General Discussion

General DiscussionTechies as Midlaner?

Techies as Midlaner? in General Discussion
we dont need ambitious ideas

    I'm quite curious,

    can techies fulfill the role of Mid and be good at it, while not costing the game for his team?
    What are you insights on this? Have you tried it?

    I want to play Techies differently than the usual trapper.
    I've seen a few people get a right-click techies with the lvl 25 talent, but I haven't tried it yet.



      No.(At least not in 1-4.999 bracket)
      PS: You've horrible techies stats

      chicken spook,,,,

        More like the worst possible hero to put on mid

        one-man bukakke

          Lol wtf

          No lategame potential. Extremely unreliable disables/nuke. No right click damage.

          I mean if you want to enlongate the game for your dusa to get farmed maybe as a offlaner/roam but you cant reallisticaly play that hero mid and fullfill the role. Is a instareport in my case. Dont do it.

          tl;dr all techies pickers should be gassed ASAP

          Questo commento è stato modificato
          Дима Смирнов

            30 base damage hero


              Techies & no late game potential? He is easily in top10 strongest late game heroes. Techies mid? Hell no, his base dmg is way too low.


                ^he just isn't the strongest lategame hero and ur fucking retarded if u think that
                He makes it go lategame doesn't mean he is strong lategame
                He doesn't do anything in the laning stage but shove the wave, but there r many heroes that can just kill him if he gets that close
                He is extremely gankable, he can kill himself once but it gets canceled by a stun


                  You'll get way faster level 7 than offlane, and might get a kill with rotations if the opponent is melee. Though anyone that has remote knowledge of techies will just right-click any mine you put to last hit. Could work if you just get your levels and leave for someone else to take it. Too weird though.

                  one-man bukakke

                    what lol

                    he just have nukes. NUKES THAT DOES NOT SCALATE.

                    Top 10late game heroes?


                      Maybe in 500 mmr bracket.


                        used to work before rework

                        주 롄양

                          izi gold

                          Riguma Borusu

                            I love laning against techies, it is like having a midas, but much better since he constantly puts them down in hopes you misclick or something.

                            Questo commento è stato modificato

                              I got a friend that lost mid. as storm spirit against a techies...
                              Lost by outfarming nobody died...
                              Still no idea how its possible...


                                only in 1vs1 games where opponent don`t know to by sentry. Even if you get good lain get fast exp take kill, you will lose mid game. For right click techies you need stupid team against you, or to be really skilled with him. when techies get 25lvl you wont be first one, even if you were other carry will be with bigger damage than you. attack speed is low too. you need items to change that, and pa , luna, troll, sven, and every other carry will get higher right click, and you must NOT take farm from your carry. in my last game pudge took dd rune in front of troll, 4times. Like why? it`s same with techies, with mid tech,you will slow one of your core to get what he need, and tech isn`t so good in late to be heavy. And imagine if you go tech vs sniper, or storm, or lina, or ember, or trex, you will lose. I don`t see any mid hero who will lost vs techies on mid without support.


                                  "Top 10late game heroes?"
                                  hard to say but all hard core carry with farm.
                                  Specrte, magina, morph, medusa, ck, terror, sven, lone, invo, troll, wk you can put pa, monkey, trex, there too, just anything what gets stronger from min to min every time, and don` t have big problem to carry rapier.
                                  If you put farm on every support he can`t get nearly strong as carry cause he don`t have ability to support that items, like troll get ulty bigger attack speed, with bash and more damage you are strong but what to do with techies spells without attack speed or damage, 250+damage helps but it`s not that, you got 400damage on one hit, troll got 250 but troll attack 0.35 tech 0.90. So tech strike twice troll five times. 5*250>2*400

                                  And yes there is some games where you can overfarm with techies sf, storm, but it` s like 5% of all games ever played in dota. Usyaly it`s wont work but everybody can try maybe he will get that 5%


                                    Techies as a midlaner? Never tried it. I play him as pos 3,4 & 5. I prefer 3. Aghs,25 talent that reduces cooldown, octarine core + bloodstone. And you have a wall of mines as lategame defense. Trust me it's cancer

                                    Optimus Drip

                                      id get good at offlane techies before theorising other can be done, but not agaisnt conventional mids.

