General Discussion

General DiscussionAbout Earth Spirit

About Earth Spirit in General Discussion

    Hello, I'm interested in learning to play the hero well so I've played quite a few games as ES recently. I actually got much better mechanically and started having a huge impact in games, at least in the early game, but the fact that all of a sudden I dropped to normal skill in unranked doesn't help at all since 2k-low 3k people have no idea what cooperation and coordination are, and I still don't feel confident enough to play him in ranked. Besides my current teammates being a disadvantage and triggering me after 10 minutes every game there are actually things that are still not clear to me about ES. That's why even before my hidden mmr dropped I didn't have the best winrate, so I'm asking here:

    1) Is he decent as pos 3, or only as pos 4?

    2) Are arcane boots better than tranquils? He runs out of mana so easily that early game I often don't have enough mana to ulti, but on the other hand tranquils give +ms and hp sustain. So what's best? Are soul ring+tranquils a good compromise? Is bottle a good choice even?

    3) Is midas necessary on him? I usually don't go for it 'cause I prioritize utility items to be useful in fights/save teammates, but I noticed that after the laning phase/mid game on he becomes total trash if not supported by a well coordinated team, which I never get, and is left behind pretty heavily especially in terms of exp.

    4) Is maxing 1st skill better than maxing 3rd skill in the early stages of the game? This probably depends on the game, for example vs escape heroes or Disruptor's glimpse I usually max 3rd skill first, but in general what's the best option?

    5) What are the best items on him? After I get my tranquils/arcane boots I kinda feel a bit lost about what items I should get. This usually depends on the game too, but there must be some core item I'm missing. Should I go for force staff first? Veil first? Urn? Glimmer cape?

    6) What talents should I choose?


      ^im pretty sure this is really variable
      at least in the items department
      he is exclusively a pos 4 tho
      just find some jerax or ahfu or other good earth spirit replays


        I searched for ES games of pro players but I mostly found things like "99 kills Miracle- crazy ES uuuh" from a billion years ago where he went mid and got armlet and stuff, or in general pretty old stuff from Waga and Jerax, nothing close to this patch.


          Watch Jerax and roam like a god

          Prime Operator

            Just for a small introduction: I'm 3K and i have more than 370 games played with ES.

            1) He is only decent 4;
            2) Your boot choice depends on if your team needs the extra mana and on if your 5 is building Arcane boots. If you can, you should probably build Tranquil's, it fits better the roamer role. Finally you will see that when you get more proficient with the hero, you won't find yourself always out of mana.
            3) Midas is not necessary. ES doesn't need a lot of itens.
            4) The great majority maximize the stun first because of the greater damage compared to the silence. However you can choose for leveling the silence first to initate an escapist enemy.
            5) Early game: Boots, Urn and smoke. Mid and Late game options: Glimmer, Force Staff, Blink, Medallion, Lotus.
            6) Level 10: You can choose any of the 2 depending on the game, if you got Tranquil's you probably will want the Intelligence, but if you have a lot of physical damage based enemies you could go for the armor.
            Level 15: You can choose both again. If you think the game will extend more, than you should choose the gold, but maybe if you have a lot of magic damage based enemies you could choose magic resistance.
            Level 20: I prefer the health boost. Your main objective in the late game is to control the enemies, not do damage.
            Level 25: I prefer the Grip talent. It can help saving your allies.

            < blank >

              you cant play this hero in 4k, your team is too bad and dumb to understand how this hero works

              i spammed him in 4k some months ago and now my winrate is at 42% and i consider myself as a decent ES player (when i practice some games)

              BSJ. LGD

                watch sumail play earth spirit


                  watch gh god or boboka

                  Beater Griffin

                    Crit and Jerax are insane es players, watch and learn

                    Potato Marshal

                      I'm not really much of an ES player, but maybe this is helpful.

                      69 god

                        I've played some 30-40 games with this hero on other accounts. From my experience I would like to share the following things about the hero:
                        I won't advise people to play this hero in games below less than 2.5k avg mmr. People don't know about the skills and will be kinda wondering about what this hero does.
                        1) In old times, I've seen people play it as offlaner with a stout shield. Nowadays, I see it as position 4. Orb of venom, tango and clarity should be good enough as a starting items.

                        2) Next, taking a wind lace and then going for either urn of shadows or tranquail boots depends on you. This hero is the best mid lane ganker as you can just roll in from your high ground and usually surprises the enemy at night time.

