General Discussion

General DiscussionSomething else

Something else in General Discussion

    There seem to be so many topics about negative feedback of your teammates so I just have to make this one

    THis guy is a legend:
    because of this game

    I got triggered into oblivion in my magnus game and kept that attitude in my NS game and just went jungle farm until the game ended(my version of running down mid and feeding curiers)
    at the start of the linked game it went even worse but this guy fucking kept his calm even while our magnus rushed a echo
    undi turned the game with random laughs and focusing on positive things during the whole game

    god I wish I had this guys positivity

    also: never go pos 5 zeus it simply doesn't work


      I think people do experience positive things in game, regardless of skill or position. It's just easy to forget them over the bad experiences which stick with you. Glad you had a fun game, and there's nothing wrong with a pos 5 Zeus!


        Now perma ban, haHa 😅

        chicken spook,,,,

          If people just stop giving too much fucks about what the hell their teammates are doing they'd have a much higher winrate
          PMA is not even necessary, just play your best at all times


            We need more of this.