General Discussion

General DiscussionCan I reach 3.5-4 k on this acc?

Can I reach 3.5-4 k on this acc? in General Discussion

    Can I reach 3.5-4 k on this acc?


      Yeah but u need to be good first which u aren't because u are 1.9k.


        Opening Boosters Service
        1k-2999 mmr : 200 MMR = 20$
        3k-4k mmr : 200 mmr = 40$

        Promotion Boosting Day
        1k to 2k : 1 arcana
        2k to 3k : 1 arcana and 20$
        3k to 4k : 2 arcana and 20 $

        PM ME FOLKS


          @H^ : any tips..? like heroes i should play or things i shud do..?

          kädili somsa

            ofc u can i was once 1.3k mmr. i am not a good player but i raised my mmr


              opening boosting service
              0 to 3k mmr : 201 mmr = 19.99 $
              3k to 4k mmr : 201 mmr = 39.99 $

              Promotion Boosting Day
              1k to 2k : 0.99 arcana
              2k to 3k : 0.99 arcana and 19.99 $
              3k to 4k : 1.99 arcana and 19.99 $

              Don't pm me you fucks, all requests must be in the form of a direct reply to this comment, and a review on for customer satisfaction & security.

              Questo commento è stato modificato

                Spam arc warden 😂


                  aw too tough... can't play multi unit heroes... :(


                    Of course you could, why not. But it's gonna be a long road. Just don't play AM in ranked for the love of god, you don't have the best winrate and stats with him. You have good winrate with other hard carries tho, like Luna, Alchemist, Sven, WK and Spectre. Just stick to 4-5 heroes max and spam them. Since it seems you like to play carries and are successful with them learn how to farm more efficiently, when to join fights and when to avoid the unnecessary ones, especially early/mid game. Also focus on understanding what items to get in a specific game and why, expand your knowledge about carries' builds and learn to draft. It's hard to give tips without knowing anything about how you play but you can watch Pvgna on youtube and learn more about any role and the basics of the game.

                    And I just got the second fucking abandon within 3 hours 'cause I didn't see I had to pick while I was busy writing this fucking reply. Now that my behavior score had just gone from D to C, nice low priority. You'd better reach fucking 8k now, fucking good fucking luck with your fucking climb man.

                    Questo commento è stato modificato
                    Friendly player

                      Or u can play heroes that has amazing impact in 1k like clockwerk or venocancer.


                        @Hidden : ty for the response man... i m thinking of spamming wk kinda... op at 2k... n all the best with lp... :)


                          @friendly : with such heroes i cant tk twr.. if no push team game becomes so frustratin i feel like deletin dota... no push teams are a lot at 2k... :-|


                            if u like pushing carrier style try Lycan or AM


                              @maia : m horribl with am.. lycan might play tho...


                                I'll boost you if you want, for free.


                                  find a role that you are most comfortable with and be good at it

                                  but what do I know I'm just a 2k player :/


                                    Wtf? There's a service now for boosting MMR here in dotabuff? Wth? That's why they're so many cancers in my bracket -.-


                                      I'll kill you all

                                      Rax et

                                        how could i climb to upper bracket, im still at calibrating mmr but it wont go up


                                          1k-2999 mmr : 200 MMR = 20$
                                          3k-4k mmr : 200 mmr = 40$

                                          Promotion Boosting Day
                                          1k to 2k : 1 arcana
                                          2k to 3k : 1 arcana and 20$
                                          3k to 4k : 2 arcana and 20 $

                                          ALL PRICE ABOVE DISCOUNT 50%
                                          PM ME FASTER ONLY 10 PPL


                                            @Kalim'dor eh thanks man :D I end up in lp for being either too toxic or too altruistic, how ironic.
                                            Anyway, if no one in 2k pushes and games always go for the ultra late game you're lucky since you like to play hard carries. Just adapt to the teams you get and play accordingly.
                                            1) learn to split push and have map awareness (keep an eye on the map constantly, check who's missing, where they could be, what they could be doing), and/or 2) afk farm to outcarry everyone and join in fights only when necessary.


                                              I don't understand boosting, besides the fact that you're basically cheating, you don't deserve the MMR and will likely fall back to where you were, so whats the point?


                                                @ender : can u play party with me..? i dont want free mmr without doin nethn... may b we cud team up n i cud get some party mmr....


                                                  @hidden : ya.. dats y i play carries.. m more in control of takin objctvs.. hvn a nice time with wk.. last 10 wk games victory.. :D


                                                    sure i did it, why cant you?


                                                      I see that you are a SEA player.I am a SEA player too.from what i can tell you most of 2k players dont know creep agro.Just learn how to creep agro and you will get surprisingly high amount of farm.while others in this bracket have like 30cs in 10 min you will be having 60 or more cs.from that laning stage advantage you can easily snowball the game and win within 30 min. Most of my ranked games finish within 30-35 min. And the games where opponent has 5 carries is easy win


                                                        there is no difference what acc you use


                                                          Sorry to say but no bro, better create a new account.


                                                            @fernando : ok.. will try..


                                                              @laughing : i think i can reach 3k if i stick to my cores... but beyond 3k i nvr played... so idk.. n ya getting high is hard in this trench...