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Next Battlepass in General Discussion

    Anyone has an idea when we can expect the next Battle Pass?
    Any usefull insights are appreciated.


      its a bit confusing cz there are 11 majors, but i doubt there would be 11 battle passes
      theres a small chance that the ti battle pass will be the only one for next year, but i doubt it


        I expect a Fall -> Winter -> International Cycle to continue, it would make perfect sense maybe even to add a spring one so that the TI one takes up only the summer, I highly doubt they will do it since it is in their interest to keep the price pools as high as possible for the better news story.

        The thing I currently know is written on the site and the links to the previous Battle Passes.

        If they will continue their old road we could expect a Fall one in October.
        The problem that I have is the "Expires: 1 October 2017" written on the site of the TI7 Battle Pass, that means that they don't count this one as over. Also the pause between the 2016 TI Battlepass and the Fall BP was over a month.

        Is there some public person of Valve that announces things like this someone knows about maybe?


          I really hope they wont delete our lovely sound chatwheel


            Yeah they just did s