General Discussion

General DiscussionTo those who blame "toxic feeders" for loosing you games

To those who blame "toxic feeders" for loosing you games in General Discussion
Friendly player

    IF you for example have 4000BS, then everyone you play with will have 4000bs and everyone in your team are toxic feeders as you claim. But if your team have toxic feeders then other team has something like that too. Stop blaming your toxic feeders team for your loses cause everyone is toxic including you. And if you say that your less toxic than your team then you have a lot bigger chance of winning so it will be extremely easy for you to rise mmr. So please think about this before you complain.


      All the bitching that they do won't help them anything, they'll stay low forever.

      Mlada i Luda

        @I play for fun.... the luxury of being naive " ignorant" , i wish i had that sometimes. makes thinks looks 1000 times less complicated that they are .


          Exactly. Toxic feeders play with toxic feeders. Adapt or die. Dont want to play with toxic feeders? Stop beign toxic feeder.

          Mlada i Luda

            what are you talking about , you must be out of your mind, you fucking idiots, bs is a myth a urban legend , and toxic feeders are distributed randomly , is your selective memory that makes you think like that . you dunin kruger idiots XD

            🍩🍪Cookie🍪🍩 3 months ago
            there's no such thing as behavior score/hidden pool giving you bad teammates, nor was it ever demonstrated nor proven.
            it's just that idiots like these up here need any excuse, because dunning kruger hits hard.
            The only thing it does is simply tell you how close you are to getting low prio due to reports/abandons.
            There wouldn't be low priority if there was a hidden pool, nor has any evidence that BS is anything other than the score of how close you are to getting LP


              I'd love to argue about the contents of your posts, as soon as they become readable.

              Till then, I'd rather not kill my brain cells.

              i explained why you're wrong, if you can't accept that then it's not my problem.

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              Mlada i Luda

                ahahahaahahahahhahahahhahah, whats your problem kid? why you feel concerned about every post i make. if you want to know my post are usually for the rest of the forum, than can actually have a "profit" from it. what makes you think i care , if you will argue or not about my post? i dont give a shit at all kido . im jsut trying to give some wisdom words , that i learned from a rly " wisdom " kid, to some other members here in the forum , cause im nice XD . i mean rly rly wisdom and helpful words .. like this

                🍩🍪Cookie🍪🍩 3 months ago
                there's no such thing as behavior score/hidden pool giving you bad teammates, nor was it ever demonstrated nor proven.
                it's just that idiots like these up here need any excuse, because dunning kruger hits hard.
                The only thing it does is simply tell you how close you are to getting low prio due to reports/abandons.
                There wouldn't be low priority if there was a hidden pool, nor has any evidence that BS is anything other than the score of how close you are to getting LP


                  alright now go to my profile, look through every single of my last 30 games, find all the feeders, and you will see that like at least 90% of the games with a feeder are in my team and are lost because he goes 0/20 running down mid non stop or just afk not defending.

                  forced 40/60 my ass.

                  or look at all my losses, and you will see that like half of them are caused by intentional feeders. and if you look at my wins, the enemy didnt even have 1 feeder. I guess you can call that bad luck, if anything.

                  some are less obvious than others, though. tbh you need to watch replays to find shit like 0/7/0 offlane abaddon shouting in mic since min 10 how he doesnt care about game and we all retards when he lost 1v1 to troll.

                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                    alright now go to my profile, look through every single of my last 30 games, find all the feeders, and you will see that like at least 90% of the games with a feeder are in my team and are lost because he goes 0/20 running down mid non stop or just afk not defending.

                    forced 40/60 my ass.

                    like look at all my losses, and you will see that like half of them are caused by intentional feeders. and if you look at my wins, the enemy didnt even have 1 feeder. I guess you can call that bad luck, if anything.

                    I looked trough your losses and I havent find one single game where one of your teammates intentionaly fed. You are just bullshitting.


                      lol there are two games in the front page with my teammate being 0/25 or 0/30 :thinking: thats not even speaking about ppl who non-stop ping and play like absolute braindead retards and actually seriously give up 10 mintues into the game.


                        im not saying i can't win, ive won games today where team was total aids and flaming each other, im just saying i cant enjoy this kind of dota.

                        every game i contemplate making a new account coz i cant handle this low BS toxicity.

                        my last 3 solo games ahd teh most toxic ruiner, the most hardcore feeder, and a leaver; literally.

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                          you already have 100 different accs, you're begging for excuses. Have you ever considered that your teammates are toxic because you're toxic to them?

                          i played on truckernaut's 1k behavior score account and i managed to have proper and enjoyable non toxic games and streamed them, because i'm not toxic to them.

                          i even played support one game and managed to coordinate them to carry me to a 20 minute gg.

                          at the end of the experiment the enemy had more intentional ruiners than i did.

                          shocker? NOT.

