General Discussion

General DiscussionThe ONE hero you like the most and why

The ONE hero you like the most and why in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    I like BS and Lich because I can think about math or exams in general while playing dota. The heroes play itself, and I would probably win more if I thought about the game more, but as far as brainless heroes go, BS and Lich are about the top of the list. Even a hero like necro requires some sort of mana management.

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    chicken spook,,,,

      SB > BS

      harvard graduate

        TA just because Psi Blades opens up such an immense skill ceiling and in General the hero "flows" very well for me with Refraction and Meld. Also one of the (three? Techies, Brood, TA?) heroes that can give vision into the rosh pit which is pretty OP in itself.


          I'm secretly in love with Nature's Prophet but I never play him 'cause 1) I'm fucking trash with him 2) the hero itself is fucking trash. But if I had to choose that one hero and stick with it forever it would have to be really fun to play and extremely versatile otherwise I'd kill myself from boredom (I used to spam Viper when I was 2k and I almost did). And he is all these things, besides being fucking trash of course. Plus he's a great ganker and this is my favourite kind of hero.

          Riguma Borusu

            How the fuck is NP trash? Just because most people (you and me included) cannot play him, it does not mean the hero itself is trash, it has been shown to be really strong in the right hands, just like Io.


              Shh that's what I tell myself to justify that 37% winrate. Let's move on.

              Riguma Borusu

                Oh, right. Can"t argue with that.


                  i like slardar, he is good initiator.