General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR Switch - International Ranked

MMR Switch - International Ranked in General Discussion

    Simple question, what date can you replace your regular MMR with your international MMR.

    P.S Do you just switch it on the International Ranked tab under 'Find Match'.

    Thank you in advance!!


      yes, you will switch it from there, it ll give you two options one for solo ranked one for party ranked, so dont worry about switching both of them, u ll switch which u want if you reach 40 games.
      probably tomorrow or tonight they should give that option. but no worry sooner later u'll get it.


        when is int rank end?


          Thank you 8888!! :)


            When the next int ranked season starts. So in <1 year from now.


              np. btw there will be a limited timing for you to switch it. dont remember how much but probably around 1 or 2 weeks. then international ranked segment will gone till ti8 compendium release date.

              Questo commento è stato modificato

                Can i ask a question
                Which mmr can i have
                The solo int mmr
                Or the mmr peaked


                  The mmr you end with. Peak just shows your peak for the season records.

                  Found that out the hard way; I thought it would be the peak, doubled down on the very last night of the season and lost 50 mmr. Could only replace my mmr with the lower one rather than the peak after that.