General Discussion

General DiscussionHOW 2 PLAY A DUSA GAME

HOW 2 PLAY A DUSA GAME in General Discussion
El Chivo

    Wanna know how to play a dusa game as a support. What should I pick/build/do?

    Also is dusa even viable in this meta?

    Friendly player

      you can harass enemy heroes with snake, make sure it doesn't hit creeps


        Viable, but not as a support, whats wrong with you?

        Pump Cultist

          I don't get it.

          chicken spook,,,,

            Sub optimal hero played with sub optimal playstyle
            I wonder what can go wrong :thinking:

            El Chivo

              I mean me supporting a dusa lol

              El Chivo

                A dusa game is when somebody picks dusa abd you have to play around her. Want to know de more eficient way to play around a medusa as a support. Sorry if it was not clear first time.

                El Chivo

                  I figured picking vs and buildibg strong auras is a way to go. But i dint know if my ideas are entirely correct.


                    mid dusa u go sb
                    safelane dusa u go playing babysitter supp

                    Riguma Borusu

                      "It's a medusa game guys. I won't tell you on whose team it is though."


                        Go Io, farm bloodstone, heart, greaves, lotus orb, blademail and tether to Medusa all game. If they focus you just pop blademail, otherwise right click them as well. You move together as a unit and become the ultimate unstoppable force.

                        Dire Wolf

                          she's not drow, vs doesn't compliment her that well cus outside of skadi and maybe linkens she builds dmg items not stat items.

                          I think good supports are ones who can lockdown enemies cus medusa is really slow and won't have slows/catch until skadi. So heroes with big aoe catches are good like axe, tidehunter, earthshaker, maybe warlock. Enigma black hole with medusa raining down arrows could wipe a team.

                          Of course CM is really good for mana aura.

                          For lane support, just anything with a stun to escape. Medusa is pretty tanky so just protect her.

                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                            Diffusal, Continous DPS like Alch, CK if you can dodge her ult, Luna typically do very well vs her. Obviously AM and PL. If ur looking for a support to kill her I find heroes with a high number of lockdowns and mobility. Sky, Lion, EarthShaker. You remove her already shitty mobility and her team becomes surprisingly easy to kill. Or splitpushing.

                            Story Time

                              why is Dusa only 39 % win rate in higher mmr bracket?

                              Dire Wolf

                                medusa doesn't fit meta well and if you shut down her farm early she doesn't come back

                                meteor hammer

                                  get a support with strong laning and depush skill and buy a midas xd

                                  meteor hammer

                                    dusa has trash winrate because shes awful against diffusal blade which is an insanely good item and she doesnt do any damage at almost every phase of the game

                                    in 3k ppl get stoned all the time which makes ur damage decent, in 5k people turn around and theres so many push staffs than stone gaze is a way worse ult, the only cool thing about dusa is breaking hg because your team can just afk behind you and they have to initiate on this crazy tanky hero with the best turnaround ult in the game and probably an aegis

                                    Potato Marshal

                                      She's a shit hero, but if you were to support her, ideally she'd be sieging and pushing towers while your team stood back as backup, getting items like solar crest, glimmer, lotus etc. to keep her survivable. Teamfights are difficult as Medusa because the enemy can easily disengage as she lacks mobility, burst damage, and reliable disables. Just keep Medusa in front while you buff her, and if the enemy goes on anybody but Medusa, try and fight near her while surviving.

                                      El Chivo

                                        How do you adress her lack of damage in almost every stage of the game as a support? I mean, you pick shit like drums, vlad, crest to help her deal more damage? or you just focus on enchancing her suvivability?

                                        El Chivo

                                          also thanls for the answers

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            You wait for her to build damage. Make space, make sure game goes 40+ minutes cus she will do a lot of dmg late.

                                            Or you pick drow.

                                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                                              You pick drow and just build 6 aquilas


                                                dusa sucks dick without drow
                                                also thoughts on blademail, i see ee doing it a lot

                                                El Chivo

                                                  I saw a guy in a pub who went blademails lotus MoM. He got 4 reports that day.

                                                  Story Time

                                                    u get report not for the items but for not winning with those items


                                                      As a support just try disable whoever has manaburn on the enemy team. Also remember that arcane boots are basically like a heal for Medusa so use them when she gets low on mana.

