General Discussion

General Discussionwhat do u think boys about my game play

what do u think boys about my game play in General Discussion
Faith and Innocence!

    hey guys i dont play dota that much could you rate my game style since its my road to 5k


      you are the bestest player ever

      Faith and Innocence!

        Zemo-san no shit
        i want a srs comments to improve thanks .

        Questo commento è stato modificato
        Potato Marshal

          Our MMR isn't that far apart, but have you tried maxing out dual breath first on Jakiro? Really good for getting early kills.

          Story Time

            wow pro support, much respect, such vision, real ganks, please add me


              is it really that good tho? I feel like the early towers rushes with e give me more money and map control and with it more kills

              besides necro the only hero that scares me more in the current meta is a jakiro with euls

              Potato Marshal

                You should also factor in how you can clear waves much faster, even a lower liquid fire will kill creep waves almost instantly with level 4 dual breath. Really one of Jakiro's most underrated abilities, a massive 400 damage aoe with 40% slow, 40 attack speed slow on a 5 second duration and 10 second cooldown.


                  holy shit even the stats say you are right
                  67% build maxing reqw with 56.07% winrate
                  7% build maxing rqew 56.68% winrate

                  I have to try this

                  Potato Marshal

                    I may have shit versatility, but I'm confident about the few heroes I spam.

                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                      people spamming shaman and thinking theyre good :bc_ok:

                      Faith and Innocence!

                        black and gray morality dude i'm trying to git gud at the game i want to to reach the highest mmr i can in october since i dont play so much next months due the university exams :(

                        Faith and Innocence!

                          Potato Marshal thx alot bro <3

                          Faith and Innocence!

                            P U r G e i feel like sometimes i do alot of mistakes and people in 4k are so bad they want to kill the enemies and forget the objective of the game which called GET FUCKING TOWERS TO GET the THRONE DOWN ---------- ive the worst english

                            Faith and Innocence!

                              no suggestions