General Discussion

General Discussionbrood mid vs necro

brood mid vs necro in General Discussion
your hope

    how to deal vs that hero 1 v 1?
    i feel like its main counter hero for brood, cos for instance axe, lc, shaker cant farm as fast as you with mama can, so u just farm all jungle + 2 lanes, however necro is rly fast farming hero, he have strong solo kill potential, can clear waves fast etc
    so what the strategy


      farm junglke

      < blank >

        dodge lane

        Vacmaster Model #VWMB508

          Wait two or three weeks for necro to be nerfed or just avoid him in lane. Death pulse destroys you and there is not much u can do about it. Just ask to lane switch or shove the wave and go jungle a bit then shove it again.

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            BSJ. LGD


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                A little theorycrafting. I am not really experienced with Brood (althought wanna learn it, so saw quite few replays).

                First, accept you will not take tower in 5 minutes, you will not have kills early on, if he doesnt screw up. Be more passive, greedy, farm more. Both of you want different things - you want to splitpush, take towers, farm. He wants to kill people. So while you can do your things, he will need to do something else and it opens opportunities for push.

                Regarding itembuild, no radiance. For this kind of healing power it is not giving you a lot of value in regards of killing power, only farming power.

                So I would say DPS build is the way. Soulring, OoV, rushing either diffus or Orchid and afterwards phase/pt and bkb/deso/orchid (depends on the rest of lineup, if they are not spell heavy, deso/orchid might be better option.

                Regarding the play - let necro controll the lane. You cant really do anything with that. Control vision, kill creeps, save spiders for jungle. LVL3 make path to your jungle (dire small jungle is best accessible I would say), farm medium and big camp when necro is controlling lane. when ready, take ancients. Eventually necro will want to leave for gangs, coz that hero is build for kills. Now you have your spiders ready, take his tower, spill webs on his side of map as well and happily farm all around the map for another items.

                For fighting - as soon as you have OoV, soulring, diffus and phase (12-15 minutes in game), just kill him - with ulti lvl2, phase/pt, diffus you should have around 200 dmg. Pop ulti, run at him, slow from your passive and OoV should make him slow and just cancel ghost shroud by diffus. Kill him. Leave spiders home, you dont want him to kill them and get another shitton of healing from killing them.

                Now you can just play standart brood.

                Devastation *********

                  10/10 games brood rq


                    how does axe and lc not farm fast?


                      split spiders into 2 groups, send the spiderlings to tank the death pulse then attack with spiderites.

                      Riguma Borusu

                        The only problem LC has when playing against brood is that when you OO the creepwave + spiders + broodmama the game lags for a second and the sound clips because you kill about 50 units and get that many instances of gold and the OO sound stacks per unit so it sounds really fucking loud.

                        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                          Alchemist is good vs brood.

                          Just know when to attack and run.

                          In the early game, Always, ALWAYS bring a tp so that you can tp out away if she starts biting you.

                          When you have Armlet, Battle Fury/Rad, go for MKB and watch that spider get mauled to death.


                            ^thats fucking dumb
                            just get ur manta octarine shivas and u become unkillable
                            brood cant outfarm u, but she does a lot of physical and u dont have a lot of armor early
                            id get the armor talent and maybe even a platemail before full octarine.


                              actually that's wrong, brood is one of the fastest farmers, she actually can have the same farm as an alchemist or more.

                              Riguma Borusu

                                ^so can Sven, TA and AM, but on average, they don't.


                                  well alchemist needs a good start, and hes not gonna get it if he is 1v1 against brood

                                  i have 5 reports to use

                                    Idk I think brood still wins necro


                                      if you lose to necro in lane as brood please don't play her


                                        except brood does, those 10000 spiders at like 7-10 mintues have the same farming speed as alchemist with radiance and bots.

                                        on average a brood(mid) will have 700-900 gpm and ends the game waaaay faster than alchemist can(usually 20-30 min)

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                                          i mean the potential for brood to farm that fast exists, but imo a lot more things have to go right for the brood than they do for alch
                                          even when alch gets ganked 3 times u still see 800-900 gpm on pro alchs, but the only time i saw a brood doing that well was when secret smashed illidans team recently and ace had a 13 min radiance or smth
                                          and even then he ended with somewhere in the mid 600's in gpm

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