General Discussion

General DiscussionGetting back to HS/VHS bracket

Getting back to HS/VHS bracket in General Discussion
Jimichael Butordan

    Need help I think I'm stuck at normal skill bracket after having a lot of abandons after my HS/VHS bracket games. Been a trying hard to get those damage and fighting stats and even though I put damage to hero/towers plus join teamfights, I can't seem to shakeoff my bracket back. Any tips here?

    死の恐怖 Haseo

      by having 3200+mmr for high skill and 3700+mmr for very high skill


        The thing you are talking about is important only during calibration matches !

        When it comes to skill brackets you are where you belong. Why you want to get higher bracket when u barely can win on Normal Skill ?

        17 k dmg on Timber in a 54 min match is a disaster. What where u doing ? Afk farming ?

        Hard to say anything about this game but you have such a bad farm as a safe lane void. You had Alchemist off which is a disaster, ok but u could get much more farm in this game anyway.

        This game you win cos your enemies dont have any carry in their team.

        5 carry game XD Meepo picker and no support. Typical 1k-2k gaming.

        Now tell us what do you really expect ?

        Git gud that is the only legit answer you can get.

        Did you make smurf cos you thought you would somehow cheat the system and get 3.5 k mmr (which is a calibration cap) ? Dota system is very accurate. You are exactly where u belong.

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          The only advice i can give that play TBD rank matches when u have more high skill than normal skill .


            you're just not good enough tbh
            learn how to play the game first


              by having 3200+mmr for high skill and 3700+mmr for very high skill

              something like this


                you have 48% win rate by playing in normal skill, why you want to go to HS/VHS? you have to do a lot to improve bro

                Mr Perspective

                  haha yea you prob nid more experience in the game, its not just dmg and KDA and ur high mmr. if its so ez, why do u think so many ppl want to be in HS/VHS? Advice, play more and go watch youtube tutorials on map awareness and tips etc. watching replays of your losses and wins to see what you did wrong helps too.

                  Jimichael Butordan

                    Nah you all just dont get my point, I've been to VHS bracket with 9 matches (all solo q) with 55% winrate, HS bracket with 28 matches at (42% winrate, 6 matches which is party q) 41 matches on normal bracket with 51% winrate. Im using dotabuff,opendota and maxplus to analyze my games but at the time when I got in a real slump where I played real bad in my high skill bracket games (I think it is my sven/storm spirit abandon) which I think really put my unranked mmr low. I know how to play like 3.2k average guys, just need to help on how to increase my unranked mmr. If you want proof, check my opendota page or maxplus inapp bracket dividends


                      Lol from what I see u lost way too many high skill games and it's just cumulative loss of mmr. So u just gotta win to climb back. Doesn't matter if u were there. U were there and u couldn't stay there because u don't play well enough so u dropped.

                      It's not rocket science and has noting to do with your abandon

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                        Its hard bro look at my Scenario same Issue If you wanted to back on Vhs Get a good kda and wins on your calibrating


                          Look at my first game into back on Normal


                            I got 1 wins and 9 lose on my calibrating but still 3.1 k avrge


                              At my first 3.5 but ruined it


                                At my first 3.5 but ruined it