General Discussion

General DiscussionHow much money have you spent buying glittery objects in dota 2?

How much money have you spent buying glittery objects in dota 2? in General Discussion

    I wanted the masked necrophos look, but apparently you have to pay like $5 for it so I was like yea no.

    Do people seriously buy this stuff?

    It's like Diablo III when it first came out, and you could buy items with real money. I actually sold a sword once for $250 and thanked the idiot who bought it. Then about a year later Blizzard released a new patch that closed the real money auction house, and all the items and real money that people poured into the game were suddenly worth zilch.

    It's bad enough that we waste time playing, but to think some even spend their hard earned money on glittering e-crap.

    But I guess everyone's got a thing. Some do drugs, some spend $200 for intangible golden pixels.

    How much money have you spent in Dota 2?

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      i used spend a bunch around 2014, but the last year or two i only buy the battle passes

      Dire Wolf

        sometimes stuff on the market is really cheap like I got the dragon knights ascension set for under $3. It's not much money to me, I probably spend like $10 a year on dota stuff outside of compendiums.

        1st class tourist

          Like 2k$


            I only really spend on battle passes. Spent a few bucks here and there on sets and taunts for heroes that I play more often lol, but wouldn't spend above a couple of dollars on a single item.

            mosquito net on my feet



                every year compendium and something like 30$ since i started:

                Spent a few bucks here and there on sets and taunts for heroes that I play more often lol, but wouldn't spend above a couple of dollars on a single item.

                also, i resell some of the items and buy new ones whenever i want on community market

                Questo commento è stato modificato

                  probably around 500

                  Giff me Wingman

                    yoshi, u need a life dood :'D


                      yup, since mine is shitty, I'd like to have a new one..


                        When you grow up a little and have disposable income you'll be free to spend it on whatever makes you happy and for a lot of people that means dota. Whats $5 for a cool hat for a hero I like? thats like a coffee in the morning lol. I own two arcanas and dark artistry and also buy every battle pass and don't regret any of the money ive spent in this game because it doesn't affect me financially whatsoever, makes me happy and is "fun". Its no different then spending 50 bucks for any other form of entertainment randomly some night out.

                        Questo commento è stato modificato

                          I like to spend in dota becuase the game itself is complete. What you are buying are pure cosmetics, not like league of legends where you can basically buy your way to game items etc...


                            $40 cm arcana and a few miscellaneous


                              "Like 2k$"

                              what the f*ck? dude for 2k you could buy the new Macbook Pro, or a fine ass Dell XPS 15.


                                I mean yea spending 5 bucks here and there is fine who cares.

                                But I gather some spend hundreds (and thousands) for these cosmetics.

                                1st class tourist

                                  Ye spent that over the course of 3 yrs


                                    $40 cm arcana
                                    now thats what i call waste of money

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      I'll bet a lot of these kids making fun of people buying $5 treasures go into gas stations and buy $4 red bulls and chips and eat lunch at jimmy johns/firehouse/whatever dropping $10 on lunch every day.

                                      Tbh if I didn't have kids I would probably build a $2000 super computer, spend hundreds on dota and own every console there is with games to boot. Kids are so expensive.



                                        as a person previously involved in drugs of various volume im not even regretting to have spent over 200eu on hats.


                                          It could be worse...

                                          Questo commento è stato modificato
                                          Story Time

                                            0 $ because i am not a kid


                                              1st class tourist

                                                I dont think kids spent money on games either.

                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                  about $30


                                                    fml... too much, too fucking much

                                                    and that's not even counting the market... >.<

                                                    thank god valve turned everything to shit and the only thing i've bought the last year or so has been the TI compendium and packs

                                                    Questo commento è stato modificato

                                                      I don't understand where u even put that kinda money in this game 1000$, 2000$ rofl, I mean I've spent ~260 and I have pretty much every arcana n shit


                                                        Idk either.. But it's subsided now thankfully. Dota just doesn't bring me the joy it once did, reddit/volvo psycos and others have really made dota decline, not to mention the market nerfs, greedy crates system and compendium shit
                                                        I only buy TI stuff now, I used to buy and watch almost every tournament back then

                                                        Questo commento è stato modificato
                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          how do you even buy that much? Do you just buy a ton of every treasure going for rares?


                                                            Dang I probs spend about 40 bucks a year on dota , but if you count dota buff plus it’s more like 100 bucks .


                                                              $10 dollar for ti bp and add friend feature.
                                                              never spent for ti again


                                                                $96.92 USD and i got arcana for free on dota2bingo with only 2 dollars invest and i played the arcana(Crystal Maiden) then i got bored and i sold that and i bought other skins for heroes i play and i go in circle like that.. if i spam SB now im getting the best skin for him and his immortal and when i get bored im selling that because i wont play SB anymore and lets say i want to spam next Lion and i will get Lion immortals and thats it.. whats the point of having items for every hero and you play only 4?

                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                  whats the point of having items for every hero and you play only 4?

                                                                  Damn right, this is why I have 7 Sven sets. Now, a good question would be, what's the point of having multiple sets when I only use one (well, a combination that uses 5 sets, to be more precise, but still).


                                                                    I am looking for two DK sets that's not marketable. Are you interested in trading with me?




                                                                      ok but Sven have so many nice skins and you can combine them with the newest weapon immortal and Sven would look amazing ^_^ for example SB have just 1 good set and the others are trash so thats why i have 1 SB set




                                                                          in total I think I've spent probably 40 bucks to date. I spent it mostly on those charms and one TI comped. The charms were moderately addicting at a time. Now I would only buy one or two things. One being that super cool phenoix skin.

                                                                          mostly the cosmetics now are so stupid and over the top , I couldnt care to ever spend money on it.

                                                                          The veno taunt is the best 0.33 cents I've spent in this game. DRop dem banana's !!!


                                                                            Do I have a problem if I spent more than 250$ on multiple accounts?

                                                                            I kinda feel safe because benao spent far more money than I did even combining it :D


                                                                              Well I might have a problem considering I don't even want to play dota anymore, lets see what the next battle pass brings with itself

                                                                              Kenny Dope

                                                                                I bought 3 battle passes


                                                                                  I spent 0 on dota, thats why they put me in hidden pool


                                                                                    I've paid for all battle passes and compendiums available since TI5. I've made my money back through skin trading and selling, even have a little profit, so i dont mind

                                                                                    road to divine

                                                                                      0 €. But i'm not concerned with kids paying for their favourite arcanas. If they want to spend money on their hobby or if they have too much money, let them buy those things. For me its worthless. Probably cause i play dota since wc3


                                                                                        Couple of dollars here and there for Dota 2 but lots of money and time for Dota 1 in my years of childhood for netcafe playing LAN with friends 5v5 sitting next to each other, now those were the best days of Dota..!


                                                                                          Prob about 120$.
                                                                                          I don’t play Dota like I used to and sold my inventory and only got about 60 back xd