                        3) I prefer tranquail over arcane boots. It's mana pool isn't that huge so you can always carry a clarity. However, if you got no other support with arcane boots , you can go for it. Personally, I would suggest tranquail because you get your hp when roaming.

                        4) I won't suggest a midas because this hero doesn't have some decent farming skills. Getting early game urn and tranquail will help you a lot. If you go midas the other items are likely to get delayed a lot.

                        5) Getting a higher level stun would be more preferable. This you can personally try playing a few games :)

                        6) As far as items are concerned, urn and tranquail and orb of venom(the core item for this hero :P) should get you the early game. A blink dagger would provide you some awesome teamfights initiations but it is usually costly. Casting veil of discord with this hero is also a bit difficult if you compare it to skywraith mage or a puck, so I avoid it. If you can't afford a dagger(maybe you're the one warding), a forced staff or a glimmer cape should be enough to not let you die. Aghanim's or eul's scepter can be the situational items for this hero. Heaven's Halbard, Shiva's guard can be a luxury.

                        Videos of gh and miracle are the best way to learn the kill potential of this hero.

                        Just my experience and opinion.
                        Cheers, good luck!


                          Hey, I started to play ES and I love this hero! So I have studied a lot of ES players like wiredguitars or physicsmathman. These guys can actually get you into the "mentality" of this hero. Then, many of these questions you are asking will be meaningless. But to the hero tho.

                          1) ES is one of the most versatile heroes in the game. This means that you can play him as a pos 3-5 at almost all situations. He can actually be a decent offlaner. If laning solo, you have a great kill potential since lvl 6. But if your team has a better offlaner, go pos 4/5. (situations like axe - NO, he won't go jungle and ES offlane)

                          2) Personally I prefer arcanes, for a few reasons. All of ES's spells have constant mana cost, that means in the early stages of the game you can cast one combo and all your mana is gone. Arcanes provide stable +250 mana (this means one extra Q,W and E) plus the active. As urn is a common item for ES, you already have hp sustain covered (plus force staff is a common buy). MS isn't also that of an issue since you have your W (works even when attacked, tranquils don't ;)) I don't personally buy bottle, you can go for it, but if you go urn + arcanes, you have your regen already.

                          3) Hell no (I hate midas :D)

                          4) Since dmg of these two spells scales equally, you have to ask yourself, if there is an enemy who hates being silenced. If yes, you can go E lvl 1, it is usually enough. Generally, stun is "harder" disable than silence, so max Q first. I would lvl up E only when dealing with escaping heroes.

                          5) As I have said before, ES is a versatile hero, so is his item build. But his main job is crowd control. You already have this in your skillset. So then buy items that are useful for your teammates. Yea, those items that noone buys. Force staff, glimmer, pipe, Eul's... you get the idea. Given that ES doesn't need items at all means that there are no "true" core items. Just build what the game needs and you are fine. (veil as you have mentioned isn't that good on ES, your "purpose" isn't dmg, but CC)

                          6) First of all, don't pick talent at lvl 10, but max E and Q first, +8 int isn't that much. So yeah, first talent is +8 int. ES already has a decent armour (and also winrates are better heh). Lvl 15 depends on a game. If you stand against nukers, go magic resistance, otherwise I pick GPM (I'm often very poor). Lvl 20 pick HP, dmg isn't your primary role. Lvl 25 I always pick the grip talent, but I have never used it actually (two reasons, first, you rarely get to lvl 25, second, if you are lvl 25, you either are killing an enemy's base or you have played for like 3 hours and still haven't lost yet). But in our hero philosophy, utility over dmg, just pick the grip, you can't go wrong ;)

                          To play ES properly, you need mechanical skill, get into hero's "mentality" and be thrifty with your stones.


                            ES don't need extra cordination with your team, he just need BASIC cordination as any roammer.
                            The thing with Earth spirit is that before, you could pick him anytime, now he became situacional.
                            Before you could do a 2 sec slow at lv 1 by yourself, now rolling boulder just slows 0.6 sec at lv 1 i guess.
                            with the ammount of roamers in the meta right now such as balanar and Shaker Earth Spirit Became the hero you chose when mobility is more important than disables to gank acording to your team draft

                            355 matches as Earth Spirit - 61% winrate


                              you need a coordinated team so dont even bother til you're 6k mmr +


                                Thanks guys for all the suggestions, but I'm gonna save them for when I reach 6k (in 2047) 'cause the guy above is right, this hero is not retards-friendly. I followed the instructions about items and stuff but no matter how hard I try winning feels impossible (forget about what I wrote, I'm gonna keep playing him and lose over and over).