General Discussion

General DiscussionEarthshaker questions

Earthshaker questions in General Discussion
yung griphook

    To all my ES players or knowledgeable peers, I've been playing ES lately and have some questions:

    1. Arcanes v. Tranqs + Soul Ring. Is there a situation which dictates when to go or not go for either? I've been going tranq's soul ring if I am behind or its a hard lane and arcanes if I am ahead. Is there a situation in which you would go brown boots > blink?

    2. Talents. lvl 10 plus str or plus mana? lvl 25 plus 600 health or totem cd? I have been going str almost every game, as I like the survivability, dmg, and scale factors of it. Does it depend on your role in the game? 600 health is a fuck ton but see a lot of people go totem cd. Is the health too much to pass up?

    3. Core items. I have seen blink as the universal first core item ,and for good reason. After blink though i where I sometimes struggle to itemize correctly. I usually go force after as it is also a very strong and safe item. Is this the play? When to go sb, silver edge, bloodthorne, Daedalus?

    Looking forward to see your responses


      1.Support = Arcane
      Offlane = Tranquil

      2.Str & Totem

      3.I usually build Dagger>Eul>Force>sb/shiva/lotus/octarine

      yung griphook

        is the assumption that your supports are building arcanes so you dont need to?


          blink sb, it just works, don't ask me why


            ^ That's a reason, also in the offlane you need the sustain provided by tranquils and soul ring. I like getting mana at lvl 10 instead of strenght and I usually go for the 2 sec cd on totem since by that time I'll be enough tanky to not need the 600 health, plus I will have stun every 2 sec and tons of physical dmg from totem. You go silver edge when there's someone with an annoying passive in the enemy team, like a PA, an Enchantress or a Bristleback. Generally speaking I think force staff is still the safest option. Bloodthorn and daedalus are viable if your team is stomping and you're so far ahead that you can afford to go full retard with all that dmg, but don't get them if it's a close match or you're playing serious, there are more useful items that can be purchased. Unless you're going ES carry of course.



              Cheap Laugh Guy

                Tranq+Soul Ring is usually for roaming support ES because cheap components. If game goes well you can get Arcane for the team, but both really don't differ much, except you can't regen HP with Arcane.
                Offlane can have Treads+Soul Ring I never understand why

                Talent is almost always +10 STR as you will have no mana issue after those items
                Never reached lvl 25 as ES :/ Both talents don't seem game changing so it doesn't matter. I like getting Fissure range tho, feels like having a loooooooong dick.

                👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                  Is keeping a brown boots for a while really that bad? Just saying, I feel like upgrading boots at the earliest opportunity possible is sometimes overrated, you can get out with brown boots soul ring

                  And itemizations, im a big fan of positioning and mobility, as much positioning as possible, being able to apply pressure constantly

                  So force stuff is my immediately choice, and if you have farm after that, maybe take a look at euls and shadow blade, situationaly aghs if for some reason you come to that point

                  And of course completing the team's need, if there's a need to purge mauve consider lotus for example