General Discussion

General DiscussionNew Low Priority Mode?

New Low Priority Mode? in General Discussion

    What is this new deprecated low priority mode? is Valve revamping the mode?


      what? i just got out of low prio, havent read that anywhere

      Palmen aus Plastik

        neither have i. are you wykrhm reddy? :O

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          *Added a new matchmaking type, Deprecated Low Priority.

          Also a reference to restricting certain match types. Perhaps Valve is considering moving away from having just one Low Priority system, and instead simply restricting access to certain game modes as a beginning punishment.
          Or maybe they're reworking Low Priority entirely, and this is just legacy support, as indicated with the wording of the strings.


            If I were Gaben, I'd have people win 3 games vs OpenAI bot to get out of low :D

            Riguma Borusu

              thank god you are not gaben


                deprecated in coding terms means obsolete or outdated so i'd assume there's a rework to lowprio coming soon

                Riguma Borusu

                  but I like the current LPQ system, sometimes I abandon just so I am forced to play heroes other than my top 3


                    i also found my low prio games fun

                    if you are in lpq again invite me bratko

                    Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                      i also found my low prio games fun

                      True. I played a lot of SD games lately, helping my friend getting of his low prio.