General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat to do if your SO hates dota with a burning passion

What to do if your SO hates dota with a burning passion in General Discussion

    She wants me to quit. Anyone have the same experience? Do I go with the love of my life? The one who comforts me in hard times? Who is always there for me? Or some weman? Xd jk seriously tho Id like to hear some of your experiences. Im prepared for the incoming trolls

    Riguma Borusu

      give up while you still have a good reason to, otherwise you'll waste more time on this piece of shit game you're also terrible at and will gain nothing from in the long run



        Yeah I might end up quitting tbh XD kinda bored tbh. And Im bad

        Riguma Borusu

          I am kinda in the same boat, except my gf wants to do more activities I like with me, which used to be dota but I realized I dont want to introduce her into dota because I actually kinda hate the game, so I ended up doing away with playing dota, trying to find more productive hobbies I can share with her. I still watch games and lurk on dotabuff, but I am not really playing at all and do not plan to, in foreseeable future.

          chicken spook,,,,

            If you actually love someone I doubt you would give any shit on whatever they're doing as recreation as long as it's not excessive/controlling their life

            Riguma Borusu

              as long as it's not excessive/controlling their life

              If you are a person who just might play 21 games a day, it is probably a sign to just quit outright, because you have a problem (I am talking about me). And as I said, the worst part of this is that my gf is totally supportive of my hobbies even if she doesn't like some of them, but honestly I realized that it does not really matter what your gf thinks in the end.

              1) if she is supportive but the game is ruining your life - quit anyways
              2) if she is not supportive but the game is ruining your life - quit
              3) if she is supportive but the game is NOT ruining your life - just play it casually
              4) if she is not supportive and the game is not ruining your life - explain the situation to her, continue playing, lose her in the end (for the better) because you don't need a person like that in your life

              So, whatever happens, you should do what is the best thing for you, and it has fuck all to do with what your gf thinks, all it has to do with how it affects YOU. If she doesn't approve of a perfectly normal hobby, just fuck that person (I mean, not literally, just move away from her) because she is trying to control your life and there is no situation in life you should be wanting that in unless you have a really bad fetish.

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              Potato Marshal

                Tell your second officer she's getting court-martialed if she ever questions your taste in video games again. Subordination should not be tolerated.


                  If dota has taught me anything its that you wont allways get the support you need XD

                  But really though, to be fair to her she is more understanding than she used to be. But I know she thinks its a waste and prefers I do something else, I know in her own way she is just looking out for me and just wants to spend time with me. And tbh shes a reason why I play a lot less, and idk maybe thats a good thing haha. Guess I can libe with playing casually for fun. Isnt that the point? Haha

                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                    Anyone who use SO is SO retarded. Because it's SO unnecessary. You just say boyfriend, girlfriend, whatever. It makes things easier.

                    Hatsune Miku

                      SO is shorter than boyfriend, girlfriend, whatever. SO makes things easier.

                      Potato Marshal

                        BF/GF is the same length and most people are actually familiar with that acronym

                        Riguma Borusu

                          Why is everyone talking about sulfur oxide in a thread about girlfriend hating her boyfriend's hobbies?

                          Do you plan on destroying her face with sulfur oxide because she's obviously an infidel wh0re in your eyes?

                          Way to go middle eastern on a poor lady, I am disappointed in all of you, I thought you were decent people, apparently I was deceived.


                            Honestly, it depends on how you feel about playing the game and introspectively believe that it is something that you are sinking a lot of your time into and feel like a waste of.

                            If it's not impeding on your career/studies, then having an SO that is less than understanding of what you enjoy may not BE the right fit for you. If she is opposed to it because she can see that it is hurting you in your real life, then having a conversation about it would be much more beneficial for both of your relationship.

                            If you're in your teens/early twenties, just remember that there's literally more than enough people that you'll meet throughout your life and that if you feel stressed out about enjoying what you like when it's not detrimental to you, it may not be the right relationship for you.

                            Of course, take everything with a grain of salt. None of us online know what you nor your relationship is actually like and that we can only say much with what you've given us.

                            idk what half the champio...

                              Tell her to fuck off and set some proper boundaries. Any women who wants you to quit your passions rather then support you isn't worth your time and is highly likely to leave you the moment she has a better option.


                                how does 2d girl force you to quit dota?

                                Giff me Wingman

                                  Tell her to fuck off and set some proper boundaries. Any women who wants you to quit your passions rather then support you isn't worth your time and is highly likely to leave you the moment she has a better option.

                                  This is pretty accurate


                                    Rage sex is an alternative ;)


                                      My wife doesn’t like Dota either , every 6 months or so she goes crazy and says I have to quit dota . I just stop playing for like 2 days or so in that case then start up again . I actually thought about quiting a few times but then I realized I would just replace it with some other video game . I notice if I workout more then I don’t play as much but the wife actually hates that more because I tend to do long workouts lol . We both recently started Brazilian jit jitsu though and it seems to be working well because it gives me free time to workout plus I get to choke her while we’re practicing 😂. I jacked up my knee going against a brown belt the other night though that had a 40 pound weight advantage on me , I hope I can keep doing it but with all my injuries I may have to just learn the moves but not compete :(.

                                      Vem Comigo

                                        unninstal i did that


                                          don't play, game is objectively shit, just like cocaine


                                            shit on her face


                                              Dota is life, everything else is second ;-)


                                                I spend all my time with my wife when I'm not working. 10pm-12am is me time for dota.

