General Discussion

General DiscussionDazed adn confused

Dazed adn confused in General Discussion

    OK everybody talk about Behavior sckore, so i wanted to see where am i. and guess what i don` t understand anything there.
    wins: 167
    losses: 155
    xp: 0
    level: 1
    initial_skill: 102
    leaver_count: 6
    low_priority_until_date: 0
    prevent_text_chat_until_date: 0
    prevent_voice_until_date: 0
    last_abandoned_game_date: 1499979705
    leaver_penalty_count: 2
    completed_game_streak: 210
    teaching: 38
    leadership: 38
    friendly: 38
    forgiving: 38
    account_disabled_until_date: 0
    account_disabled_count: 0
    showcase_hero_id: 0
    match_disabled_until_date: 1499980413
    match_disabled_count: 2
    partner_account_type: PARTNER_NONE
    low_priority_games_remaining: 0
    recruitment_level: 0
    has_new_notifications: true
    is_league_admin: false
    secondary_leaver_count: 1
    last_secondary_abandoned_game_date: 1502745478
    casual_games_played: 319
    solo_competitive_games_played: 0
    party_competitive_games_played: 0
    casual_1v1_games_played: 0
    competitive_team_games_played: 0
    curr_all_hero_challenge_id: 64
    play_time_points: 323
    account_flags: 3
    play_time_level: 89
    tourney_skill_level: 4
    prevent_public_text_chat_until_date: 0
    favorite_team: 0
    anchored_phone_number_id: 0
    ranked_matchmaking_ban_until_date: 0
    recent_game_time_1: 1507740016
    recent_game_time_2: 1507669892
    recent_game_time_3: 1507666034
    general_seasonal_ranked_games_played: 0
    general_seasonal_rank_transferred: false
    solo_seasonal_ranked_games_played: 0
    solo_seasonal_rank_transferred: false
    favorite_team_packed: 0
    recent_report_time: 1507634492
    behavior_score: Normal

    OK now i put everthing maybe i didn`t have to but i don` t understand what is what here. Ok something i do but what all these mean? How is that connected to my games, and dotabuff has different win/lose numbers?

    Player 396154154

      You're only concerned with the last number, "behavior_score: Normal" that means you're good.

      All the other stuff is developer related, they use them for debugging the game. Google that if you don't know what it means.


        ty. OK i will try to find more.

        chicken spook,,,,

          secondary_leaver_count: 1
          Smurf detection I think? Doesn't matter much tho