                                                      Blademail is kinda good because of the way it interacts with mana shield. Blademail now returns damage before any reductions so it will reflect damage before its reduced by mana shield. A 100 damage pure damage nuke on Dusa with bladmail for example will reflect 100 damage to the enemy while medusa only takes 40 damage since mana shield absorbs 60% of it.

                                                      But Dusa isn't really viable this patch. Literally every aspect of the game has been changed in some way that makes her worse in the last few patches. She badly needs a buff (and a nerf to diffusal)


                                                        Dusa sucks. Diffusal rapes her and I've seen strength heroes also getting it in few games. Best thing to play dusa....first pick dusa and turn into support. Get mana boots blademail and other support stuff. She's best against illu heroes if get aghs. GG illu spammers with low cd snake


                                                          I don’t see any reason picking medusa unless you are against ck.

                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            wellll... I mean sometimes you can last pick her and she's good to great. If enemy has no mana burners like nyx, invoker, am, and no great diffusal carries like pl, spec, void and no carries who will build diffusal just cus they see dusa like troll, then she's ok. Like vs idk sven, necro, earthshaker, lich, puck lineup? Just throwing out a random in meta lineup. She should actually be good vs necro cus if she has any mana left he's not killing her with ult and she can just build linkens.

                                                            It might be time they just remove her damage penalty on split shot.


                                                              They should make dusa keep atk modifier item effect on her split, as lv 25 talent perhaps?
                                                              Her talent is garbage

                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                Pick omni, and repel her every time a diffusal hero wants to jump her.


                                                                  Dusa is shit this meta, even against heroes who she should counter like ck, she sucks ballz.
                                                                  She needs too much farm to be viable in fights, and after that she has no lockdowns, what put her in team dependant hero, while it would be so bad hero itself, other aimilar heroes are just better

                                                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                                                    Babysitter or game dragger


                                                                      Medusa is strongest hero in game, and will always be. Venge and wd are Best Supports for dusa. drum and forcestaff are good items on Support to boost her mobility. Also Lotus is great so dusa can skip bkb more often.


                                                                        She's bad at this time, really


                                                                          Medusa is strongest hero? Spectre will rekt any hard carry in ultra late game scenario, Medusa and Morphling included


                                                                            You pick Necro and try win the game before the Dusa even matter.


                                                                              ^spectre's dmg just falls off hard in the late game
                                                                              she becomes tanky but a morph with mkb and silver edge just man fights her hard
                                                                              she just burns a lot but her dmg output falls off


                                                                                ^is she?
                                                                                When I play against her, I get rekted hard by her simply just sits there and dispersion kill us hard. My right click as (well, not so good) Sniper, Drow, or Medusa just kill my teammate around her. Also it takes forever just to kill her

                                                                                Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

                                                                                  morph will die before he even attacks her


                                                                                    Man spectre Medusa is love hate Relationship. If dusa just ults into spectre ulti all illus die instand. Also dusa can force spectre into an super retarded build if shes ahead.
                                                                                    Its my Favourit lineup tbh. Spectre vs dusa is very fun to play.

                                                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                      ck against dusa suggestion? lul agha

                                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                                        Medusa is bad even against a fucking bloodseeker, if bs' team has better teamfight potential or is ahead.

                                                                                        She does no damage, so you can just run at her with a diffusal and destroy her, if she ults, you look away, then ruin her once her ult is over.

                                                                                        Medusa is also bad against weaver diffu.

                                                                                        And morph diffu.

                                                                                        Actually she is bad against literally any carry that can fight for prolonged periods of time and either has mobility, sustain in a fight, or consistent and low cd lockdown.

                                                                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                          spectre's dmg just falls off hard in the late game

                                                                                          her dmg can't fall off if she never have damage in the first place
                                                                                          stop thinking spectre is a traditional high dps carry, she deals damage in a different way than bursting people down

                                                                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                            Actually she is bad against literally any carry that can fight for prolonged periods of time and either has mobility, sustain in a fight, or consistent and low cd lockdown.

                                                                                            A.k.a every single carry that is not garbage rn


                                                                                              Somehow when i play dusa i Deal more dmg than smurfing invoker.
                                                                                              Dusa is not the easiest hero to play its very much about items. Also you can buy rapier when ever you need it, its almost Core on her.


                                                                                                spectre not a burstt dps carry :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


                                                                                                  AFAIK, spectre damage in tf mainly comes from dispersion. More tanky she is, more damage she can dish
                                                                                                  In solo pickoff, desolate comes into play

                                                                                                  She's scary af if given space