General Discussion

General Discussioninvoker advice and tips

invoker advice and tips in General Discussion

    hello im a 2.8k sea player. i want to main invoker, i got my 37% wr from my 1k invoker picks. can anyone give me advice to be a better invoker player? thx

    also combos

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      Farm splitpush


        Around 700+ games with Invoker. Have a decent win rate.

        Most 1k Invokers keep Sunstrike ready all the time. It is good if your teammates have enough lockdown and keep getting kills here and there. But it also reduces your potential to kill the enemy mid laner. It's always good to have snap + Alac/Forge ready just in case you get ganked or the enemy mid laner takes a wrong step.

        As for combos, you can easily snipe off someone with Snap -> Tornado -> Meteor during the early stages of the game. Not every game is Euls scepter combo. It's good to make Euls if the enemy has silences/disables.
        (Also, Invoker isn't always about combos. Don't rely on them all the time.)

        Another mistake people make is going to other lanes just to gank. As an Invoker player, you should maximize your farm and be able to get your Aghs quickly so that you can do something in the mid game. I believe Sunstrike is enough to help out your teammates.

        If you get ganked during the laning stage, don't just ghost walk right away. Expect the enemy to have a dust or a sentry. You can always use ice walls or tornado to get out safely. (But since you are in a 2k* bracket, I doubt the enemy would carry any detection)

        Also, remember that if you are continuously ganked in the mid lane, it's okay to go to the jungle, stack for yourself, and farm. You cannot win your lane all the time.

        These are just some basic tips I can give you. Will try to give more if I have time. Hope this helps! :D

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          thanks for the advice


            Learn from watching miracle or w33 invoker match, don't watch sumiya's match cz you are playing a solo game not a party game..

            KDA ratio is just a number!!

              Watch out for earth spirit , a good es will fuck u