General Discussion

General DiscussionDiscussion about how your play style, strengths and weaknesses as a p...

Discussion about how your play style, strengths and weaknesses as a player dictate heroes you should play in General Discussion

    Take a look at your TOP heroes. What do heroes you excel on tell you about how you play Dota?
    What does it say about you as a player? What weakness do those heroes compensate for?

    So what I've realised is I like playing safelane heroes like ursa troll weaver and do well on them.

    From my own observation why I have so much success with these heroes is because

    I can easily dominate my lane with them and snowball. In other words I tend to win more by staying ahead of my enemies in mid game.

    While I know some other players may be comfortable with playing from behind and farming up and coming online later, I absolutely cannot do that and find myself making bad decisions over and over in such scenarios.

    Hence this compensates for my weakness at more farming style weak safelaners who don't fight much mid game (AM, spectre) and stay ahead by farming. So when I play those heroes I tend to do worse. (I tend to have Low farm on Sven even though he can farm well because I use him to fight. Also have bad kda on Sven because I probably play him suboptimally, and he is still slightly item dependent)

    2) lane dominators don't need baby sitters - I prefer to be left alone in lane and have solo xp and farm for 10 mins while chaos happens elsewhere on the map. I don't like to be part of the fights In first 10 mins because I'm absolutely horrible at understandind early game movements when all towers are still up. So what happens when I play a weak later is I tend to get ganked and die at least 3 times in laning phase. I'm usually so focused on last hits in first 10 mins I don't know what's going on in.

    Looking at other TOP heroes that I struggle more with like drow am spectre pa are all weaker laners and I have poor kda with them (all kinda squishy as well). Usually I don't recover from the laning stage.

    Dying happens less with my TOP heroes just because of the type of heroes they are (ursa, weaver, troll, sven) not the complete easiest to gank.

    3) They also tend to be heroes that can take roshan easily. I've realised that I often rely heavily on having aegis before being comfortable to take objectives (im usually the one calling for rosh in all my games). I'm surprised people don't see the importance of aegis, or maybe they don't need it as much as I do to win games. This highlights my weakness to find other opportunities to take objectives.

    4) in and out heroes. With high kill/burst potential.

    That's the kind of style I like to play. I play ursa troll sven with blink 99% of the time. Weaver can achieve the same with his skill. They are heroes that like jump in and kill weak heroes in a short window and get out. They have a small window where they can maintain survivability before thy get kited or get caught overextended and die. They also tend to be bkb heroes because I just like to jump people I see in fIghts. Killing them quickly with bkb ensures that I don't have to think too much about what to do in teamfights as I'm usually very bad at understanding what happens in team fights. I also don't know how else to progress a game if I'm not finding someone and blowing them up.

    So I realise that's probably why I don't like playing certain supports and I always get the feeling of impatience waitin for stuff to happen. Tend to have Low kda on supports as well.

    I've tried initiator style heroes thinking it might fit my play style (like axe slardar) but of course there are other factors that affect performance like playing in offlane. Also I realised I tend to be hasty with my initiation. As soon as I see an opportunity I would go, although no follow up is possible because I'm so used to be able to kill ppl myself.

    In summary, I've realised that I may be a momentum based player. I need heroes that can 5 man and win fights with a team. The result is the games end with the team doing well as a whole and not just a 1 v 9 scenario with only me TOP of net worth solo carrying. Hence I Tend to do poorly in late game scenarios with solo split push tower hitters (see Low kda on am. I also have more success with deathball drow than farm late game carry split push drow). I'm sure there are a lot of ppl here that think if u play carry you need high kda high gpm high farm and you wonder why every game is 1v9. I mean, the hero u play and the play style you gravitate to matters a lot.




        I was about to brag about my most played hero jungle LC 2k-playstyle and then I realized this post is so long it's longer than my penis.


          Im sure everybody knows my playstyle from just opening my profile


            random a hero and splitpush with it


              Afk farming is my life

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                I love getting kills as support


                  I hit creeps like a retard and sometimes hit buildings/heroes.


                    So guys, does your play style dictate the type of heros you are good at??

                    Good if u mention your best heroes. I'm guessing afk Farmers like to play anti Mage


                      But I'd like to hear about ppl who don't play carry.


