General Discussion

General Discussionhow much control does each role have to win

how much control does each role have to win in General Discussion

    assuming they play very well

    for example you see these 6k smurfs spamming meepo in 2/3k with a 98% Winrate so mid heroes have near 100% control over if they do or do not win

    assume a 10k player from each role smurfed to 4.5 k from say 2k what do yiu think the winrates would be like for each position?
    eg P5 would be 80%? while P1 would be 85?


      more than 90% on every role. if he know to play every role if he isn`t just spammer on one hero, one role. Can lose only if all team get akf.


        90%+ with any role, even i can do that and im not 7-10k.

        if you ever get to this bracket you'll understand how bad the lower brackets are.

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          depends on how experienced you are with every role but i'd say it's easier to win games from a core position

          Mlada i Luda

            10k player? probably 90 % winrate by randoming every game in below 5k. lul. (cuki, 9% winrate probably if play anything else but arc lul)

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            chicken spook,,,,

              Core is less time consuming


                how much control does a meepo mid have, if he gets ganked by a pudge non stop without help from supports?

                every lane contributes to the win, its your decision to pick at what you can do best.

                lane supp zoning offlaner, stacking camp, putting up good vision and dropping perfect ultis? game won

                roaming support destroying enemy lanes? game won

                jungle?.... GG END


                  i play support and i climbed from 2.3 to 3.1k with 4 losses. even playing stuff like sk and clock roaming which i never played before

                  everyone that sais supp is harder to climb cant play support, thats it
                  *at least in lower brackets, but above 2k

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                    the thing is, because a higher player is so much more efficient at everything, those bad scenarios will almost never happen just because of how much map control a higher player provides.

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                      It has nothing to do with position and everything to do with the hero. Some heroes are better at exploiting bad players' and have tricks that good players can use to their advantage. You can have very high impact with heroes like CM and Meepo, while in some games you can't do shit as Dazzle or Naga, even in 2k.

                      Bill Cutting

                        Did u watch waga smarting from 3.5k? He won 80% all the way to 6k and he only randomed playing everything from support/offlane/mid etc

                        He took over every game/stomped his lane

                        Mlada i Luda

                          let me guess about op . so what you do better is suporting role, you not that good at carrying, but sometimes, you feel that as a support you did the best possible that could be done, but still there are things out of control that are lossing you games , thats why you doubt, that maybe playing core is better to increase your chances to win, since it looks that carries and mid have more control right?

                          what everyone said here its true actually , but as luxon said "control" is more related with certain heroes that can exploit bad players easier compare to some other heroes. from what i see ,you playing the best support heroes in general, that gives you more " control " in your games compare to other heroes, based on the bracket you playing.

                          Dire Wolf

                            Yeah but if that dazzle is to counter pick a legion and you save everyone from duels you can have tremendous impact. Picks matter a lot, so it's too hard to say which role matters most without looking at team composition. For example sniper with the right frontliners and vs heroes who can close distance will be an unstoppable monster and most impactful player, but on a team of all carries vs like pudge, riki, storm, sb or axe, all the guys who like to jump him, he will suck and have no impact.


                              dota has 100000 layers of understanding. if such question could be answered easily it wouldnt be dota

                              just pick spirit breaker


                                gl with having 90% of impact after u get chronoed/scythed/ruptured every fight while your team does literally nothing


                                  my last brood game in a nutshell... 4 people sitting in midlane trying to kill me while my team afk jungles



                                    pretty much but i have moved completly from P5 support to P3 solo off as I often felt powerless in some games. As a result i have gained 700 mmr playing omni underlord off and P4 roamers if the role is taken.

                                    I have wondered what if the top P5 pros picked only P5 supports on a 2k account how much control they would have over winning. what if offlanr and mid got trashed, his carry couldnt last hit and they had an AFK jungle LC? A pro playing mid would still win the game in this scenario but other lanes Im not sure

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                                      they would completely trash the offlaner, then win the lane for their mid


                                        and if their carries aren't doing anything they can just become the carry.