General Discussion

General DiscussionMatchmaking issue, help bliz

Matchmaking issue, help bliz in General Discussion

    Hey guys, so basically when I qeue and click accept, everything goes fine until I am supposed to load into the picking phase itself. The game tells me it can not estabilish connection to the servers and kicks me out as if I have left the game(24hour ban lul)...and that would all be understandable unless my ping was like 20-30 on EU west/east where I search for the game. I reinstalled the game, it didnt help ...anyone who has experienced the same or similar issue and solved it out?

    Thanks boys


      It happened to me too and I actually thought it was my connection since it's always pretty trash. But when it happened I had 60-70 ping and was supposed to have no problem. I think Volvo's server fucked up. Never dodged more than one game per time due to this problem tho. Try to contact the support maybe, Idk.

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        I had this problem using a public WiFi
        But none when using home WiFi


          I figured it out. Happened to me the last 4 months or so. Check the task management, you'll see how your memory is almost used up. Just close chrome and shit, even spotify etc etc until you have at least 1.5gigas free(it uses around 1g i think but to be safe 1.5). Then start dota etc etc, youi should have no problem. If you have too little of it, get more RAM for your computer


            ^Can confirm, happened last game again, I remembered about this answer and closed Firefox. Problem solved.


              Yup, it was the ram ...thanks boys :). Didnt believe Id have to worry about ram issues when theres 16GB of it but alright :D


                I had this problem using a public WiFi
                But none when using home WiFi