General Discussion

General DiscussionI need you guys helps.

I need you guys helps. in General Discussion

    I want to be a professional dota 2 player and i m very serious. I even break up with my 3 years rs to focus on dota 2. My solo mmr is currently 4.8 and am i too late to become at the age of 21 ?. I just want to know is that am i right for breaking up with my girl to choose which i m very passionate about it ?


      if you can't get to 7-8k right now you won't go anywhere near pro

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      chicken spook,,,,


        Riguma Borusu

          1) You're a retard to break up with a girl to pursue a career you will never have
          2) What the fuck, dude


            i wonder if there is anyone who started playing directly dota 2 at the age of 18-19 and is in professional team. i highly doubt that ! there are few player profiles on youtube which states obvious that the players who are 8k-9k started dota in very early stages of their life ! maybe tryhard for 1 year without ditching education and girlfriend and see what mmrgain u come up with


              yeah where did yo uget this lul. how can you know that? like how can you know , ' if rain is created by clouds, it will fall down into earth? how can you know that? waht kind of genius are you ? jsut cause you not named tripple retard doesnt mean you genius brah lol.

              Zaius, MD

                Honestly, don't listen to these guys. I am sure it is possible, but you need to find a good team who can trust you. You need to start grinding MMR asap, and try to reach at least 6k. The Brazilian team who managed to almost beat EG during the Kiev major, some of their players were in the range of 5k-6k, but they found a team who they could trust, and had trust in their ability at Dota. Grind some MMR, so play with higher level players, and then try to find a good team who is willing to accept you.


                  I hope this is trolling, otherwise you are dumb af OP. Do what you want, its your life.

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                    you're a fucking idiot. I'd throw you from my house if you were my kid.

                    when this game dies (and it will, in 5 years if not in 2), all your "accomplishments" will be gone.

                    I was a pretty well known US west player in 2006-2009 period. Ask anyone in NADOTA. Now I can't even google and find any of my replays. I'm forgotten.

                    And only 0.00000000001% of dota players go pro and make big bucks and taiwanese girls want their bras signed.

                    So long story short - go beg your gf to take you back. Study in school.

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                      Bro dota 2 is just a game.

                      The pro dota players are just there so the fans keep feeling hype over time .


                        There are players who have been 6k / 7k for years and they are barely getting on good teams

                        Friendly player

                          In pro scene mmr is not the case. You have to depend entirely on your team and every decision you make will be discussed with your team. You have to talk to your team the whole match, you will have to give info to your team every 10 sec or so lul

                          Riguma Borusu

                            In pro scene mmr is not the case.

                            have you thought about
                            1) deleting dota
                            2) suicide


                              LOD[A] is a 5k for all I know guess what Pro Carry 😂

                              chicken spook,,,,

                                You're a fucking retard if you think loda is still/has been relevant ever since TI3


                                  WHAT??? Somebody with girlfriend want to spend days in room, watching PS, and lost his life. IF she didn` t leave you cause something else not Dota than i don` t know break up is hard, but try another way to go on with that. So in that case you have 2 options:
                                  1-If you want to be pro just earn money playing, so find some sub1k mmr and play, for them, for money. And here you are you are pro.
                                  2-If you want to be TI winner, then there is no help for you. God bless you.
                                  I hope it`s helpful

                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                    Why become a pro in a dying game lol
                                    And also you are a dipsht for leaving your girl for a game lmfao
                                    Fuck out of here with some childish shit 😂😂

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                                    Potato Marshal

                                      I can never tell if these kinds of threads are serious. You're asking people if you can go pro on a forum where half the posters have a higher MMR than you.