General Discussion

General Discussionplease take a glance at this game

please take a glance at this game in General Discussion

    I killed sven like 3 times in the laning phase and thought everything is fine. However, our mid got destroyed and carry didnt have anything despite 5 deaths of the enemy offlaner. I dont like to blame others in losses. Can anyone told me what I could ve done to win this? In terms of pick/items/strategy. I wanted to go radiance but wd forced me to go pipe, maybe it was a subpar decision here?

    Im just not skilled enough to see what I have done wrong here.


      The problem is you created an advantage but then did nothing with it, so your advantage dissipated.

      what you want to do is keep building up advantage as much as possible by farming and taking towers.


        i dont think getting midas on 2 cores with an invoker will workout well in pubs.

        you an offlaner, you're supposed to create space not run around with midas to farm creeps.

        abaddon is too greedy


          Game didnt look lost when I got it
          midas is very good on abaddon due to his lvl 10 talent


          I failed cos team decided to fight vs fed viper with no-scepter-invoker instead of ganking sven


            32 minute, your items are shit, the difference from your teammates is that you didint feed, but nothing else


              ok its all your teams fault you couldnt have done anything to win the game

              see you in low 3k soon

              Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

                @SUNBRO abaddon is generally played slightly different to other offlaners, he's more of a semicarry and does well with farm and getting a midas with his XP talent leads to a fast level 25 which is the stage where he is very hard to kill

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  You have Injoker in your team

                  Potato Marshal

                    Your team did a grand total of 64 building damage.


                      Well we didnt win a single teamfight to push

                      and creeps did all the job bottom t1, while I was fighting sven-naga

                      chicken spook,,,,

                        abaddon is generally played slightly different to other offlaners, he's more of a semicarry and does well with farm and getting a midas with his XP talent leads to a fast level 25 which is the stage where he is very hard to kill

                        Lmao abba is different that other offlaners because he's gonna knock on your tier 2 towers at min 13 instead of trying to get dagger, but at the cost of initiation capability
                        Just because he can buy radiance and do well in the lategame with it doesn't mean he can't do shit early

                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                          no shit, didnt know how abbaddon is played

                          still too greedy

                          when you have an invoker on your team, and the enemy team has veno, sven and viper, you know they will run down your towers at minute 15.

                          maybe then you shouldnt get midas, yoi can buy all kinds of items on aba, even a mek is good.

                          midas does jackshit for you in this game