General Discussion

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    Best hero to counter Venom

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    Potato Marshal

      AM and Huskar?


        Jog or not


          R U serious?


            Heroes like chaos knight can just 1 hit him, any tanky heroe is good against venom anyway

            Pale Mannie

              i think slark is good against him but he is dogshit

              chicken spook,,,,

                Never had any problem against veno with void
                But then again I rarely have any problem against anything with void

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  Anything that doesnt get kited I guess

                  Riguma Borusu

                    that fat blue lightning guy


                      i heard furion is good against him in lane


                        Ursa and TA :)


                          viper is extremely good against any magical dot.


                            Did he just say pick viper to counter veno?
                            Afk getting cancer
                            Also, necro and pugna are good.

                            Jump him and either silence or burst before he can ult. Initiation counters, not any hero
                            Am deals with veno at any stage of the game imo


                              just pick veno yourself smh


                                necro and pugna r not good against veno lmao
                                viper is ok against veno but gets uber kited
                                he is super hard for veno to kill tho
                                viper rlly fucks with qop tho, if she daggers u she will take like 1000 dmg from corrosive skin

                                the real counters are am, huskar, heroes he cant kite, who have good regen or good magic resist or smth