General Discussion

General DiscussionCarry easier than support to win

Carry easier than support to win in General Discussion

    Been a support player all my life. I enjoy playing it more than carry, recently started playing carry. Carry is far easier to win with than playing support the only catch seems to be I notice is everyone wants to play carry so it evens out to around the same win rate as playing support just because the draft ends up bad. Life is hard people don't ever draft what the team needs.

    Potato Marshal

      Every time I hear something like this, it's always from somebody who rushes aghs as their first item when playing support.


        That game was a stomp so I decided to be greedy, however if you want to look deeper into my support games you will find much differently.

        Potato Marshal

          You rush aghs on WD, aghs on Warlock, aghs on Lich, aghs on KotL (which is the only acceptable one), aghs on shaman, and even a few on CM.

          死の恐怖 Haseo

            ye play roaming riki

            Riguma Borusu

              I am pretty sure that if you are a bad player (which we are), you are going to find it easier to win by playing lich, getting wards and utility items every game.


                I rather pick techies than picking a support hero .|.

                Potato Marshal

                  I am pretty sure that if you are a bad player (which we are), you are going to find it easier to win by playing lich, getting wards and utility items every game.

                  This is true

                  Potato Marshal

                    And stop being one of those supportcucks liches that max ice armor first and are too afraid to do anything but stand back and spam it during the laning stage. You should be crapping all over your lane opponent.


                      Riguma Borusu

                        "Pick Lich, go to a high MMR person's lane, ruin that lane, and it's GG."

                        Lich in a nutshell.


                          Ofc its easier, the carry doesn't do shit


                            "Been a support all my life"
                            *puts aghs and blink on quickbuy after buying mana boots*


                              Before posting learn what a support is


                                dont listen to bentard xd


                                  Fuck me that video made me laugh, thx for that.