General Discussion

General DiscussionWill coach for (actually) free

Will coach for (actually) free in General Discussion

    I will coach any role, I do this because I REALLY enjoy helping people. No strings attached, just hit me up. Yup, I'm mid 3k. I can offer a lot to lower rank players, and I won't jerk them around. I appreciate any criticism, but ultimately I'm more interested in anyone who actually wants someone to help them improve.
    While I can coach any role, I specialize in core roles, as I'm sure you will see on my profile.


      there's free or cheap 4-6k coaches


        Teach me how to play jungle legion commander please

        lone dog

          Teach my team how to stop holding me back tbh


            Coach me all your knowledge


              Coach me on Support Role please.


                How to calibrate mmr higher than 3.5k limit?


                  hau to risch werri hay ckeell?


                    Ok can you coach me some f ur best heroes?? What are ur best heros? Which region do you play?


                      Teach me how to destroy the enemy ancient


                        SEA server here. I would be really grateful if you would coach me.


                          Should I buy wards all the time?


                            Teach me how to get better while my team start ruin everything.

                            I mean, 1k isn't about team right?


                              teach me how to get to high skill


                                teach hunter how to VHS

                                Mlada i Luda

                                  you should be going in jail for this. honestly.


                                    Just ignore the idiots who flame you , what you're doing is nice for low mmr people who dont have their heads stucked in their buts and they wanna improve.

                                    Keep up the good work.

                                    Jake Zyrus

                                      Good day to you bro,
                                      I desperately need your opinion
                                      I would like to pursue a life of pro dots
                                      Pls analyze my skill kind sir if it's worth it to pursue my dots career or not, I usually play 3 & 4 position
                                      KINDLY VIEW MY GAME MATCH 3437723794 (earth shaker)
                                      and tell me how bad or good of a player am I?
                                      I badly need advice bro, I hope you can help
                                      Thanks for the time reading this if it actually gets to you


                                        6k player stuck in 2k
                                        Team holding me back
                                        How do i win 1v9

                                        very good csgo player

                                          Teach me how to git higher than 3.5k plez


                                            You said you play core. I'm stuck at 2k.

                                            If you would be willing could you check a couple of my replays and tell me what I could do better?

                                            Is there a way I could contact you privately?


                                              As an addendum, I am on us west, and prefer using discord.


                                                Can you teach me how to last hit?


                                                  Offering coaching lessions as a 3k player? Lol


                                                    How to git life

                                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                                      ^stop being NIGGY


                                                        @OP - Added you , you better give some good advice or gonna create a new meme for you :P :D


                                                          Level 18

                                                          500 XP
                                                          Add Friend


                                                          Currently In-Game
                                                          Dota 2
                                                          Join Game
                                                          1 VAC ban on record | Info
                                                          1536 day(s) since last ban


                                                            Since we're on different region, I think direct coaching is not possible


                                                            This match, I aware that Sniper should never died that much, but nevermind that for now
                                                            What I ask is troll pings me hard, and both are when we pretty much lost a TF because me not joining. Are both TF could be won if I join instead?

                                                            Also, we actually won in the end because of my teammate baits a 4v5 fight on middle highground when I just sent shrapnel there and take side rax, twice (the first cost us near teamwiped though. Is this better decision than straight up teamfighting them on mid?


                                                              Sniper is a squishy hero and you need a couple items before he actually starts doing some good damage (excluding shrapnel).
                                                              Sometimes you just get ganked alot and they try to focus you down because you're sniper and you're an easy target, you have a good amount of last hits and you won the game in the end, that's what should matter.


                                                                Sniper is a hero that is good at all stages of the game unless behind, and needs a draft to cover his ass. Suffers the most against gap closer and we all know that. He doesnt need more than Phase boots and Dlance to dominate early game if your dratf is right.

                                                                BTW how the heck can 3k be a coach when 3ks are barely better that 2ks ? 3ks just farm faster.