General Discussion

General DiscussionHow are people looking at my heros played before game starts ?

How are people looking at my heros played before game starts ? in General Discussion

    Are they using another program like dota buff or is there a way to see there recent matches in game .

    The DarKNovA

      They might search for your name in dotabuff, for example.


        I check often ppl during picking phase, just by searching their name + checking their profil pic. And if their pick sucks, iam gonns flame them for their low winrate to force a change!


          Friend id ? Duhh


            Pretty try hard to search db pre game lol


              I mean u can just search the high mmr

              Friendly Gaming Community <3

                People done this shit in Warcraft 3 fucking 13 years ago


                  I usually copy the steam profile link of the players and look for into dotabuff.


                    i only do it to spot smurfs