General Discussion

General DiscussionName/nickname matters

Name/nickname matters in General Discussion
Story Time

    I was doing some experiments on my smurf, and seems that more aggressive names (e.g. with caps lock) let you get the carry/mid positions in normal pub games easier than neutral names. You opinions? or data points?


      i've come to the shocking realization that picking carry/mid will let you have carry/mid no matter what name you have

      Story Time

        ^lol, u trolling? often those positions are contested even up to 5k bracket


          If you have King in name (+capslock_ & the most awesome character of all time in your avatar, getting mid/carry is ez.

          Questo commento è stato modificato
          Potato Marshal

            Get a girl's name and say you'll send nudes if they let you mid.


              i'm not trolling
              noone's stopping you from firstpicking whatever you want to play

              Story Time

                ^perhaps 4 reports for first picking antimage in my bracket?


                  I hear if you have an anime name you gain double MMR for wins.

                  Pale Mannie

                    does this mean i always got the core roles because i have the best fucking name and profilepic the world has ever fucking seen?