General Discussion

General DiscussionRoles vs. Positions

Roles vs. Positions in General Discussion
Story Time

    I find that this topic has not been well-understood, but roles do not equal positions. While positions imply the priority in farming and partially coincide with suporting/core roles, the bigger category of roles imply is a more flexible concept than that. Pos 1 and pos 3 for example can be both initiators, and pos 5 can provide utility in some cases, as well as pos 1.

    What do u think?


      pos 1 initiator wut

      Dire Wolf

        Uhhh so you have a position 1 axe? I guess DK or WK could be your 1 and jump in first.

        Roles are hero and lineup specific.


          I used to play sf initiator safelane, same as pa initiator safelane etc etc

          one syllable anglo-saxon

            blinking into 5 people and dying isnt initation benao



              That you got no balls or skills to pull it off is something else entirely

              Story Time

                e.g. Void can be both pos 1 and intiator

                PA should be a bad initator i suppose, but good luck with that :D

                The thing is that lots of low mmr players just confuse the roles and have no idea about team compositions, as they do not imagine how a team fight should proceed (in what stages). And maybe discussing it a bit here will help

                meteor hammer

                  voids better on counterinit than initiation imo, although he does both rly well

                  wk is a good example of braindead "jump someone 1v5 hero, pop blademail and MJ lul" pos1 hero


                    I saw a bsj talk about a game where he had np offlane, lich and riki support, can't remember the mid.
                    He was saying they have no way to start the fight so he picked sven.

                    Dire Wolf

                      I feel like sven starting fights is wasteful though, enemy scatters and kites you, only works if they are clumped enough you can stun a few (ie they are stupid). Sven is tanky enough to do it though I guess, use np for the right click in that situation, but sven works better with another initiator to clump people like axe, dark seer, magnus.


                        Back from the meta long ago
                        1-safelane carry, lategame DPS, midgame split pusher
                        2-midlane, tempo controller, midgame dmg dealer
                        3-offlane, initiator
                        4-roaming support/jungle support, utility items, counter initiator
                        5-lane support, support items, healer/saver
                        It used to be so set in stone that these were the game plans. Not anymore obviously.


                          No, they were never like that. Just scrubs that thought it meant that


                            anything can work


                              on a side note can we request a ban for benao

                              only few days of seeing his name popup and i got fever irl


                                I play pos 3 mostly. flexible heroes who can itemize according to their role are the most successful right now. For example dk can go pipe first as tank and blink as initiator. Seems to be really important as 3/4 right now. Bad example is legion who always goes for items enabling duel, same build 90% of games. ,might still work in some games tho.

                                Watching black stream (7.8k), I see him playing void pos 1 in different roles depending on his mid. Damage or setup. This shit is important, even from 2.7k perspective

                                Dire Wolf

                                  Offlane doesn’t mean initiator automatically but many offlaners have good initiation abilities or counter init ones like sand king and void. Really initiator is kind of a misnomer cus any hero can start the fight that has say a gap closer and a disable or whatever that’s why PA can be the first one in. Blink strike in and pop bkb and that’s the start of your fight. Really counter initiation or stopping theirs is almost more important. For every axe that jumps your support it’s almost way worse when you’re in the middle of a team fight and axe jumps 2-3 of you and turns it.

                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                    pos 1 initiator wut

                                    proof that you don't need to understand dota to reach 5k lads


                                      Initiators that r 1's is just 1 example, of which there r shit like Sven, wk, void, maybe even bloodseeker

                                      But the point can also be made for things like splitpushers that r 4's, like jakiro, maybe pugna and kotl, io to some extent.
                                      Or another example is roaming pos 5, for example if u have kotl who is pos 4 then ur pos 5 can roam.

                                      I think.


                                        So the "role" a hero plays is tied to its abilities. And of course the position you play the hero depends on how the hero works optimally. If you have a stun and like to get blink like sven you could fill the initiation role. Or if you're void you could as well cuz of timewalk chrono. And both can be played optimally in pos 1.

                                        So Yea I Guess a pos 1 who is ur only blink stun on the team may initiate if there's no one else on the team to do it.