                                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                  Here is the things I want to tell OP:
                                                  -Don't date someone that wants to control your life(I always wanted to control her life back then even though I claimed not to be but after the breakup I see things clearer than before).
                                                  -Relationship always has that bump on the road, learn to communicate and talk your way out of that.(Don't beg and dipped yourself down just because you want the fight to end or you love her, instead just talk your issues out and listen to her issues as well.)
                                                  -Relationship isn't always about the hearts emoji or the sweet photos you took together so you can post on Social Media or those sweet status on each other profile or all those relationship goals. If you ever tend to cross a woman that loves to talk about her day, her habbit or how she would love to be sun tanning and read her book on the beach. Please believe me, she isn't boring because those kind of girls only comes once in your life. Don't let her go.

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                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                    Your story would be a whole lot more readable if you learned to write paragraphs instead of playing DOTA.

                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                      Is that a copy pasta


                                                        comment edited, so i suppose it's not


                                                          Expecting to feel relieve and better from Dota's community is like expecting Alliance to win TI8 goddamn xD


                                                            Imma delete my story because it sound so pathetic but I'll leave what I want to tell OP about there

                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                              No man just break it down into paragraphs so it's readable.

                                                              Also it takes balls to share a pathetic story about yourself, I know I find it hard to do.

                                                              Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                @RPQ-sama Yeah thanks man. You told me once xD but hey I'm bad at writing so I'll just leave what I want to tell OP there.

                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                  I agree with your message though, seems you're like me, you've had a bad idea of how relationships and people function so you learned it the hard way (like everyone), and then got a different perspective on the matter. I never used to be a control freak but I would always distance from my girlfriends if they'd start boring me to death, instead of talking up when I can't take it anymore, I am very upfront now (and my current gf is too, if she is displeased about something you bet your ass she'll tell you).

                                                                  BTW, there's one more thing to mention, if your gf hates something with a burning passion, it might be kind of rooted in some form of a trauma or a bad experience. My ex was really careful about my parents because she has had traumatic experiences with hers, and the gf before that was really controlling of my gaming habits because she had a boyfriend who just gamed all day and didn't give a shit about her except for when she's about to suck his dick. I am just saying, while it is definitely bad that someone is trying to control your life, they might be doing that out of fears and insecurities too, not just because they're an asshole or a control freak. My ex was also weary of other girls because she was cheated before, and she'd lose her head if I (god forbid) accept a friend request from an attractive female specimen.

                                                                  Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                    One more thing, I wants to talk about Depression and Anxiety. I used to think she was bullshitting about that. Karma is a bitch right? 5 months after the breakup I am depressed till these days. Anxiety grew bigger and bigger days by days. That's why I found myself changing a lot. 16 years of my life back then isn't like this as I remember. I guess this is part of life or growing up right?

                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                      The thing about anxiety and depression is that, even though many people say they have it, most people have no clinical basis on it, instead they just feel like that. And those are the early stages. Later on the situation can complicate and get into a feedback loop when you become suicidal and apathetic. This kind of happened to me, I knew I was feeling anxious and depressed for years, but I had no clinical basis for it until like 5 years of untreated depression and anxiety. Eventually I got back on my feet, but I had to suffer through more than 10 years of that shit because neither me, nor my parents, nor anyone I know cared enough, because we all wrote it off as insignificant, but it really was not.

                                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                        That's what she told me. She's getting treatment at the moment but when I came into her life I made it worst. I thought she was dramatic. I'm an asshole right? 3:45AM and I'm still digging old memories.


                                                                          Look what I found? My favorite rapper and her favorite singer from her favorite band.


                                                                            I have a wife and children, a job with high responsibilities and I train for triathlon but... ...I can still play Dota ;)

                                                                            Don't worry nothing can stop you from playing games as long as you manage your time effectively.


                                                                              That's what we used to talk about our future. How are we gonna tell our kids on how we met? Dota haha. Fuck sleeping anyway.

                                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                                Don't worry nothing can stop you from playing games as long as you manage your time effectively.

                                                                                While overcoming one's weaknesses is important, recognizing when we can't do that is equally as important. I know I can't manage my time to save my life which is why I dropped dota and just hang around here while being able to function as a human being.


                                                                                  @RPQ-sama Play dota as you would play soccer or tennis session



                                                                                      We all know that everyone in this forum is a shut in forever alone nerds

                                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                                        @RPQ-sama Play dota as you would play soccer or tennis session

                                                                                        I can't, it is too easily available and I don't have to prepare or go out or do any of that shit. It is right in the corner of the taskbar. If I had to dress up and go outside to play dota I would never play dota, it's that simple. The only reasons I leave my house at all is to do some uni paperwork, get some groceries or meet up with my gf, aside from that, I am actually a shut in.

                                                                                        So I just basically abandoned my way into LPQ, then deleted dota and steam, to make it less available for me, and to have to play through LPQ if I reinstall dota soon. If I want to play dota again, I have to reinstall steam which is pain, then I have to download 20gb of mostly hats to play the game, but then I am also in LPQ so I can't play what I want, and with my connection this "download steam + dota" ordeal would take 10 hours, so by removing the easy availability of dota I have stopped playing it. I did it a few times already when I took breaks of dota, so I know it is effective.

                                                                                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                                          lol xd
                                                                                          just be a virgin natard like me


                                                                                            Why quit OP, you don't even play that much. From the outside I see no valid reason why she would want you to leave the game, unless there's something I'm missing.


                                                                                              shit on her face


                                                                                                Deny her


                                                                                                  can't deny unless she's below 25% hp and has DoT effect on her tho


                                                                                                    You are 3k with 44% wr, just quit

                                                                                                    Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

                                                                                                      use global silence

                                                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                                                        She doesn't hate dota, she just wants you to pay more attention to her. Dota is most likely not the problem. If you quit you'll probably still ignore her and just do something else.