General Discussion

General DiscussionHuge bracket drop for not playing more than year

Huge bracket drop for not playing more than year in General Discussion

    Hi all,

    I havent been playing for arround 1 year, and than I played several games on my old account and ofc ruined MMR badly, droped to ~3k while my normal rating was arround 3.7 - 4.1

    Now I logged to this account which is newer and I use it only when I am in form and sharp for good preformance and I notice my game was in Normal bracket. Its quite big and unpleasent suprise as my last 34 games were in Very High Skill and I have only 6 loses there meaning I should be having quite nice "hiddeen MMR".

    WTF is that!?
    Is there some new way they notice 2 accounts use same IP address or they reseted my hidden MMR because of long abscence or something other and how do I get to my usual skill bracket fast (not having to win milion games...)?

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      No idea honestly, it happened to me too btw. Took a break during the summer and when I came back I noticed my hidden mmr had dropped to normal skill and for a period of time I was constantly getting matched with 1 5k and 3 2k people or even high 1k every game.


        You didnt play in a full year, meaning last time you played was before 7.00 update which almost changed everything. So I bracket drop is expected.
        Plus this is an unranked match, it unranked all kinds of mmrs are smushed together.
        And you only played one game, so dont be so sure about your bracket drop

        Palmen aus Plastik

          your medusa kda is off the charts lmao. Didnt know medusa could snowball xD


            as everyone continue to play and the mmr's are constantly rising, the brakects are probably following this movement, so you went down to normal skill instead of getting stuck on VHS/HS. Also you are playing normal games as @Kruelty- said

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