                        I like play making
                        Active roles
                        Axe, ember spirit, void, od

                        Président® Salted Butter

                          I play roamers like bh, riki or pudge because I like playing agressively AND tilting the enemy mid. There's also the occasional winter wyvern, dazzle and oracle who are strong at all stages of the game, can be either snowball or be played from behind. I just find it strange that for some reason my nightstalker, spiritbreaker and lich can't do jack shit even in this patch where they are considered op. I am SHIT at playing carries, period.


                            I like to outplay and outlane my opponents in game
                            which is why I like going mid or offlane


                              I like to play the Lone Druid role and it says I am filthy Lone Druid picker.


                                i destroy the enemy ancient


                                  My top heroes say that i have skillz that killz


                                    I either start a fight or let my team start and I'll sneak in later on.

                                    王 1 VS WRLD 雨

                                      I guess you should increase your hero pool in case you want to become better.4 heroes for your main role is not enough.As far as I am concerned, I prefer playing heroes that usually need help at the laning stage(at least for a few minutes).Still have to manage safelane 1vs1 sometimes(no satisfaction even in case of success and game won,just for sweet poins and self improvement).Of course you dont need to get better to get fun from the game


                                        I guess I'm ok at keeping my team alive.


                                          i have 2k mentality when i get power treads im ready to fight.


                                            So guys, does your play style dictate the type of heros you are good at??
                                            agree with u Diox, the way you like to play will for sure dictate your best heroes/role.

                                            I used to like offlane a lot, since i could have early impact on the game, making a lot of mess and participating in all the fights (i hate to stay away in a farming simulator). In this meta i also saw myself playing a lot of roaming, since i had the same feeling that i was impacting all the lanes. The consequence is that my early mid game is usually better than my late, sometimes i struggle to position by that time of the game.

                                            Zaza 位置一

                                              I like roaming with Terrorblade.


                                                I like feeding 1000 gold with no streak to enemy

                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                  My playstyle is feed relentlessly
                                                  I am good at feeding efficiently
                                                  My weakness is that I sometimes feed less than usual


                                                    I got no idea, my friend told me to play my top 3 heros. I guess i like necro because he can easily win his lane without you as a player being that good.

                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                                      Seriously tho

                                                      I can lead my team
                                                      I press buttons properly

                                                      I suck at laning, stacking, and pulling

                                                      Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                        Axe, Undying, Pudge, Nightstalker, Timbersaw and Slardar are among my most played heroes and I think it's pretty clear what I'm good at and what my play style is. I like heroes who are heavily active on the map, who can tank all the damage in the world and most of them are good initiatiors. I have the instinct to know when it's best to go in and who to focus. Invoker as 2nd most played hero with a 44% winrate, on the other hand, shows I'm absolutely incapable of farming efficiently and trash with greedy heroes 'cause I'm too used to go around the map all game long looking for kills and setting up fights. Even tho I improved my farming abilities my let's-fucking-fight nature will always prevail.


                                                          Splitpush dota best dota

                                                          mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                            I like having to commit less and gaining more, which is why I gravitated to tinker, rat luna and more recently arc. The alch is just my occasional side who likes to go gung ho on a perceived weak fighting hero(he is now, but he WAS strong as a manfighter before).


                                                              Very strategically Team heroes that man up and pewpewpew the enemy


                                                                I usually prefer hero’s that are strong late game because I hate having a timer in my head that I know we gotta win by , I usually end up making mistakes then trying to rush it .

                                                                Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                                  i play carries... I feel you cant have consistent win rate with other roles... 2k SEA/India/Dubai for me...


                                                                    Im not sure but my top heroes are more or less r the surprise/initiate/counter initiate type heroes that needs a follow up from teammates to be effective. which is really hard to get in >4.2k in SEA. can probably solo kill but now its rarely youll find a lone player in sea. unless split pushing heroes.

                                                                    I also had this issue that i farm fast early but fall mid to late because 1-2 core item i focus somehow on teamfight and my hero really , barely getting the objective coz somehow team lower bracket doesnt not like to take down tower unless full to half hp left.

                                                                    Mode : TOPSON

                                                                      Ganker and teamfight domination. Didnt like defensif e supp or right click carry

                                                                      lone dog

                                                                        I only play mid because valve sends pre-generated teams to my games specifically designed for maximum back holding.