                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                            And on that same page I can like 4or5 games where you played like total shit. Nice selective memory as usual. You are toxic guy by yourself. You play with people same level of toxicity.

                            Mlada i Luda

                              @.snakemonger, lets be honest . you cant win actually . but its fine , cause you dont have too. it doesnt mean to be that way , that you need to become a "dota maniac" , to spam a certain hero , and mute all ,and try hard and carry every game solo , jsut for the sake of mmr . it is not worth the price . if you feel so than you can do it , its personal matter anwyay. but you can overthise jsut play "normal " dota and have a good time and enjoy your games ,while you climbing same amount of mmr too, jsut if you fix your " behavior " problems.

                              make sense . doesnt it?

                              Friendly player

                       The only game i found where someone was 0/20 as you mentioned. Okay bs went mid, he played well, the problem why he gave up was because he was getting killed by sf and pudge. You could ask your supports to gank mid for bs at least, not just sit there, wait til sf gets free kills and say "report bs please".

                                Mlada i Luda

                                  lul ,cuki , hey im here yet bro you know? i will not allow such a hypocrizy happening overhere . why you dont refere to the games which isaw you live streaming when you were jungling a venomancer , and you had a ogre all the time pining and staying next to you to steal all the exp , while being afk, and you lsot all lanes, and you said " i jsut i admiti cant do shit to win this "and move one.


                                    ah but my dear, i tracked the amount if intentional ruiners, enemy had way more. And besides, afk jungling veno is technically ruining.

                                    if the enemy is getting the equivalent amount of toxicity and ruining then all your bs theories go down the drain and natural order gets restored at 50% chance to win.

                                    Not to mention that i grinded 500 mmr there in 2-3 days or something, and would've gotten it even faster if we didn't agree that i shouldn't communicate at all or play any of my best heroes.

                                    the only reason we agreed upon that rule is because you were too ''pu$$y'' to agree that normal human communication and coordination can be established every match in that ''inhuman low behavior score account'' which would proceed to guarantee me a win.

                                    i could see myself having 85-95% winrate on that acc if i did a full 1k mmr boost from 3.1>4.1 with proper communication.

                                    But wait, doesn't this go completely against your theory? proper communication can be established there? whaaaaaat, they aren't actually that toxic? whaaaaaaaaaaat? heracy

                                    oh well, i'd love to see what kind of an excuse you'll come up with next.

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                                    Mlada i Luda

                                      "Not to mention that i grinded 500 mmr there in 2-3 days or something, and would've gotten it even faster if we didn't agree that i shouldn't communicate at all." .

                                      thats it . ahahahahahahahhahahahhahhaha, mothefucker thats it . thats what im saying , why behavior matters , its a hierarchy ofc , skill matters more i fucking said it milions of times. but since yo uadmit you could have won more if you would communicate ( cause your good at communication and have a good behavior ), + you were making a test, yo uwere not included emocionaly in that, cause you know you not going to play in that acc forever, so you were more " invulnerabile " to tilt. but lets stick to waht happened , what if you would be playing in a 9k bs at that same mmr, you would be rising much more faster, cause your more skilled than those guys, and the only way you loose games is, having completely unbalanced games with dogshit team let s like that " ogre " lol, he was funny as fuck thou XD. i mean if you pretend your better than your bracket you dont care about " fre games" you win cause of retards enemy, cause you would won those anyway. you care about those " bleeding " games , that you loose cause of constantly retards .

                                      what excuse man. its the first time that you actually make sense to me honestly XD

                                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                                        ok, another block of text...

                                        What I want you to do is first re-format that last post into something readable, then i'll maybe consider reading it.

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                                        < blank >

                                          too many normal skiller here, good night


                                            @OP problem is, a lot of times it doesn't seem that the other team has equal amount of toxic people, or feeders or whatever. In fact even tho it can happen in some games, where I see one of the enemy team go crazy and sell their items, rage-buyback or feed hard while I'm busy arguing with my teammates, the trademark of hidden pool is that it's full of games that go like 8-30, with the enemy team doing overall a decent job with rotations, split push and ganks and your team with a 1-8 offlaner 15 min into the game or incompetent cores. The thing you notice first in most games is the "unbalance" in score and performance between the two teams, you often get the feeling that one is 2k avg and the other one is 4k, making a lot of games unwinnable unless you are playing core and your skills belong to a bracket much higher than those of the other 9 people.

                                            Volvo stated that they match people with similar bhs in order to provide a fair game, cool, but it could mean that they put low bhs's with other low bhs's IN THE SAME TEAM and high bhs's with other high bhs's IN THE SAME TEAM without caring about who they're gonna go against, 'cause if you think about it it would still be a "fair" game from their point of view, since in this game your teammates are what matters, not the enemy team. Putting a player with high bhs with people who have a bad conduct is actually unfair, but if these toxic players are in the other team then why Volvo or the player should care, it even gives him an advantage. Moreover, people with a really toxic bhs are less than the ones with a decent or high bhs (I think the avg is 8.5k), so for obvious reasons Volvo has to fill that numerical gap between high bhs and low bhs players and is forced to include high bhs people in games vs low bhs people.

