General Discussion

General DiscussionWho Is The Most OVERPOWERED Hero In The Late Late Game

Who Is The Most OVERPOWERED Hero In The Late Late Game in General Discussion

    and the easiest to kill/crowd control


      most people here think only carries lategame is op but according to position many supports late game is also very op i give u my list
      position 1= TB medusa AM Morph LD(fucking tower backdoor)
      position 2= invoker(great overall) tinker sniper(super strong highground)
      position 3= NP(super pusher) ES Enigma( 1 ult ruin opponent whole game) abbadon (500 aphotic shield tallend and super scary aghs)
      position 4= probably Nyx with aghs extermly powerfull highground with long range stuns and contant mana burns spam with blink and aghs u can ititiate and stuns hero for full 5 sec( carapace and imaple) kotl (all spells are super powerfull in late game) ,Doom ( 2 hero completly disabled with aghs refresher blink bkb )
      position 5= shadow demon (lol make illusions of rapier carrier and then watch) deadly aghs with break

      only those who can carry not only are late gamers dota is 5 v 5 game so every position matters in late game

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        Dark seer/enigma/magnus/other teamfight heroes. You buy aghs/refresher on them and they destroy everything. Carries start to lose effectiveness once everybody else starts getting 6slotted.


          Well thats why im setting my standard for being op, gpm,xpm and dps. and i say meepo easily :D


            lol dude meepo falls greatly in late game meepo shines in mid game if u go late u loose coz people start getting dps and disable item (syth atos ) and u also dont have bkb for spell immunity

            Rogue Knight

              Spec is just a paper when you have SE, or if you don't want to build SE then ask a teammate to nuke her down first

              Dire Wolf

                "You know what I was surprised by when playing spectre is how I couldn't man fight pa. or maybe I'm just bad"

                That's what I'm saying, all spectres dmg is aoe with radiance and haunt and dispersion. She cannot do single target well at all, doesn't push towers fast at all. Many other heroes I would want 6 slotted over her.

                Dazzle and weaver I guess should be mentioned as supports cus of their saves (weaver with aghs) and dazzle's ult does a lot of dmg for your team.

                Earthshaker also super good late with refresher and a dmg item so he hits hard on totems.

                If I were to put together like an ultimate late game team though it would focus on buffing other heroes either with magnus cleave or drow aura. Those two things late are awesome.

                Drow setup:
                Invoker, medusa, drow, tide, earthshaker. Invoker does a ton of right click dmg late and with drow aura will wreck faces, medusa the same, drow can go aghs mjollnir or just agility build. Earthshaker and tide refresher mean a ton of lockdown in team fights. Tide could be swapped out for anything really, magnus, axe, whatever.

                Magnus setup:
                Sven, magnus, dark seer, omni, dazzle/invoker. Team gets multiple saves or massive cc with invoker, good setup for sven with double cleave, vacuum works well into cleave.

                white boy summer

                  druid maybe


                    nature prophet no cooldown tp talent.


                      1. Io is strongest. It can bring his friend go to anywhere. Tony likes it
                      2. Io is second strongest. It can bring Ck to anywhere, Ck doesnt need his horse. Cause he has ball.
                      3. Io is third strongest, you can ask ur enemy LC. LC doesnt like him.
                      4. Oracle is forth. No Doubt.

                      Дима Смирнов

                        Lone druid with 12 items


                          hmmmm.... kunkka? 1 shot triple kill !!