purge + 15 armor at low health

                      but you know whats better?
                      when ur offlaner get that instead at 20ish minute mark

                      what guardian greave give to huskar is no doubt , very good thou. regardless huskar or teammates get it


                        no wonder he dropped to 4k

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                          no wonder he dropped to 4k

                          Our 3k weaboo player seems like he has experience in the 4k bracket.


                            Yes , 3500 player

                            Potato Marshal

                              I see the reasoning behind it, the under 20% bonus armor and regen are amazing, it gives Huskar a dispel and heal, and burning spears/berserker's blood gives you your attack speed and damage. But it's a 5300+ gold item with a terrible build-up for Huksar. The arcane boots portion is useless, the recipe is incredibly expensive, and while you're trying to finish the item, you don't have anything that helps you farm faster or get kills.

                              I wouldn't get it, all it provides is armor, and more survivability at low health. But the build-up and cost is so terrible. Just seems like another dumb gimmick build like that other Youtuber who buys echo sabre on everything.

                              Questo commento è stato modificato
                              Potato Marshal

                                For comparison, a wand + morbid mask + armlet + treads costs less than greaves does.

                                Riguma Borusu

                                  You can go treads straight into halberd and it would be better than this. +15 armor is going to do jack shit against a troll or PA when you are low whereas halberd is a game changer


                                    I would rate it higher than armlet tbh. And you can't dispel teammates silence or other stuff with greaves, just yourself. Ive actually gone value grieves for that purpose on not standard mek heroes

                                    Fee Too Pee

                                      "rate it higher than armlet"

                                      do you actually serious benao? LMAO


                                        Hey don't call him Benao that's insulting, please refer to him as B-God

                                        Potato Marshal

                                          Also what the fuck was that match in the video? Look after the 4:40 mark, and that Huskar is running around with greaves + brown boots.


                                            Welcome in normal skill bracket where people think you need to buy 2 boots because you have 2 feet.


                                              Its not even a new thing. People were trying this out when guardian greaves first got released. It was kinda okay then because Huskar had far more magic resistance than he does now. But even then people realised it wasn't really viable.


                                                i though d2bowie was like 6k


                                                  There are no high skilled players with a big youtube channel making guides etc, most of those people are below 4ks that think that they know what they're talking about.

                                                  The only guy I know is slahser but he hasn't uploaded anything in a while.


                                                    bowie is 5k


                                                      Bowie WAS 5k last year

                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                        The extra regen and 15 armor on low HP is insanely good on Huskar, but just tell a teammate to buy it for you, that portion is part of the aura I believe.


                                                          also H^ is 3500

                                                          Potato Marshal

                                                            I don't know about this bowie guy, but the Huskar in that video was 4.7k.



                                                              It sounds good on paper, but I agree, it's too expensive for what it gives, and what alternatives could give for equal or less that amount. I saw the video of Bowie talking about this, but I think he could pull it off because it wasn't really high level bracket. Don't know his MMR but I'm fairly certain it wasn't a 5k+ game.

                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                @ Potato Marshal Pretty much what I said, below/around 4k's that come up with stupid ideas to make a youtube video and then they show theirselves play 2 games with the item and winning/stomping so everyone thinks it's a great item.

                                                                @Weaboo 3k retard


                                                                I'm totally 3500.

                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                  Ewwww you copy that guy name and pic to claim that's you? Try to post from that account then :)


                                                                    EWWWW XD X D XD XD this guy is a total retard lmfao.

                                                                    My main acc is muted for flaming.


                                                                      Nice try mister 3500

                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                        I am pretty sure if you put two huskars one against the other, where one has greaves and the other has an armlet, the one with the armlet wins because he'll deal way more damage and have way better armor


                                                                          Smh there's 2 people calling me 3500

                                                                          1 that is 3k player and watches anime and the other is hiding on some random throw account and doesn't want to post his sub 4k mmr main.

                                                                          Come add me: let's talk on steam buddy.


                                                                            No , i dont add 3500 player


                                                                              Yeah just what I thought classic 3k trash player that watches anime + that only knows how to troll/post memes.


                                                                                Classic retard :laugh2:

                                                                                Fee Too Pee

                                                                                  classic pointless flaming in forum lmao

                                                                                  Erase Humanity

                                                                                    It is not cost effective for what it does. If the enemy is heavy on physical damage, after core items it's usually more reasonable to purchase evasion, HP and then armor. Solar Crest, Halberd and Butterfly are way more cost effective than Greaves.


                                                                                      Who to follow, Bowie or Cookie xD