                                      EDIT " He is extremely gankable, he can kill himself once but it gets canceled by a stun" it doesnt get cancel by stun, it does at certain point but not if ur mid air.... its a dumb mechanical spell

                                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                                        Techies is not top10 strongest late game heroes because he rightclick you, but it's insanely hard to siege vs him. The game is about destroying ancient, not winning fights & high dmg output. When BKB gets low on cores, those mines hurt a lot & if he has cd reduction talent + octarine, he just spams 700 dmg nuke every like 6s (or what the cd is). He also is good at pushing. You can have every item in the world, every dps, but as long as u can't destroy ancient it is useless. Invoker is also top10 late game heroes, not because he right-clicks u or he has high dmg, but because how strong team fight control he provides. I don't have stats for it, but I'm sure the longer the game goes, the higher is techies win-rate.

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                                        one-man bukakke


                                          Optimus Drip

                                            idk man i feel like most people dont understand techies true value at all


                                              Wtf does techies do against a bkb ac moonshard aghs Deso blink tiny?
                                              All he has to do is Bkb and 3 shot ur tower and then walk away till next bkb CD.

                                              Questo commento è stato modificato
                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                Techies was basically impossible to counter lategame back when he had physical damage mines that you could not BKB against.

                                                Now he's basically 100% countered by a bkb, which needed to happen.


                                                  He still has +250 dmg talent at lvl 25. He can become 2nd Sniper with stronger high ground defense. Also don't forget he has a team, it's not 1v1 game & BKB in late game is only 5s. By this logic Invoker is shit late game because you BKB & he does pretty much nth against it & somehow no one argues that Invoker is top5 strongest late game heroes (some even say the strongest).

                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                    comparing invoker to techies is fucking retarded, the difference is that against techies you just move out of the mined area when your bkb is about to wear off, against invoker you can die wherever you are if your bkb is out, it's a completely fucking different thing


                                                      ^ 700dmg nuke on low cd hurts when ur BKB is off. I'm not saying he is as good as Invoker because he is not, but people underestimate his late game.


                                                        no one is saying he is useless, but to call him one of the strongest lategamers is retarded

                                                        bkb against invoker is for doing literally anything, bkb against techies is only for hitting buildings
                                                        its like saying bane is OP lategame cuz he has a 500 pure dmg nuke on a RLLY low cd with aghs

                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                          lategame it is pretty hard to step on proximity mines since everyone can destroy them really easily, but it's true that aghs mines can be obnoxious if you are pushing and can't get a jump on techies, but that is no different from kotl, and nobody says kotl is one of the best lategame heroes

                                                          also invoker has a metric fuckton of utility to fuck you out of bkb, techies is very predictable and one dimensional, even with recent changes, at least compared to invoker

                                                          but yeah, techies is not even close

                                                          Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                            invoker will have something like 450 ms so u pop bkb and he ghost walks and runs away then hexes and kills u

                                                            Mode : TOPSON

                                                              I don't care what damage techies deal but his stasis bomb really need nerf fucccancer than heartattackbomb

                                                              Mode : TOPSON

                                                                5 sec area root fck cancer

                                                                one-man bukakke

                                                                  Get back to plebbit scrubb.

                                                                  Techies is only viable on losing scenarios. And mostly because picky techies is going to lead your team to a losing scenario.

                                                                  Why tf would you want to start the game thinking on dragging the game fucking 60 plus mins? and after that you could still lose?

                                                                  This guy lol


                                                                    Sick memes

                                                                    Optimus Drip

                                                                      Techies is meh is losing scenarios... he is way better in winning scenarios.

                                                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                                                        LMAO wtf is this thread