General Discussion

General Discussion6.2K. POSITION 1,2,3,4 COACH FROM EU

6.2K. POSITION 1,2,3,4 COACH FROM EU in General Discussion

    Guys, can we just help each other out. Can hs and vhs players help their fellow ns DotA 2 players and just contribute towards raising the skill level of community as whole? What is the need of these pointless arguments that don't even benefit single being reading this thread that was made for making this community better guys. Please HELP YOUR FELLOW PLAYERS!! ( AT LEAST WHO WANT TO LEARN), and make this community a place where exchange of important knowledge regarding the game happens. ITS A KIND REQUEST to the 4k + and to bluestars to help us out. PLEASE!! T-T

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    死の恐怖 Haseo

      im sure hanter is talking to symetrical , not you :v


        shut up u 4k rustard


          Please read my important piece of message for everyone in this community