                                            I might be wrong, but from my point of view and from my experience I think this explaination is pretty logical and makes somehow sense once the unbalance between the two teams becomes evident in a lot of games. I mean that's why people with low bhs often feel games are unwinnable, unfair, ridiculously unbalanced and end up in endless losing streaks. If it was like you say, and it can't be 'cause low bhs players are much less than decent/high bhs players, games would just be perceived as more stressing and less enjoyable but without great variations in winrate.

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                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                              Donald Trump called
                                              They want you all to build the wall for him



                                                Friendly player

                                                  Yeah it happens to me sometimes (pretty common in 1k) when the score is 10:30, but i'm not an idiot to blame something else (toxic feeders) for my lose. There are millions of players playing this game and why should i expect to get non toxic, friendly teammates?

                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                    I won't complain cuz Valve won't hear


                                                      score 10:30 is perfectly fine. your mid being 0:30 15 mins into the game is not.


                                                        ^^"Sometimes" is normal, but make it "more than half of the games" and you'll get my point. Like you implied, toxic people are part of the game and there's a chance you'll get matched with some of them from time to time, no problem, but getting matched with them almost every game is an entire different story. It's not about idiocy, it's just that it's extremely stressful and tilting.

                                                        I wanted to give some example of the amazing dumbshits I got matched with recently just to give an idea of what I'm talking about but it would be another wall of text (and I'd mention only a couple games) and I need to save it for when Donald Trump calls me. I'm just gonna mention the neurotic Bloodseeker that spent the entire fucking game trash talking me literally ONLY 'cause I pinged twice on a haste rune so that my roaming Rubick could notice it lmao. And then of course rage-buybacked 2 minutes later for no reason. I'm talking about wonderful things like this almost every game, things that make you wonder if this is even real life, not the slightly distracted teammate or that one game out of 20 where that one Kotl gets an abandon and leaves you 4v5. This is not even close to what a normal game experience is.

                                                        Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                          If you watch this video, and then see the comments, most of the most upvoted comments are about people blaming others for losing games.


                                                          So yeah, people are like that, and they will keep being mediocre because they are mediocre, not because they are playing with mediocre players. They are confusing cause and effect. You aren't low because you play with shitty players, you play with shitty players because you're low. And instead of using your insight of why the players you play with are bad to learn the game better, you just use it to bitch.

                                                          Mlada i Luda

                                                            1 doesnt exclude the other. if you wanna watch something that is actually worth , honestly than watch this, at leas the first 10 min , it explains indirectly , why so many people complaning about theyr bs , and droping from 4kmmr, and other dumbshit , i also said this before in some other threads that it is patch releated. patch seven was actually like being introduced like dota 3 . it doesnt seems a coincidense that , those behavior socre changes camme out recently . it' jsut that dota 2 is much more a "team game " than it used to be before, even mostly of players had not realised it , and still stick to theyr "old school" playstyle . " fuck my team " i win" 1vs9".

                                                            honestly if you have a min of common sense and logic , it explains this " virus" that is spreadin , all over dota community in . yes ofc the phenomen was always there , but is much more "visible" and stronger after patch 7 released.

                                                            To all you "i win 1vs9 , fuck my team they are retarded " , stop sucking your own dick kids, thats mostly the reasion why you have that shity behavior score and your team "always " suck , have you not think that maybe you failed , to adapt to them cause of your retarded duning kruger mentality " im the best . i carry 1vs9" . go suck a dick kid, and learn how to play dota. which is a team game, it apperas recently more then ever before. what he says in the first 10, min i've also heard blitz saying this , about how this patch is way much harder to "solo carry " games than before. thats a "factor " why bs matters more nowdays.


                                                            Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                            Bosnian Blade

                                                              bs is russian propaganda

                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                "alright now go to my profile, look through every single of my last 30 games, find all the feeders, and you will see that like at least 90% of the games with a feeder are in my team and are lost because he goes 0/20 running down mid non stop or just afk not defending."

                                                                looks like the guy you grouped with was the feeder and you got your ass kicked mid

                                                                Looks like you were the feeder this time. 12k dmg sand king mmmkk

                                                                3-8, under 4 cs a min

                                                                0 tower dmg on clinks in a 35 min game. Shame. Necro jus doing necro things.

                                                                Most of your games you're a clear problem.

                                                                You get to bitch maybe one every 10 games when your team picks support zeus vs weaver and offlane sniper who starts 0-5 and builds shit items. I went abyssal viper for the luls and to do anything to stun weaver, didn't work.